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Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

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A novel metastable state nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy T

coupled with thin layer chromatography for determination of multiple

Yan Kang, Ting Wu, Wanchao Chen, Long Li, Yiping Du
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Functional Materials Chemistry, and Research Centre of Analysis and Test, School of Chemistry & Molecular Engineering, East China
University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, PR China


Keywords: A novel and highly sensitive metastable state nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (MSNERS) was re-
Metastable state nanoparticle-enhanced Raman ported in this work, which employed an amphiphilic polymer polyurethane-Ag nanoparticle (AgNPs) as the
spectroscopy MSNERS substrate. Polyurethane could form micelle to incorporate nanoparticles and analytes, where targets
Pesticide could be in close contact with the metal surface, which was effective for further enhancing the detection sen-
sitivity. Time-dependent visible absorption spectra and time-dependent Raman spectra indicated that poly-
Thin layer chromatography
urethane could greatly enhance the stability of AgNPs aggregates during the volatilization process, which was a
great improvement of MSNERS substrate. Combining this MSNERS substrate with the rapid separation method of
thin layer chromatography (TLC), this TLC-MSNERS was successfully applied to analyze mixed pesticides on fruit
skin and the detection limits of thiabendazole, triazophos and phosmet were 0.02 μg/mL, 0.8 μg/mL, and 0.6 μg/
mL, respectively. It enhanced 1 order of magnitude the signals of analytes in comparison to that of traditional
TLC-SERS method.

1. Introduction appropriate hot spots and the volatilization-induced automatic con-

centration of the target molecules during the detection process (Li et al.,
It is always a research hot topic in surface enhanced Raman spec- 2014; Wu, Zhou, Yang, & Liu, 2013; Yang, Liu, Ma, & Liu, 2012), the
troscopy (SERS) by controlling hot spots of Au or Ag nanoparticles to signal intensity fluctuated a lot during the acquiring process due to the
enhance SERS signal. Recently, highly sensitive SERS signal was ob- evaporation process changing with time in real application. In other
tained based on a state translation process of Au or Ag colloid: from wet words, the optimal signal could only be observed spontaneously. Robust
state to dry state, namely metastable state nanoparticle-enhanced control over the accurate acquiring time to seize the strongest signal
Raman spectroscopy (MSNERS) (Liu et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2011). It remains a challenge because of the fluctuations of hot spots’ state and
was reported that nanoparticles tended to approach closer to generate analyte concentration. Customarily, it needs to acquire a large number
hot spots during the solvent volatilization process. In this case, the of spectra to screen the most intense signal. Therefore, although
target analytes could be trapped in the gap of hot spots and strong SERS MSNERS is a sensitive technique, there is still room for improvement of
signal could be obtained at this moment (Dong, Weng, Yang, & Liu, the substrate to obtain stable signal.
2015; Yang, Li, Liu, Tang, & Liu, 2015; Zhu, Li, Yu, & Yang, 2014). The In fact, keeping SERS signal stable for a longer time is quite chal-
strongest SERS signal was observed when the droplet tended to become lenging in the dynamic evaporation process due to the difficulty in
dry. Therefore, it is critical to seize the moment before the solvent tuning the balance between persistent solvent evaporation and stability
complete drying to collect the best SERS signal. In the previously re- of the resulting nanoparticles aggregates. In this work, we adopted a
ported literature, the common method to obtain the optimal signal was novel method to improve the performance of the MSNERS substrate by
by continuous recording the Raman spectra during the solvent eva- adding a polymer surfactant, polyurethane, which is a water soluble
poration process and chose the strongest signal. Although many studies amphiphilic polymer. Polyurethane could form micellar cluster in the
have demonstrated that the MSNERS substrate showed higher detection volatilization process, which could reduce the effect caused by volati-
sensitivity compared with the traditional SERS method due to forming lization-induced automatic concentration of the target molecules

