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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
First vs Third perspective
 Students will be able to identify the difference between first and third person by

completely his/her own story in first person and reading from a someone else’s point of


 Students will be able to distinguish the point of view from a character talking or a

narrator by choosing different options of writings.

State Standards:

 Standard 11: Analyze and provide evidence of how the author’s choice of point of view,

perspective, and purpose shape content, meaning, and style.

o 11.1 Explain the differences between first and third person points of view.

o 11.2 Compare and contrast the reader’s point of view to that of the narrator or a


Context: It is a standard in 3rd grade to know the author’s choice of point of view, perspective

and purpose shape content, meaning, and style. It allows for the student’s to have a better

understanding of what they are reading and how to better interpret it as well. The lesson prior to

Standard 11 is Standard 10: Apply a range of strategies to determine and deepen the meaning of

known, unknown, and multiple-meaning words, phrases, and jargon; acquire and use general

academic and domain-specific vocabulary. Which will allow the student’s to bring knowledge of

paragraph context to understanding the meaning of words and phrases along with connecting
vocabulary for more clear understanding on the context. The lesson after is Standard 12:

Analyze and critique how the author uses structures in print and multimedia texts to shape

meaning and impact the reader. With the knowledge of a author’s point of view or perspective it

will set the student’s up to be able to identify text structures of the different genres using the

context of the story.

Data: The student’s will be grouped based on reading level and comprehension so that when the
student’s rotate they will all be able to be on the same page without feeling overwhelmed or
behind. The groups will be based off the break out reading groups that we complete every week.
If student’s show progression and understanding then groups will be mixed up and moved
around for a more challenging experience.

Seated desk computers Using Word; to write and create their own personal story
from their point of view
Matching Card Game with white The student’s will play in groups together
board and markers.( first vs third
person point of view)
SMART whiteboard
Closure handout and pencil

Introduction (10 minutes): I will begin by recapping on the previous lesson on how we

took sentences and words and tried to understand the authors purpose of the paragraph. Then we

will go over examples of how an author talks and the difference between first and third person

point of view. We will do real time examples and ask questions to make sure the student’s do not

have any questions. Then I will split them up into groups according to which group starts

where(the lower level reading group will start with me.)

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): When the student’s rotate to me we will begin the with

SMART whiteboard lesson (

42bb-b85f-1421f810ff35) and read the prompts together. We will then discuss the meaning of

the paragraph and distinguish which point of view the author is talking in. After doing a few of

the lessons as the group, the student’s will take turns answering them one on one and their peer,

with my guidance, will tell them collectively if they are wrong or not. I will ask the students for

a thumbs up or thumbs down for their opinion. If they disagree, I will ask why, we will discuss

whether or not he/she is correct and then move on to the next question.

Collaborative (15 minutes): During this section the students will have flash cards with

sentences and then on the back they will have the answer “first” or “third” to be able to compare

their answers. The answers should be written on the whiteboard so that they may tally up to see

how many they got right and how many they got wrong at the end. They will take the slips and

hand them in at the end during closure so I can see their group results. This is for me to ensure

they grasp the information and if not I will give added help. They will take turns being the

reader to make sure everyone gets a chance to have vocal readings.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): The computers will already have Microsoft Word

pulled up so that each student may begin his/her writing. They may choose any topic that they

wish it just has to include an animal, a person, and place of their choice. The students have

creative reign so that they may find their own voice and style yet still completely the task of the

lesson. Later on, we will sit one on one and make sure that the story is covering the appropriate
material and the correct perspective. The students will later present these to the class and this

will attach to another lesson later down the road.

Closure (15 minutes): After the finial timer, the students will return to their seats and

wait for further instruction. We will begin with any questions they may have from today’s

rotation. The students will turn in their tallied answers from their collaborative group on the exit

slip sheet of paper. The exit slip consist of each student writing one sentence in third person and

one in first. Then they will pass their exit slip to the person next to them and they will change

their first person sentence to a third and vice versa. After this 15 minutes is up all the student’s

will pass the exit slip in for completion.

 Seated Desktop Computer(word): I chose this piece of multimedia so that the students

could practice their online writing skills and typing skills with a computer. They will

learn how to piece together a story using the computer instead of a pad and pencil. This

supports the learning in the standard and objectives because the students are learning to

think as the author to create a story from their perspective. I know it is of high quality

because it touches all the bases of creative writing, point of view, content and style.

 SMART Whiteboard: I chose the piece of media to be able to work with the students in

our teacher directed section so that we can talk the why and how if there are any

questions. It is interactive provides multiple examples for the perspective and the point

of view. The lesson provides questions about the author and the content while being able
to visually see and answer the questions. It allows students to really diagnose the

paragraphs to really understand the meaning, context, and style that the author is trying to

convey. It aligns perfectly with the standards of the lesson.

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