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Evidence: The Cross River Gorilla

Part B

The main threats to the Cross River gorilla are first The illegal trade in animals is
widespread because if people include the trade in bushmeat, the sale of animal parts for
black magic and the pet trade are obviously sales of great values. second, deforestation and
the development of monoculture plantations such as oil palm, shifting cultivation, firewood
collection and forest fires are the causes that man makes for his cultivation if we stop taking
everything we have from nature we would live better . Third and last diseases of
Gorillas since they are susceptible to many diseases and human parasites.
Part C

If I lived in Cameroon, I would make a foundation for the protection of the gorillas
If I were president of one of these two nations I would ban all possible causes of gorilla
If I were a famous singer, I would make a song and all the income would be donated to the
If I were someone very rich, I would buy all the land hectaries of these animals and take
care of them.
If I had a lot of power to imprison or put fines on those who hurt the gorillas or their nature

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