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Lauryn Smith


British Literature 4B

6 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Glanton, Dahleen. "Bigotry Takes on a Different Shade." Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL), 17 Jan.

2010, pp. 19. SIRS Issues Researcher,

This source highlights the use of skin tone bias, in this article, it highlights discrimination

in the workplace, the article state an expierence Ms.Tamara Field had, “she had to explain to a

white supervisor at work why she was having lunch with the company's minority recruiter, a

common practice at jobs with few minority employees.’ I said, 'She wants to know if I am happy

with my career path here,' said Field, 41, of Evanston, a former journalist who works in public

relations. When the supervisor asked why, Field answered, "Because I'm black!" Another

example of skin bais politically for example,”Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had partly

attributed President Barack Obama's appeal among voters to his being a "light-skinned" African-

American.” These are just a couple of examples of what skin tone bias looks like modernly.

Glanton, Dahleen. "Racial Bias seen in Many Shades." Washington Post (Washington, DC), 14

Feb. 2010, pp. A. 3. SIRS Issues Researcher,

This article examines the racism that exists due to varying skin tones among black
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people. It highlights the colorism ( specifically in the past) when slavery in the United States was

existant, in the black community since slavery, whichis derived from the hierarchy established

by slave masters for the light-skinned blacks who worked in the house and dark-skinned slaves

who tended the fields. This mindset has been going on for decades, however in recent years

people with more melanin are finally getting the recogniction that they deserve.

Layng, Anthony. "Color Counts." USA Today (Farmingdale) Vol.134, No.2730, Mar. 2006, pp.

56-58. SIRS Issues Researcher,

This article states how important the color of your skin can reflect you as a person, in

many countries, people are judged based on the color of their skin, not their personality. For

example, most asian counties value lighter skin and are more open to aceppting people with less

pigmentation versus people with more pigmentation. The color of your skin has a lot to deal with

the expierences that you may have, even rasism.

Mankiller, Wilma, and others. Colorism. The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History,

1998. SIRS Issues Researcher,

According to the article, “Colorism subjectively ranks individuals according to the

perceived color tones of their skin. People who "look white" receive preferential or prejudicial

treatment both within and between races. Social status, marriage desirability, economic and

educational attainment often have been historically related to light skin tones” Racism has been

around for centuries, it has gotten people killed and convicted for crimes that they did not

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Mejia, Brittny. "Dark-Skinned Latinos See Deeper Shade of Bias." Los Angeles Times, 23 Nov.

2018, pp. A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher,

This article states the struggles of dark-skinned latinos go through and have been going

through for centuries, we get the last roles in telenovelas, even then we recieved the roles that

weren’t of much important and or were dermining to us. Most of the time the black latinos are

given the job of servents or are the bad people. This has led to convreversy throughout the latino


Samuels, Adrienne P. "Do Light-Skinned Black People have an Advantage? Yes. they are.."

Ebony (Vol.63, No.4), Feb. 2008, pp. 165. SIRS Issues Researcher,

This article is something that all americans know for a fact. This is promment in the workforce,

the black community, and also society as a whole. Many people will say that light-skin is

beautiful but say that people with a lot of melanin in their skin are ugly, that’s not the case, as

people are beautful descpit their skin color. In the work force, if you’re a light-skinned female

then you may recieve better benifits than your dark-skinned cowoker, even though you’re doing

the same amount of work.

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