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Clean shaven Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the Muslim Brotherhood in drag: In the
mid-1990’s the Islamist Justice and Development Party won a clear majority in Turkey’s
parliament and formed Turkey’s new government. Recep Tayyip Erdogan founded the
Justice and Development Party. Erdogan has stated, “Thank God, I am for Shari'ah. For
us, democracy is a means to an end. One cannot be a secularist and a Muslim at the
same time.” On his election as Mayor of Istanbul in 1994, he banned alcohol from city
restaurants, proclaimed himself the city’s Imam and opened public meetings with
prayers and poems. The lines from one poem “The mosques are our barracks, the
domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...” resulted in
a prison term for Erdogan and a prohibition against running for public office.

In 1997, having won 20% of the vote, Necmettin Erbakan, who had met with
Louis Farrakhan, formed a coalition government based on Islam. His first state trips
included visits to Iran and Libya. He spoke of leading a worldwide alliance of Islamic
countries. Within one year he was overthrown by the military and his party was banned.
Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party are now in power as a constitutional
amendment was passed allowing Erdogan to hold office. Now Erdogan has stated,
“Before anything else, I’m a Muslim. As a Muslim, I try to comply with the requirements
of my religion. I have a responsibility to God, who created me, and I try to fulfill that
responsibility. But I try now very much to keep this away from my political life, to keep it

To understand the transition from secular to theocratic government in Turkey one

must follow the headscarf. At one time women who wore headscarves were forbidden to
attend universities or work in government. Erdogan’s two daughters went to Indiana
University, where they were free to do this. Erdogan’s wife could not attend state
functions because of her headscarf. In July 2003 the Turkish Parliament passed
legislation curtailing the power of the secularist military. In May 2006 Alparslan Arslan, a
lawyer and a solider of Allah, stormed into a courthouse meeting room in Ankara and
shot five judges, apparently in anger at a ruling enforcing a strict ban on the wearing of
Islamic head scarves. One day Islam will rule this pivotal land, without the interference
of the military, as long as Turkey is kept out of the European Community.1

The Turkish government is now allowing girls as young as ten years old to cover
their hair while attending school. This amended previous laws that prohibited the
wearing of headscarves by students, an act considered to be public expression of faith.
The amended regulation previously stated that "inside school premises, students must
be bareheaded, hair should be clean and un-dyed, students cannot wear makeup nor
grow a moustache or beard." "Articles of the regulation were changed by removing the
expression 'bareheaded,' Bulent Arinc, Turkey's deputy prime minister and government
spokesman, said in a press statement following a cabinet meeting.

Turkey helped create ISIS with its porous borders and purchase of petrol. Turkey
pretends to an ally of the US and the United States maintains a military presence there
as part of NATO. Turkey and the U.S. recently forged a historic agreement that has
expanded Turkey's role in the fight against Islamic State militants by joining the
coalition's airstrike campaign and granting the U.S. military expanded use of Incirlik for
jet and drone missions. Turkey has backed a range of Muslim fundamentalist groups in
northern Syria in hopes of eventually overthrowing the Baath government of Bashar al-
Assad who is supported by Russia. Turkey is playing both ends against the middle. But
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is digging his own grave. He is an elected leader and ISIS
Koranbots are programmed to kill secular leaders then absorb Turkey in the Islamic
State. It will be governed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the new Adolf Hitler of the Islamic

1. Elaine Sciolino “European Union Turns Down Turkey's Bid for Membership” New York Times December 13, 2002

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