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Fear's a powerful thing, Bob Dylan

It can turn your heart black you can trust
It'll take your God filled soul
And fill it with devils and dust - B. Springsteen

Louis Ferdinand Celine was the author of Journey To The End

of the Night a cult anti-war classic of the early 1960's popular among
the Beats. Henry Miller visited this Nazi collaborator and Jew hater in
post-war France in the late 1950's. After the visit Miller became
convinced that "the great artist is not always the great human being."
Perhaps Bob Dylan is the best living example of this. There is no doubt
in my mind that Dylan is a great artist. But as far as the human being
thing goes he is sinking lower and lower. I know what is going on in
what is left of his mind - his anti-Zionist beliefs are starting to turn really
sour and is becoming Jew-hatred. How could a Jew be an anti-Semite?
It happens more often than one would expect. Lyndon LaRouche, a
Nazi economist, has a shitload of Jews working for him. Fred Newman,
a Jew himself, runs a Jew hating cult in New York City. Rabbi Mordechi
Weberman, my own freakin' cousin, meets with Jew haters on a regular basis. Dylan has a
whole history of self-hate. After he converted to Christianity, unlike the other members of the
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, he focused on the Jews killed Christ aspect of fundamentalism
and wrote, "on the way out of Egypt through Ethiopia, the judgment of THOSE WHO KILLED
CHRIST" or "to the judgment hall of the Christ" however you hear it. Then came the Swiftian
allegory about Israel on UNDER THE RED SKY and how it was unbelievable that Israel acted
the way it did during the Intifada. Now Dylan is downplaying the evil of the Nazis by comparing
Nazi Germany to modern day Israel in MODERN TIMES. Next he will be denying the Holocaust
and verbally attacking his own people in his poetry.

I understand that Dylan is a bitter alta-cocker. I would be bitter too if I was HIV postive,
especially to fall from such a high place. As the prison psychologists told the inmates at MDC,
the prison where I was incarcerated, "It's those who end up here from Park Avenue, not those
who lived in the projects, who are most likely to attempt suicide." Dylan is committing suicide via
his own self-destructive political philosophy. For the love of G-d, take pity on yourself.

In Chronicles Dylan crossed the line and became a Patrick Buchanan type thinker - but
fortunately there is no perception of this by the public due to the fact that no journalist or
reviewer wants to be out of step with the rest of the media and point out certain passages from
Chronicles 2004 that on their face indicate that there is something seriously wrong with Dylan's
thinking - something that reeks of a diseased mind.


This paragraph is from Chronicles 2004:

"Hitler, Churchill, Mussolini, Stalin, Roosevelt - towering figures that the world
would never see the likes of again, men
who relied on their own resolve, for better
or worse, every one of them prepared to
act alone, indifferent to approval -
indifferent to wealth or love, all presiding
over the destiny of mankind and reducing
the world to rubble." Hitler was a
towering figure? The dictionary defines
towering figure as: very great - a towering
figure in the British art world. Dylan's
view of Hitler appears to be not unlike
that of Louis Farrakhan, a notorious Jew hater, "Here come the Jews [sic] don't like Farrakhan,
so they call me a Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man." It also reminds
me of a statement that Nazi collaborator Gertrude Stein made in 1937: "There is too much
fathering going on just now and there is no doubt about it fathers are depressing. Everybody
nowadays is a father, there is father Mussolini and father Hitler and father Roosevelt and father
Stalin..." Stein was one of the few Jews to meet with Adolf Hitler. Somebody should have put a
bullet through this bitch! She should never have been an icon of the counter-culture.


Here is what Dylan writes about Lindbergh, "There were other Minnesotans, too, that I felt akin
to. Charles Lindbergh, the first aviator to fly nonstop across the Atlantic in the '20s. He was from
Little Falls."

In September 1939, two weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, Lindbergh
delivered a nationwide radio address urging the United States to stay out of
the war. In this speech Lindbergh proclaimed that Nazi victory in Europe was
certain and because of this America should stay out and deal with the
consequences. Later in the speech, Lindbergh commented “These wars in
Europe are not wars in which our civilization is defending itself against some
Asiatic intruder”. A later article by Lindbergh in Readers Digest continued:
“Our civilization depends on a western wall of race and arms which can hold back…the
infiltration of inferior blood."


In his letter, he made mention of some lines in a song of mine that places T. S. Eliot and
Ezra Pound symbolically fighting in a captain's tower.) "Pound and Eliot were too scholastic,
weren't they?" he says. What I know about Pound is that he was a Nazi sympathizer in World
War II and did anti-American broadcasts from Italy. I never did read him. I liked T. S. Eliot. He
was worth reading.

When T. S. Eliot spoke at the University of Virginia aren't a few weeks after Hitler came
to power, he said that in a well ordered society "Reasons of race and religion combine to make
any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable." I don't care you good a poetry this guy
wrote, he was a piece of shit and that's that.


Dylan asked Ray Gooch, the smack dealer Dylan crashed with when
Dylan first hit New York City, what it was like to work in a plant where
animals were slaughtered. Gooch compared it to a prison where people
were slaughtered. Dylan elaborated, "[Auschwitz] was one of the Nazi
death camps in Europe and Adolf Eichmann, the chief Nazi Gestapo
organizer who'd managed them, had been put on trial recently in
Jerusalem. He'd escaped after the war and was captured by the Israelis
at a bus stop in Argentina. His trial was a big deal. On the witness stand Eichmann declared he
was merely following orders, but his prosecutors had no problem proving that he had carried out
his mission with monstrous zeal and relish. Eichmann had been convicted and his fate was now
being decided. There was a lot of talk about sparing his life, even sending him back to
Argentina, but that would have been foolish. Even if he was set free he probably wouldn't last an
hour. The State of Israel claimed the right to act as heir and executor of all who perished in the
final solution. The trial reminds the whole world of what led to the formation of the Israeli state.

