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Non-modifiable Risk factors Intussusception Modifiable risk factors

 Lifestyle
 Age- 6 months to 3 yesrs Large Intestine
 Obesity
 Sex- more often to affect
 Abnormal intestinal
Etiological Cause
malformation or malrotation
 Prior history of “Unknown”
 Family history- siblings with

Secondary condition like

polyps, lymphoid hyperplasia,
or merckel’s diverticulum
serves as the lead point

imbalanced to the longitudinal forces along the intestinal wall

Intestine invaginates into the lumen of adjacent bowel

Intestine is completely telescoping (intussusception occurred)

Obstruction occurred

Increase pressure within the wall of intussusceptum

Venous drainage impaired



Intestinal tearing

Sign and Symptoms

Release of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity  Stool mixed with blood and
mucus (sometimes referred
to as "currant jelly" stool
because of its appearance)
 Vomiting
Infection such as
 A lump in the abdomen
 Lethargy
 Diarrhea
 Fever

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