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Retail Location Strategy readings

Some readings to consider. Some are more technical, others more managerial.

Clarkson, R. M., Clarke-Hill, C. M., & Robinson, T. (1996). UK supermarket location assessment.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 24(6), 22-33.

Ghosh, A., & Craig, C. (1983). Formulating Retail Location Strategy in a Changing Environment.
Journal of Marketing, 47(3), 56.

Hall.J.(2012).Urban Site Selection with High Definition. Retail Property Insights,19(3),72-75

Hernandez, T. (2007). Enhancing retail location decision support: The development and
application of geovisualization. Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, 144, 249–258.

Hernandez, T., & Bennison, D. (2000). The art and science of retail location decisions.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28(8), 357–367.

Hernández, T. & Biasiotto, M. (2001). Retail location decision-making and store portfolio
management. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 24(3), 399-418.

Houston, F. S., & Stanton, J. (1984). Evaluating Retail Trade Areas for convenience Stores.
Journal of Retailing, 60(1), 124.

Jaravaza, D.S., & Chitando, P. (2013). The Role of store location in influencing customers’ store
choice. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Science, 4(3), 302-307.

Léo, P. Y., & Philippe, J. (2002). Retail Centres: Location and Consumer's Satisfaction. Service
Industries Journal, 22(1), 122-146.

Mendes, A.B., & Themido, I.H. (2004). Multi-outlet retail site location assessment. International
Transactions in Operational Research, 11(1), 1–18.

Pearson, J. K. (2007). A Comparative Business Site-Location Feasibility Analysis using

Geographic Information Systems and the Gravity Model. Minneapolis: Department of Resource
Analysis, University of Minnesota

Pope, J., Lane, W.R., & Stein, J. (2012). A Multiple-Attribute Decision Model for Retail Store
Location. Southern Business Review, 37, 15.

Reynolds, J., & Wood, S. (2010). Location decision-making in retail firms: Evolution and
challenge. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38(11/12), 828–845.

Wood, S. & Reynolds, J. (2013) Knowledge management, organisational learning and memory in
UK retail network planning, The Service Industries Journal, 33(2), 150-170

Wood, S., & Tasker, A. (2008). The importance of context in store forecasting: The site visit in
retail location decision-making. Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing,
16(2), 139-155.

Last modified: Sunday, 27 March 2016, 2:25 AM

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