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Du).
Received 25 January 2018; Received in revised form 4 June 2018; Accepted 11 July 2018
0308-8146/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

during the detection process. More importantly, according to the results 0.2 mm) with glass back plate were purchased from Shanghai Jijusheng
from the time-dependent visible diffuse spectra, it was found that the Chemical Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The plate containing fluorescing
presence of polyurethane could stabilize different forms of nanoparticle additive, F254, was used for easy spot visualization. Various eluents
aggregates for a great while in the dynamic evaporation process. It was were prepared by mixing petroleum benzin, dichloromethane and iso-
proposed that polyurethane-bridged nanoparticles in the 3D hotspot propanol in different proportions to elicit the best separation of pesti-
matrix were predominant in the aggregates in our system and this cides on TLC plates.
structure could be kept stable for a great while in the evaporation
process. Due to the stability of aggregates, the optimal SERS signal with 2.2. Preparation of AgNPs
slight fluctuation was obtained in this work during the acquisition
process before droplet became dry and this strong signal could be kept AgNPs were prepared by reducing silver nitrate using sodium citrate
stable for several minutes. This feature was of great help and con- (Lee & Meisel, 1982). In a typical experiment, 18 mg AgNO3 was dis-
venience for building up the quantitative relationship between the solved in 100 mL of H2O and brought to boiling. A solution of 1% so-
Raman intensity and the corresponding concentration of analytes. The dium citrate (2 mL) was added drop by drop to the AgNO3 solution. The
enhancement in stability of this MSNERS substrate was a great im- mixed solution was kept on boiling for 45 min. The prepared colloid
provement in comparison to that of previous reported metastable sub- was rinsed with water and ethanol for several times and stored at
strates, which was believed to provide bright future for practical ap- −4 °C. Before the SERS measurements, the colloid was brought to dif-
plication of MSNERS substrate. ferent concentrations for use.
In general, for SERS analysis, only those molecules readily adsorbed
or close to the surface of nanoparticles can be detected. However, there
2.3. Chromatography and detection method
are many interference components in real samples. The signal from the
low concentration of analytes or weak adsorbates is likely to be buried
The TLC-MSNERS method was designed for the detection of mul-
in the signal from high concentration of analytes or strongly adsorbed
tiple pesticides. All the TLC plates were directly used as received. On
molecules. Therefore, it is best to separate the targets from a mixed
each plate, a line parallel to the short side was drawn with a pencil and
system prior to the SERS detection for real-world applications. Thin
the distance to the edge was about 5 mm, slightly higher than the un-
layer chromatography (TLC) is a facile, rapid and cost-effective tech-
folding reagent. For the separation of different pesticides, 200 μL of
nique for separating different components from mixtures (Dawan,
sample solution containing different concentrations of pesticides was
Satarpai, Tuchinda, Shiowatana, & Siripinyanond, 2016; Sokolović &
spotted onto the line, along with three standard solutions of 200 μL of
Šimpraga, 2006). Often the developed TLC spots are scraped off and
50 μg/mL thiabendazole, 50 μg/mL triazophos and 50 μg/mL phosmet
extracted from the TLC plate by means of repeated rinsing and cen-
spotted side by side, respectively, allowing to develop at the same time.
trifugation, and further examined by infrared spectroscopy (Sharma &
The latter served as position marks, through which the exact spots of
Kumar, 2017) or mass spectrometry (Stanger et al., 2017) for further
different pesticides in the mixture after development were found.
