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Android Based Board Exam Reviewer using Android Studio and SQLite Capstone Documentation


Preparing for the board examination is a crucial part for the students; through this, the students will
have a chance to review their lessons for the past years. To maximize the use of smartphones the
proponents would like to propose an Android-based board examination reviewer for BS Education
Students. This system will help the students have an easy way of reviewing and at the same time
measure their knowledge through a question, which is also a feature of the said application.

In the learning environment, technology-aided strategies provide valuable experiences to the teachers
and students through instructional devices that can be viewed and heard. Computers in the educational
institutions could be used in presenting the lesson and solving problems. Schools make use of computer-
assisted instructional applications such as drill and practice programs, tutorials, simulations and game
programs and students should make use of Information Technology (IT) throughout the curriculum. This
educational software may be utilized in acquiring subject-specific skills, knowledge and understanding.
The software must be easy to operate, should help students with their learning, and should be easy to
understand and use.

The implementation of Android Based Reviewer for BS Education Students primarily provides the
detailed information with different areas in the field of Education. Moreover, progress report of every
test will also be provided by the system to ensure that all questions have been thoroughly understood
by the system user. It helps resolves conflict with the printed reviewers.

The purpose of this Android-Based Reviewer is to provide review materials that will run on mobile
phones with android OS. It will also aid the students on having a wider and deep understanding and
preparation on the different areas given by the Philippine Regulatory Commission for Education Board

The system will provide questions for the different areas and the students will choose the correct
answer out of the selection given. Every module contains questions that will measure the level of
learning of the students. The System will also assess the level of the readiness of the students to take
the examination.
Significance of the Study

This study is expected to be a help in the following fields:

Students. This project serves as a supplementary tool for learning of the students preparing to take the
board exam for Education. Through this mobile reviewer app, it will be easy for them to understand
their lessons.

Instructor. It will minimize their work in checking of test papers and focus more on teaching.

Researchers. This study will give the researchers the opportunity to further develop their skills in system
design and development.

Other Researchers. The project serves as another source of information for other researchers. It could
be a great help for them in analyzing, interpreting and gives them an idea in investigating study
regarding mobile or android development.

Background of the study

Android Based Board Reviewer for Education students is a mobile application that will run on android
devices such as tablet, smart phones, etc. The said application will contain lessons in the major subjects
of Education to enrich their knowledge and to prepare them for the upcoming board examination. In
addition to that, the mobile app will also contain drills in a form of multiple type of questions. The
purpose of this is to measure the learning status of the students and to provide corresponding
intervention as well. Android Based Reviewer app will be develop using Android SDK, it is a platform
used to develop android application. They also used (Laptop or Desktop) Intel i3 2.5 GHz clock speed
processor (higher much better), 4 Gb RAM (higher much better), Operating system Windows Windows 7
or 8 (32/64 bit) and Smartphone Device with Android OS.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this Android-Based Reviewer is to provide review materials that will run on mobile
phones with android OS. It will also aid the students on having a wider and deep understanding and
preparation on the different areas given by the Philippine Regulatory Commission for Education Board


The researchers will use the Waterfall Approach as the system’s development model which includes
many stages such as Requirements gathering and analysis, System design, Implementation, Testing, and
Development of the system and Maintenance.
Research Plan

These are the procedures that will be used by the researchers in gathering significant data in this study.
First, a sample questionnaire will be created then it will be presented to the thesis adviser for approval.
After the approval of the thesis adviser, the questionnaire will be submitted to the group of experts for
validation and evaluation. Next, the questionnaire will evaluated, formal letter will be sent to the
subject of the study asking for permission to conduct a study involving the board exam review. After the
approval will be granted, the questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents. Lastly the data will
be collected; the data will be analyzed and interpreted.

Development Tools:

Android Studio(Java Programming), SQLite

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