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Professional Issues in IT

Reflection and Learning Account

Chandrakanth Bodagala (6635172)

Some of the key professional roles and responsibilities for a modern ICT professional
according to me:

The ICT industry has been ever growing day by day and the roles as well as the
responsibilities are following the same suite. The roles in the ICT industry vary from the
highest managerial roles to the role of a fresher in the industry. Some of the important roles
are that of a team leader, manager who is responsible for the project completion successfully.

The responsibilities include some technical aspects, financial responsibilities and the most
important are ethical responsibilities. An organization’s welfare hugely depends upon how
ethical its employees are.

How might these affect me in my future work?

The variety of roles in the ICT industry provides me an opportunity to traverse through the
basic roles to the higher roles. It’s very important to update our learning with the growing IT
industry to achieve self growth in an organization. Handling the responsibilities with the
respective roles would be a challenge both technically and ethically, considering the
situations in the real world.

My views on Behaviours of the team members for good and effective group

Any team must possess certain qualities and behaviours for the project it is working on, to be
successful. The team is made up of members who are recognised appropriate for the
requirements of the project. The requirements can be technical, artistic, management and
many more. But the actual progress of the project is partly dependent on the behaviours of the
team which solve the problems faced during the life of the project. Some of the behaviours to
be possessed by a team include good communication skills, appropriate technical skills,
observing ethics, presenting punctuality, meeting scheduling targets, sharing the positive and
negative points with other members of the team and working towards a common goal.

Changing behaviours in order to become more effective in diverse settings:

The behaviour change according to me is important as I have learnt from the research from
certain topics and the interview itself. Ability to adapt to different situations in a team is
certain behaviour of a team member. I view the change of behaviour and adapting to the
project as a constructional feature in the career of an ICT professional.
What kinds of changes do I feel have occurred to the way I perceive the work of ICT
professionals during this unit?

Before doing this unit, I did not realise properly the importance of factors like ethics,
scheduling, project goals etc...After undergoing the experience of being in a project,
performing an interview, researching on certain topics, i more clearly understood all the
above said topics and how relevant and important they are in today’s world. I could improve
my way of looking at team work in a more diversified and effective way.

My learning throughout this course:

The course was very informational from the very first day and it helped me view the ICT
industry and its functioning more clearly. I could weigh out the important factors that an ICT
professional must have to become a success in the ICT industry.

I could learn more on certain topics like security, with the help of assignments like the
literature review. It provided me with some useful, unknown and surprising information.

My communication skills were developed through the presentations in this unit .The
presentations increased my confidence and improved my ability of delivering my thoughts to
an audience who understood and are involved with the ICT industry.

I could learn a lot about the role of ICT in banking and the security issues by our interview.

This whole project provided me a way to develop my time management skills, apply risk
management during the course of the project, learn from my team members and also impart
knowledge to them

Changing my aspirations and plans from the learning through this course:

I have always been very sound technically. But I was not well-aware of the other aspects like
ethics and management skills in ICT until I did course and it has opened my views on certain
needs which I have to develop. My aspirations now include developing my soft skills and
keep on updating with the changing technology. I plan to do some managerial courses which
can offer me more learning to become successful in the ICT world. I am also inspired to do
well through the ICT professional we interviewed. It was a very good learning experience.


Pursuing the unit Professional Issues in IT has provided me an opportunity to portray my

skills and at the same time it also has been an excellent learning experience. Right from day
one, knowledge was imparted and our abilities to perform in some pressure situations were
tested. It also gave me a chance to work with my team members who were from different
courses which actually tested my skill to work in a diversified environment.

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