Private Sector Wants in On Oil Industry - The Daily Journal 06.04.1988

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Private sector wants in on oil industry

By Psyche Pascual Chamber President Edgard has always shelved their rec-
Daily Journal Staff Romero Nava used the presi- ommendations.
dential trip to highlight what Romero Nava' s comments
President Jaime Lusinchi' s he called "inequities'' and casts a slight shadow on Lu-
trip to Japan became a source "-contradictions" in the na- sinchi' s much-heralded trip
of complaints Tuesday from tionalized oil industry. through Asia, which includes
private businessmen who Romera Nava called for a Japan and Indonesia.
want to get a piece of the loosening of the petroleum Scheduled to be signed
action in the petroleum in- laws to encourage Venezue- during that trip is an agree-
dustry. lans to invest in domestic oil ment -with Mitsubishi .of
Venezuelan Petroleum ventures. He also called for Japan for the sale of Or-
reforms to consolidate a bank imulsion.
of laws into one. Government and oil of-
"We're not talking about ficials hope Orimulsion -- a
denationalization of the in- fuel developed by Venezue lan
dustry" Romero Nava
said. researchers and composed of
"But 1 foreigners can enter heavy crude, water and
(the petroleum industry), why chemicals - will be the key to
can't Venezuelans?'' lift the country from the past
Critics of those laws have few months of sagging oil
been battling for nearly a prices.
decade. According to Romero · Less than two months ago,
Nava, two commissions were the chamber president Jauded
named in 1981 and in 1984 to the plan to push compound
study those laws, but he says into overseas markets.
Energy and Mines Ministry It promises to be a lucrative
market for Venezuela. Plans
are to begin exporting about
Journal 06. 04. 1988 50,000 barrels a day of Or-
imulsion by the end of 1989,
and up to 1 million barrels a
day by the year 2000, ac-
cording to industry esti-
The problem isn't Japan 's
participation or that of any
other country, Romero Nava
said, but the irony that V ene-
zuela' s own laws prevent the
commercialization of or-
imulsion within the country.
That has .limited the role of
domestic businessmen.
Venezuela nationalized its
oil industry in 1975 when
Congress approved the pre -
troleum nationlization law.
The law created Petroleos
de Venezuela, S A,A., which in
turn created a host of sub-
sidiaries and related

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