Who Exercise

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“Who Exercise”

Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project

Margaret Sinclair
Character Description
"Margaret Sinclair. A normal citizen from New York,
trying to make a living. No partner or intimate lover.
No children or fluffy friends. She had nothing, but an
uncontrollable thirst for blood."

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of
the play? Margaret lived alone, but before she had
been in love with her high school sweetheart. One day
he just up and left her without reason.

2. What does the character want, and what does he/she

do to achieve it? The character wanted to get away
and live her new life. She had to get to her office to
get her car, and pack her clothes until she found

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to?

Explain. Margaret was allied to Elliot at one point in
time, but now he didn't even know that he was on his
way to kill her.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as

you think are important. Margaret believes that she
needs to run away to start a new life, because of her
new lifestyle.
She also realized that she could never feast off of a

5. How do other characters feel about the character?

Margaret doesn't have anyone nor know anyone.
Although, her boss used to push her around until she
stepped up.

6. Describe the character’s change during the course

of the show. Margaret becomes a powerful vampire.

Character Analysis
“Who Exercise”
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
Lowkey, unusual, pale.

2. Describe the internal traits of the character. Scared,


Elliott Sanders
Character Description
Elliott Sanders is the man who changed Margaret’s life forever.
Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play?
He had to leave the love of his life, because he was changed and had no choice.

2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it?
The character wants to kill the monster he created. (Margaret)

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain.

He was once allied to Margaret, but he was on his way to kill her.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as you think are important.
The character believes that he needs to kill Margaret before the Volturi finds out.

5. How do other characters feel about the character?

Margaret doesn’t know who he really is, but she hates him because of what he did to her.

6. Describe the character’s change during the course of the show.

He used to be in love with margaret, had a scholarship, but he was ruined.
Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
He is a bloodsucking mess.

2. Describe the internal traits of the character.

He will always have a missing piece of himself.
“Who Exercise”
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project

Smith Sanders
Character Description
Describe the character in a short paragraph.
Smith is Elliot’s husband.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the
events of the play? He met Elliot at ADBS and
they fell in love.

2. What does the character want, and what

does he/she do to achieve it? He wants to make
sure that Elliot stays safe, he repeatedly tells
Elliot not to go.

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed

to? Explain. Him and Elliot are together.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as

many as you think are important. He believes
that Elliot is getting himself into danger.

5. How do other characters feel about the

character? Elliot is in love with him.

6. Describe the character’s change during the

course of the show. He never changed.

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the
He is sweet and caring.
2. Describe the internal traits of the character.
He is scared.
“Who Exercise”
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project

Character Description
Describe the character in a short paragraph.
He is the leader of the Volturi. He rules all vampires.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play?
He has had many altercations with Elliot, but he understands where Elliot is coming from.
2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it?
He wants to be sure that the mortals don’t find out they still exist.
3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain.
He is allied to all of the vampires, he is opposed to mortals.
4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as you think are important.
He can not let the mortals know that they still exist.
5. How do other characters feel about the character?
He is strict.
6. Describe the character’s change during the course of the show.
He stays the same throughout the course of the whole show.

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
Mean, strict.
2. Describe the internal traits of the character.

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