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)8_H Natlon The Daily Journal Page 3

Hernandez G. at petroleum forum

Private firms seeking to invest

in oil industry will have to wait
By Psyche Pascual (PDVSA), the state-run oil Private firms are particu-
Daily Journal Staff company. 1a r l y interested in
''The domestic petroleum geophysica l exploration and
Private businesses calling industry must be conceived as drilling, two areas which can
for more opportunities to a single unit in which the be strengthened and de-
invest in Venezue la's pet- private and state sectors are veloped by private firms,
roleum industry will have to wed," said Erwin Arrieta Romero Nava said.
wait until the next adminis- Valera, secretary genera l of Other representatives of
tration for change, Energy the petro leum chamber. the minerals industry also
and Mines Minister Arturo Private companies already called for a clear-cut law that
Hernandez Grisanti said play a large role in the in- outlines areas of business ac-
Wednesday. dustry, supplying a lion's tivities between government
The energy minister, share of goods and services to and private ventures.
speaking to a group of oil PDVSA's subsidiaries, said Amador Hernandez, presi-
officials at the Venezuelan Edgar Romero Nava, presi- dent of the Metallurgy and
Petroleum Chamber's 10th dent of the petroleum Mining Industries Associa-
anniversary forum, asked for chamber. tion (AIMM), called the laws
patience from private oil An estimated 88 percent of governing domestic interests
companies calling for a engineering contracts and 97 in nationalized industries "in-
change in the state's percent of construction con- compatible.''
hydrocarbon law, which re- tracts will be granted to "We need to consolidate RAFAEL TUDELA: Venezuelan consulates and em-
serves the nation's oil in- private industries in 1988 and intensify the interaction bassies are 'outright discriminatory.' (DJ file photo)
dustry . to government -run alone, according to figures between the public and
Although a six-year-old
Romero Nava compiled.
"We in the Venezuelan
private sectors," Hernandez
Tudela says gov't hindering
proposal currently before the
government deserves atten-
Petroleum Chamber believe
that there already exists a
However, changes will not
be made soon, Hernandez
private off shore expansion
tion from members of Con-
. ..
Arturo Hernandez Grisanti possible participation of the Grisanti said. By Daily Journal Staff companies are receiving
I gress, "times like the present domestic private sector in "We respect this Prominent businessman "excessive and unsuita-
are not the most opportune Petroleum: the 21st Cen- areas that are capital and criticism," the energy minis- and oil expert Rafael ble" government support
for an exhaustive study of tury" forum said they wanted techno logy-intensive, (and) ter said. "The state can't Tudela urged the gov- such as that which is fuel-
this nature," Hernandez reforms which would allow which require criteria much always agree with the plans ernment Wednesday to ing the aluminum in-
Grisanti said. domestic companies to invest more flexible on the part of of the petroleum chamber, reverse an obstructionist dustry.
Chamber officials who in companies run by Pet- the state petroleum industry but there's always a will and a policy against the expan- The enormous invest-
spoke at the "Venezuela and roleos de Venezuela, S.A . ... " Romero Nava said. sensitivity to hear you." sion of private energy- ments in the aluminum
related Venezuelan con- and steel industries
CAP upbeat about future of petroleum industry cerns abroad and offer
them full support in their
export efforts.
totalling Bs.12 billion and
which produced a return
■ From Page 1 and heavy crude resources in on investment of Bs.400
Despitecriticismof Vene- domestic capital ... have great Tudela;who is also an millian, equivalentto 3.5
that the nation's current oil the Orinoco petroleum belt zuela's nationalized pet- possibilities in these chemical independent member of
will make Venezuela a strong roleum industry, it is going to activities in Venezuela," percent, are "not really
crisis and liquidity are re- the Chamber of Deputies profitable," Tudela said
lated, saying, "If we had not petroleum power, _ he said. hold a prominent place well Perez said. Energy Committee
"These are just not optimistic Because of the vital
nationalized petroleum, vve into the 21st century, be said. charged that most VVene- irnportance electricity
words, these are the realities Perez also downplayed
would have gone through But it is going to need large charges leveled by Social zuelan consulates and em plays in the production of
more difficult times .... Today of the petroleum wor ld." amounts of capital, both from bassies are "outright dis-
Christian (Copei) candidate alurninum, Tudela termed
our industry is strong and foreign and domestic in- criminatory" and in some the aluminum industry
Venezuela must also main- vestors, to assure that place. Eduardo Fernandez that
robust," he said. PDVSA is draining the coun- cases even discourage loan front .Japan as a "Ve-
The former president, who tain its role as a member of potential clients from do• nezuelan subsidy of un-
To do that, the petroleum try of cash.
began his term in 1975 and the Organization of Pet- ing business with V enezue- derpriced electricity" to
led the petroleum industry to roleum Exporting Countries industry must "interna -
Perez said that "malevolent lanprivate firms. the oriental industrial
