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The Daily Journal Saturday, December 19,1987

__ Living
New year to bring changes at embassy ...

Michael Newington, left,
and his wife Nina are
pictured in the company of .
Vice Chanrellor German .
Nava Carrillo at their
going-away reception.
Ambassador Newington
will move farther south to
Brazil where he will take
up his new post as the
country's new British
ambassador .
(DJ photo)

UNTIL NEXT YEAR - Julio Cesar Gil; center, acting Energy and Mines Minister,
and Juan Chacin, right, president of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), greet
Edgar Romero, the president of the Oil Chamber, at a year-end cocktail held this week
at the Caracas Golf Club. The chamber's board of directors was also on han to
participate in the festivities. (DJ photo by Alfredo Odon)

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