identification, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. SERS in
Chromatography was performed in a vial with an optimized mobile
conjunction with TLC has achieved on-site detection. It is easy to ac-
phase (proper ratio of petroleum benzin, dichloromethane and iso-
quire Raman signal of multiple targets after the components are sepa-
propanol). After that, the positions of high concentration standards
rated by the TLC plate. TLC-SERS technique has been used for detecting
could be easily distinguished under 254 nm illumination with a hand-
kinds of targets in different fields, such as environmental aromatic
held UV lamp (Shanghai Jihui Scientific Analyze Instrument CO., Ltd.,
pollutants (Li et al., 2011), fiber of artist dyestuffs (Brosseau et al.,
China). The mixture was separated and their positions of three pesti-
2009), drugs (Fang, Qi, Lu, & Yang, 2016; Lucotti et al., 2012; Lv et al.,
cides in the sample were then marked out according to the locations of
2015; Xiao, Hui, Zhu, Yan, & Feng, 2016; Zhu, Cao, Cao, Chai, & Lu,
standards. Later, 50 μL mixture of AgNPs and polyurethane as the SERS
2014), pesticides (Yao et al., 2013), biochemistry (Xie et al., 2017),
substrate was dropped to each spot and the SERS spectra were recorded
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Chen, Huang, & Zhao, 2015), dyes
using Raman spectrometer allowing qualitative and quantitative ana-
(Kong, Squire, Chong, & Wang, 2017; Wang et al., 2014). Although this
lysis of the components of the analyte mixture.
coupling technique possesses great potential for rapid analysis in
complex system, the sensitivity of traditional SERS substrates still needs
to be improved. In this work, coupling TLC with this improved MSNERS 2.4. Sample preparation
technique (TLC-MSNERS), good correlations between targets con-
centration and intensity were obtained. A highly reliable, sensitive and Cherries were purchased from a local supermarket in Shanghai.
practical analysis method was established for rapid detection of mul- After thoroughly cleaning the cherries with ultrapure water, 1 mL
tiple pesticides on fruit skin, which demonstrates that this method mixture of 5 μg/mL thiabendazole, 5 μg/mL phosmet and 5 μg/mL
possesses great potential to realize the quantitative detection of dif- triazophos was evenly sprayed on the surface and dried at room tem-
ferent targets in real samples. perature. Then, 10 mL solution of methanol and dichloromethane (1:1,
v/v) were employed as the extracting reagent. The sample was im-
2. Materials and methods mersed in the extracting solution under ultrasound (Shanghai Shengyan
Ultrasonic Equipment, China) for 20 min and extracted 2 times. Finally,
2.1. Materials the extracts were filtered and concentrated for use. 100 μL of con-
centrated extracts were spotted onto the TLC for developing.
Silver nitrate, sodium citrate and sodium chloride were purchased
from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China) without 2.5. Instrumentation and characterization
further purification. Isopropanol, petroleum benzin and di-
chloromethane were purchased from Shanghai Lingfeng Chemical SERS experiments were conducted using a Renishaw InVia Reflex
Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Phosmet, thiabendazole, triazo- confocal microscope (Renishaw, UK) equipped with a 50× objective
phos and all other reagents of analytical grade were obtained from and a high-resolution grating with 1200 grooves/mm. Acquisition of
Aladdin-Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Polyurethane was pur- SERS spectra employed laser of 785 nm as the excitation source and
chased from Shanghai Xian Ding Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, laser power of approximately 3 mW. Time-dependent visible diffuse
China). All solutions were prepared with Milli-Q water (18 MΩ·cm, reflection absorption spectra were recorded by VIS miniature optical
Billerica, MA, USA). TLC plates of silica gel 60-F254 (Ø: 200 nm, LT: fiber spectrometer (Insion, Germany).

Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

3. Results and discussions evaporation (Fig. 1A), an absorbance maximum at 415 nm can be ob-
served during the initiative 30 s, which is typically ascribed to the
3.1. The effect of the concentrations of AgNPs on SERS signal surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak of AgNPs. With the increasing of
evaporation, the content of liquid phase decreased and a new peak at
The concentration of AgNPs is an important parameter to influence 704 nm appeared. It was reported that the driving force for nano-
the intensity of SERS signal, and here we employed thiabendazole as particles aggregation in state translation process was short-range at-
probe molecule to evaluate the effects. 30 μL of 0.5 μg/mL thiabenda- traction coming from the solvent capillary forces, which effectively
zole was sampled on the TLC plate. Then, 30 μL of Ag sol/polyurethane acted as surface tension leading to a drop in surface energy upon ag-
(v/v, 3:2) with different concentrations of AgNPs were added onto the gregation (Yang et al., 2011). At this point, capillary forces drove the
insecticide spot. As depicted in Fig. S1 (Supplementary material), the particles close together, and the average interparticle gap became
signal intensity of thiabendazole shows an obvious increase with col- smaller and nanoparticle-nanoparticle aggregates was formed (Liu
loidal silver concentration increased from 0.4 mM to 1.6 mM, whereas a et al., 2014). On the other hand, aggregates growth was limited by the
decrease is observed beyond 1.6 mM. The increase of colloid con- increasing electrostatic energy of the aggregates, which counter-
centration led to more particle-particle interactions and encouraged balanced the gain in surface energy (Yang et al., 2011). Therefore, a
more particles to be aggregated so as to produce massive hot-spots, balance between capillary forces and electrostatic repulsion resulted in
which was beneficial to generate strong SERS signal. Appropriate ag- the formation of a small amount of AgNPs clusters, producing a SPR
gregation caused a boost of SERS intensity, but excessive aggregation peak at 704 nm (Fig. 1A). At the second stage of evaporation (Fig. 1B),
could reduce the SERS activity of the silver colloids (Li et al., 2011). the SPR peak of AgNPs at 415 nm changed and broadened with the
Therefore, when the concentration of AgNPs was higher than 1.6 mM, increasing of evaporation, and this peak fused with the peak at 704 nm
excessive aggregation resulted in a decrease in SERS signal. Hence, to form a much stronger and broader peak after evaporation for 300 s. It
1.6 mM silver colloid was chosen to carry out the next experiments. can be seen from Fig. 1D that the intensity value at 704 nm greatly
increases from 300 s to 410 s and fluctuates slightly in the following ca.
3 min in the evolution process, indicating that a large amount of ag-
3.2. Characterization of MSNERS substrate in state translation process by
gregates was formed and these aggregates kept stable for ca. 3 min
time-dependent visible diffuse reflection spectra
during this stage. Accordingly, as the content of the liquid phase de-
creased, the cohesion between particles increased. The capillary force
As mentioned in the introduction, MSNERS is based on the trans-
became dominant when the relevant length scales among nanoparticles
lation of nanoparticles from wet state to dry state during the liquid
became smaller, which drove the nanoparticles as well as the previously
phase evaporation process. The state of nanoparticles, especially the
formed aggregates much closer, resulting in generating massive ag-
state of its aggregates, could greatly affect the properties of colloid as a
gregates during this stage (Liu et al., 2014). At the last stage of eva-
SERS substrate. To monitor the evolution of the plasmonic properties of
poration (Fig. 1C), the colloids tended to dry. The SPR peak of AgNPs
the colloid during its evaporation, an integrating sphere in conjunction
disappeared and a new peak at 606 nm appeared. The value of peak
with a spectrometer was used to collect the visible diffuse reflection
intensity at 704 nm and 606 nm (Fig. 1D) increases after evaporation
spectra of 80 μL Ag sols-polyurethane (3:2, v/v). The time-dependent
for 580 s and doesn’t drop until the droplet becomes dry (after 700 s).
optical behavior of the colloids is shown in Fig. 1. According to the
At this stage, as the content of the liquid phase further decreased, the
changes in intensity, peak position and peak width of the visible diffuse
adhesive force between Ag particles was far greater than their gravities,
reflection spectra, we divided the whole process into three different
driving all the particles in the droplet to become aggregates. The
stages with decreased liquid-phase content. At the first stage of

Fig. 1. Time-dependent visible diffuse absorption spectra of silver sol-polyurethane during the evaporation process, (A) the first stage, (B) the second stage, (C) the
third stage, (D) the value of absorbance intensity of peak at 415 nm, 606 nm and 704 nm.

Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

droplet was full of nanoparticle-nanoparticle aggregates, nanoparticle- hotspot matrix was constituted by polyurethane-bridged and water-
aggregate aggregations and aggregate-aggregate aggregations. The bridged nanoparticles. According to the results from time-dependent
above results reflected that the aggregating process of AgNPs was dy- visible spectra, the aggregates in our system could keep stable for a
namic and time-dependent. It can be seen from Fig. 1D that the particles while in the evaporation process, which implied that polyurethane-
and aggregates at each stage can keep stable for more than 100 s during bridged nanoparticles in the 3D hotspot matrix was predominant and
the evaporation process, which may be attributed to the better balance this structure would be more stable. In this case, the interparticle gaps
between capillary force and electrostatic repulsion force. In general, it in the 3D space of this droplet shrank slowly as the water evaporated.
is challenging for nanoparticle aggregates to keep stable in a dynamic The nanoparticles and its aggregates could be stabilized for a longer
process. In this work, polyurethane, an amphiphilic polymer, formed time. Besides its stability for hot spots, polyurethane micellar cluster
micellar cluster in the volatilization process. This feature was capable of could reduce the effect induced by volatilization-induced automatic
stabilizing the colloid-polymer and aggregation-polymer mixtures sys- concentration of the target molecules during the detection process.
tems for a longer time (Urban et al., 2013). Therefore, the system could These features allowed for sufficient settling time to collect Raman
maintain the metastable state of each stage for more than one minute signals in different stages. Therefore, this SERS substrate was more
when forming different kinds of aggregates in the dynamic process. practical and easier to operate in applications. According to the results,
the best SERS spectra were acquired in the range of 500–675 s in the
next experiments.
3.3. Time-dependent SERS spectra of thiabendazole during the state
translation process
3.4. Optimization of the concentration of polyurethane
Time-dependent diffuse reflection spectra had displayed that AgNPs
showed different degrees of agglomeration at different stages in the The concentration of polyurethane played an important role in the
evaporation process, which could refer to fluctuations in intensity or stabilization and enhancement of SERS signal. The effect of different
spectral shape of SERS signal. Therefore, we investigated the SERS concentrations of polyurethane (varied in four steps as follows: 30%,
activity of this substrate during the state translation process and tried to 40%, 50% and 60%) was investigated in this work. SERS spectra of
find the best state for the acquisition of signal. Thiabendazole was 0.15 μg/mL thiabendazole was acquired at different concentrations of
served as a probe to track this process. The SERS spectra were recorded polyurethane mixed with silver colloid in the evaporation process. As
with integration time of 10 s and laser power of 3 mW. When a droplet depicted in Fig. S2, SERS signal intensity of the probe molecule re-
of 80 µL of Ag sol-polyurethane (3:2, v/v) and thiabendazole was corded at every concentration shows low value at first, followed with a
placed, time-dependent SERS spectra were collected at intervals of 25 s sharp increase and reaching the maximal value, and then continually
in the range of 0–850 s during the evaporation process (Fig. 2A and B). drops. Among the four concentrations, the substrate with 40% poly-
Within the first 200 s, no Raman signals were observed. With the eva- urethane showed the best SERS activity. SERS intensity recorded on
poration of solvent, weak SERS signals of thiabendazole gradually ap- substrate with 30% polyurethane increased after evaporation for 200 s
peared after 200 s and increased slowly in the following 100 s. Then, and started to drop after 400 s. SERS intensity acquired on 50% and
the signal intensity enhanced quickly in the followed 80 s and reached 60% polyurethane was weaker than that of 40% polyurethane. Poly-
its maximal value at 500 s. Interestingly, the signal intensity fluctuated urethane with different concentrations could form different nano-
slightly in the range of 500–675 s (Fig. 2C). Subsequently, the signal particles aggregates in the evaporation process. When substrate with
intensity started to drop and relative weak signal could still be observed 40% polyurethane was applied, hot spots generated from aggregates
after the droplet was dry. It can be seen from Fig. 2C that the strongest could be the most appropriate for producing SERS signal, trapping more
SERS signal can keep stable for about 3 min (in the range of 500–675 s), analytes in hot spots. Hence, substrate with 40% polyurethane was the
which is long enough for acquiring SERS spectra in practical applica- best option for application.
tions. The rule of changes in SERS signal intensity was in agreement
with the one in visible spectra in the evaporation process. Different
aggregation extents resulted in forming different hot spots, making the 3.5. Determination of multiple pesticides by TLC-MSNERS
signal intensity of thiabendazole different. It was reported that AgNPs
could construct a 3D hotspot matrix when the liquid phase in the In practice, for the protection from diseases and insects, different
droplet was evaporating. This 3D architecture was constituted by li- pesticides are blended for spraying on fruits and crops, resulting in
quid-bridged nanoparticles, which could maintain specific gap sizes multi-pesticide residues. To provide an example for quantitative de-
between every two adjacent particles (Liu et al., 2014). In general, gap tection on fruit, we mixed three pesticides of thiabendazole, triazophos
sizes will become closer and closer as the evaporation of water is and phosmet in different ratios, separating the mixtures by TLC and
continuous. In this study, polyurethane could form much micellar quantifying the concentrations by their respective SERS signal intensity
cluster to incorporate AgNPs in the volatilization process and the 3D by MSNERS substrate.

Fig. 2. Time-dependent Raman spectra acquired on Ag sol-polyurethane, (A) in the range of 0–675 s; (B) in the range of 700–850 s the third stage; (C) the relationship
between time and intensity of the peak at 780 cm−1 and 1008 cm−1 of thiabendazole according to (A) and (B).

Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

Fig. 3. Spots 1, 2, 3 are three reference chemicals, 1- triazophos, 2- phosmet, 3- thiabendazole; Spot d is a mixed sample of phosmet, triazophos and thiabendazole.
SERS spectra obtained from the spots after separation (phosmet (a), triazophos (b), thiabendazole (c)) on the TLC plate and spot d without separation.

3.5.1. Separation of thiabendazole, triazophos and phosmet by TLC 3.5.2. Detection of thiabendazole, triazophos and phosmet by TLC-
Combining this improved MSNERS substrate with TLC, this devel- MSNERS
oped method was utilized to detect mixed pesticides of thiabendazole, Under optimized condition, the quantitative detection of multiple
triazophos and phosmet. Selecting the appropriate unfolding agent is pesticides by TLC-MSNERS was investigated. Several standard mixture
the first step in achieving effective separation. Mobile phase of di- solutions of thiabendazole, triazophos and phosmet with different
chloromethane, petroleum benzin and isopropanol concentrations were prepared. The mixtures were separated by TLC
(V1:V2:V3 = 80:20:3) was employed to unfold the mixed pesticides in with the aforementioned mobile phase. Their SERS spectra were re-
this work. The separated spots were then located under UV illumination corded after dropping Ag sol-polyurethane on the separated spots under
and were individually analyzed by SERS under the optimal condition. optimal conditions. Fig. 4(A, C, E) illustrates the SERS spectra of thia-
Fig. 3 displays the schematic diagram of the results of separation and bendazole, triazophos and phosmet with different concentrations after
detection, where spots 1, 2, 3 represent reference chemicals, triazophos, separation. The intensity of representative peaks of each analyte was
phosmet and thiabendazole, respectively, and spot d is the mixed pes- measured, and the concentration dependent SERS intensities at their
ticides before unfolding. The spots of the separated components (spots respective representative peaks of the three pesticides are shown in
a, b, c in the right side) were marked out according to the locations of parts B, D, F of Fig. 4, respectively. It can be seen that the signal in-
the reference chemicals (spots a, b, c in the left side) after unfolding tensity develops with the increase of the concentration of targets. The
from spots 1, 2, 3. SERS spectra for the three separated spots and ori- lowest detection concentration of this TLC-MSNERS for thiabendazole
ginal mixed samples on the TLC plate are shown in parts a, b, c and d in (at 780 cm−1), triazophos (at 1002 cm−1), and phosmet (at 508 cm−1)
Fig. 3, respectively. SERS spectra from spots a, b, c are different from was 0.02 μg/mL, 0.8 μg/mL, and 0.6 μg/mL, respectively. These dif-
each other, and these spectra match well with those obtained from ferences in the lowest detection concentration among different com-
reference chemical spots, indicating that the separated spot a is pounds may be due to their different SERS activities and affinities for
phosmet, spot b is triazophos and spot c is thiabendazole. These results AgNPs. Therefore, different the lowest detection concentrations for
demonstrated that the mixed components have been successfully se- different pesticides are observed. This value of lowest detection con-
parated and distinguished using the developed TLC-MSNERS method. centration can be further lowered to meet the demand for detection of
much lower concentration of pesticides if a preconcentration proce-
dure, such as liquid–liquid extraction or solid phase extraction, is

Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

Fig. 4. SERS spectra of (A) thiabendazole at different concentrations (a) 0.03 μg/mL, (b) 0.17 μg/mL, (c) 0.67 μg/mL, (d) 6.7 μg/mL, (e) 33.3 μg/mL, (f) 166.7 μg/mL,
(g) 666.7 μg/mL. (C) triazophos at different concentrations (a) 1.33 μg/mL, (b) 3.33 μg/mL, (c) 16.67 μg/mL, (d) 66.67 μg/mL, (e) 200 μg/mL. (E) phosmet at
different concentrations (a) 1.67 μg/mL, (b) 3.33 μg/mL, (c) 16.67 μg/mL, (d) 33.33 μg/mL, (e) 100 μg/mL, (f) 166.67 μg/mL. Plots of intensities versus con-
centrations for (B) thiabendazole at 780 cm−1, (D) triazophos at 1002 cm−1, (F) phosmet at 508 cm−1. Three replicate samples from one representative experiment.
Error bars represent the mean value of three replicate samples and corresponding standard deviation.