government control, pre- and increase ties to European tionalize," he said, forming news about illiquidity have "While the heads of
! sented an upbeat future for and United States interests joint ventures with com- surfaced about Petroleos de state, ambassadors and
private businessmen attend- willing to work towards panies willing to foot the bill Venezuela, S.A. This creates consular officials of all
"I can assure you that if
ing the Venezuelan Pet- higher petroleum prices, he for capital investments. uncertainty because the fi- developed nations are
Venezuela had invested
roleum Chamber's 10th an- said. One key to bolstering the nancial problems of the na- permanently supporting the Bs.12 billion in tourist
niversary forum, called "Ve- crunch in capital, he said, is to tion are known, and the pos- and promoting their coun- facilities, the results and
nezuela and Petroleum: the Perez acknowledged that cultivate the nation's fledgl- sibility that (the nation) could revenues would be ex-
try's private concerns,
21st century." times have changed, howev- ing petrochemical industry resort to PDVSA's money to traordinary. Spain re-
ours not only fail to do that
"I believe there's a series of er. The Iran-Iraq war, as well and open investment to cover it in these difficult ceives three times the
but look upon the firm that amount of dollars from
signs that show a recovery of as competition from other oil overseas and national com- times, would be there." He asks for help with anxiety
companies, will make it more panies willing to put money said, however, that "it's not tourism that Venezuela
petroleum," Perez told a and lack of interest,"
difficult for OPEC to main- into developing new pro- true that we're having dif- obtains from petroleum,"
group of about 200 busi- Tudela said.
nessmen. tain its role as an effective oil ducts. ficult financial times in In a speech delivered the congressman said.
The nation's huge reserves cartel, he said. "Foreign capital and PDVSA." before a full house of the Tudela called for the
adoption of a "realistic"
Venezuelan Petroleum
Fernandez raps current PDVSA spending policies Chamber forum, the con-
gressman warned that the
single rate of exchange
that would stimulate
■ From Page 1 drew applause when he change under his administra - have dipped to less than nation will not succeed in exports and at the same
vowed to encourage tion, Fernandez portrayed Bs.5.8 billion today. time avoid too steep a drop
its attempt to increase
petroleum industry are "an participation by private in- the past decade of oil policies PDVSA's total funds held in real per capita income.
non-traditional exports
unmistakeable symptom of vestors. as bureaucratic and ineffi- in cash and securities, which without the private sector Finally, he urged the
the mistakes made in the "I imagine a powerful cient. Using figures taken totalled Bs.31.1 billion at the receiving "total support" government to do away
economic policies put forward government that does not from PDVSA's 1989-94 plan, end of 1987, are now just from the government. with unnecessary red tape
in the last few years," the have a complex about pro- he said current policies would Bs.16 billion for the first He said that to be in- which he said discourages
Copei candidate told a group moting its private companies put the government-run oil quarter of this year, ternationally competitive the private sector's export
of oil company officials at the and can stimulate and help company in debt within five Fernandez said, and it is not Venezuela needs to be drive.
Venezuelan Petroleum them convert into a fun- years. likely to reach a budgeted competitive within its "Venezuela " Tudela
Chamber's 10th anniversary damental factor of develop- During 1989 alone, Bs.23.5 billion for the end of boundaries and this was concluded, '
"is at a
forum. ment in our country," he said. PDVSA's budget deficit is the year. equivalent to attaining crossroads at which it can
Instead of lauding the last expected to be Bs.10 billion, Government officials have .
"The effects of this situa- maximum management choose the road to
12 years of nationalization, with an additional Bs.25 known about trouble in the oil efficiency. becoming the leader of an
tion of drainage on liquidity Fernandez emphasized the
on our petroleum industry billion to Bs.30 billion to be market since 1982, and a "Let us start by accept- impoverished and h0peless
current petroleum crisis. added during the four years rebound in the slump in oil ing the axiom that state 'Third World' or, thanks
are not difficult to foresee," He called for a ''V enezue-
Fernandez said. after that, he said. prices is not expected in the enterprise, because of its to its characteristics
lanization of the petroleum But the liquidity problem near future, he said. characteristics, will never (assets), can take the dif-
Fernandez's comments, industry" while still main- does not end there, A drop in world oil con- be more efficient than the ficult decisions that are
airrted at private Venezuelan taining foreign investments Fernandez said. Central sumption, increasing foreign private enterprise," required to plunge down
oil companies who are through joint ventures with Bank figures show PDVSA's competition and the Mideast Tudela said. the path leading to the
clamoring to invest in the overseas firms. deposits, which topped Bs.17 crisis has only complicated He charged that state developed world."
nationalized oil industry, To back the need for billion at the end of 1 1987 the picture Fernandez said

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