applied. Thus, the presented method does match the requirement of comparison to that of the TLC-SERS method with LOD of 0.3 μg/mL
rapid and preliminary quantitative analysis of different pesticides, not (Fig. 5A). Similarly, TLC-MSNERS showed a better sensitivity than TLC-
only for high concentrations but also for relatively low concentrations. SERS method for triazophos and phosmet (Fig. 5B–C). The results de-
In order to compare the sensitivity of this TLC-MSNERS method monstrated that the TLC-MSNERS method had better sensitivity.
with traditional TLC-SERS, a series of concentrations of thiabendazole,
triazophos and phosmet solutions were measured using these two 3.5.3. Analysis of multiple pesticides on cherry
methods. Silver sol-polyurethane (40%) was used in TLC-MSNERS To further test the performance of the presented method, this
method and 1.6 mM silver sol was used in the TLC-SERS method. As method was employed to investigate an artificially produced model
displayed in Fig. 5, the LOD of TLC-MSNERS for thiabendazole was sample of pesticides on cherry. 1 mL mixture of 5 μg/mL thiabendazole,
0.02 μg/mL, which enhanced more than 1 order of magnitude in 5 μg/mL phosmet and 5 μg/mL triazophos were sprayed to the surface

Fig. 5. SERS spectra of different pesticides with different concentrations using TLC-MSNERS method versus TLC-SERS method, (A) thiabendazole, (B) triazophos and
(C) phosmet.

Y. Kang et al. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 494–501

Table 1 Commission of Shanghai Municipality. Ting Wu has received research

Analytical results (n = 3) for pesticides on cherry by TLC-MSNERS and HPLC. grants from Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
Samples Added The TLC-MSNERS method HPLC Yan Kang declares that she has no conflict of interest. Long Li declares
(μg/ that she has no conflict of interest. Wanchao Chen declares that he has
mL) Detection Recovery (%) Detection Recovery (%) no conflict of interest. Yiping Du declares that he has no conflict of
(μg/mL) (μg/mL) interest. Ting Wu declare that she has no conflict of interest.
Thiabendazole 0 0 0 0 0
5 4.4 ± 0.3 88 ± 6 4.6 ± 0.4 92 ± 8 Ethical approval
Triazophos 0 0 0 0 0
5 4.2 ± 0.4 84 ± 8 4.5 ± 0.3 90 ± 6 This article does not contain any studies with human participants or
animals performed by any of the authors.
Phosmet 0 0 0 0 0
5 4.1 ± 0.3 82 ± 6 4.4 ± 0.2 88 ± 4
Informed consent

of cherry, drying at room temperature. Methanol and dichloromethane Not applicable.

(1:1, v/v) were employed as the extracting reagent, respectively. 5 mL
extracting reagent was added into a vial where the cherry was placed Appendix A. Supplementary data
and sonicated for 20 min to extract the pesticides for 2 times. The ob-
tained 10 mL of sonicated extract was filtered and concentrated into Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
1 mL. TLC-MSNERS method was used to estimate the concentration of online version, at
these pesticides and the listed results were calculated according to the
experimental conditions (Table 1). HPLC is a traditional and mature References
method to detect pesticides in mixed system (Harshit, Charmy, &
Nrupesh, 2017). For comparison, the extracts were also analyzed by Brosseau, C. L., Gambardella, A., Casadio, F., Grzywacz, C. M., Wouters, J., & Duyne, R. P.
HPLC and the results were listed in Table 1. Comparing of the results V. (2009). Ad-hoc surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy methodologies for the de-
tection of artist dyestuffs: Thin layer chromatography-surface enhanced Raman
obtained from two methods, it can be seen that the detection perfor- spectroscopy and in situ on the fiber analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 81(8), 3056–3062.
mance of this TLC-MSNERS method is similar to that of HPLC tech- Chen, J., Huang, Y.-W., & Zhao, Y. (2015). Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
nique. The deviations of detection concentration are less than 10% from cooking oil using ultra-thin layer chromatography and surface enhanced Raman
spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3(9), 1898–1906.
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lower-cost than HPLC, demonstrating that this developed method is an simple analytical platform based on thin-layer chromatography coupled with paper-
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