The first thing that caught my attention was that when Gooch compared Auschwitz to a
slaughterhouse in the Midwest Dylan did not report registering any objection. Only the most
fanatical Animal Liberationists would equate the two. Later Dylan writes that the Eichmann trial
was a "big deal." A big deal can be defined as something of special importance but it can be
also sometimes used ironically as an interjection. Dylan went on, "There was a lot of talk about
sparing his life, even sending him back to Argentina, but that would have been foolish. Even if
he was set free he probably wouldn't last an hour." Set free? Who the fuck even suggested he
be set free? Much of the talk about returning Eichmann to Argentina came from Argentina's
military dictatorship and from Nazi groups that had brought him there in the first place. In 1964
Dylan was one of those who thought it was wrong to execute Eichmann or go after Nazi war
criminals "irma goes t' israel an' writes me that there, they hate nazis much more 'n we over
here do. eichmann dies yes, an' west germany sends eighty - year - old pruned - out gestapo
hermit off t' the penitentiary."



Throughout Chronicles 2004 Dylan sings the praises of various black musicians,
composers and lyricists, such as Robert Johnson, pointing out how their genius influenced him.
Dylan sang at the March On Washington in 1963, he wrote Blowin' In The Wind but now this is
what he has to say about David Duke, a Nazi, Klansman and convicted embezzler: "The ex-
Klansman David Duke from Metairie in Jefferson Parish had been elected to the Louisiana State
House of Representatives and he was being interviewed. He said that welfare wasn't working
and that workfare would be better make people on welfare work for the community instead of
getting a free ride. He also wanted to put prisoners from state pens on work programs. Didn't
want them getting a free ride, either. I hadn't seen Duke before; he looked like a movie star. I
gathered myself together [allowed him to help formulate my ideas, I
accumulated my ideas] and went back in to work with Dan." Is this all Dylan
has to say about David Duke, that he looked like a movie star? By his absence
of criticism as a one time member of the Civil Rights Movement Dylan is tacitly
endorsing David Duke. Dylan should be saying, "Ban the Klan! Death to the
Klan!" Dylan has a wife and daughter who David Duke would call NIGGERS.
Dylan has worked with numerous black people. And all Dylan can say about
Duke is that he looked like a movie star and wanted to stop Blacks from getting a free ride. THE


"David was the grand dragon. If you were on McDougal Street in the evening
and out to see somebody play, he'd be the first and last vital choice of the
night." This is how Dylan describes Dave Van Ronk, a socialist and anti-racist
until his recent death? A Grand Dragon is a high-ranking member of the Klan!
To become a Grand Dragon you got to do some shit, like kill, injure, and mess
up some Black people. Dylan sings the praises of Van Ronk throughout his
book and everyone knows that Dylan's first album was not much different than
Van Ronk's early work which everyone back then would listen to ask
themselves, "You believe this dude is white?" Hey I lived through this era
sports fans. What did Dylan do for Van Ronk anyway? Did he ever try to help
his career, did he ever let him open at one of his concerts?

Zimmerman has this to say about Ray Gooch:

He was a nonconformist, a nonintegrator and a Southern nationalist. Ray had said that
New York City was the city that won the Civil War, came out on top-that the wrong side had lost,
that slavery was evil and that the thing would have died out anyway, Lincoln or no Lincoln. I
heard him say it and thought it was a mysterious and bad thing to say, but if he said it, he said it
and that's all there is to it.

What is a motherfucking "nonintegrator"? A segregationist. A racist. I believe I heard of a

dude named Ray who lived on the far West Side from a cat named Dave Moore who lived next
door to me at 146 Sullivan Street in 1965. Gooch was a smack dealer. No wonder Dylan never
mentioned him before. Previously Dylan wrote that he stayed with MacKenzie’s and with Van
Ronk then said he got a pad on the Lower East Side and trekked or shmecked his way to the
Village for gigs.

But perhaps the most telling episode indicative of Dylan's racism was
revealed when Dylan described an encounter with Frank Sinatra Jr. "He
talked about the civil rights movement, said his father had been active in
civil rights and had always fought for the underdog-that his father felt like
he was one himself...The conversation rolled along. "How do you think it
would make you feel," he said, "to find out that the underdog had turned
out to be a son of a bitch?" "I don't know," I said, "probably not so good."
Zimmerman fails not only to challenge someone who in my opinion
sounds like a racist pig, he agrees with him. Frank Jr. was saying that
"the underdog had turned out to be a son of a bitch" - all Black people were gangbangers, bad-
assed or lazy niggers, dopers, rip offs, welfare mothers and Dylan agreed with him?
Zimmerman said he was with his wife, which wife? The African-American one or the Jewish


A few years earlier, Kurtis Blow, a rapper from Brooklyn who had a hit out called "The
Breaks" had asked me to be on one of his records and he familiarized me with that stuff, Ice-T,
Public Enemy, N.W.A., Run-D.M.C. These guys definitely weren't standing around bullshitting.
They were beating drums, tearing it up, hurling horses over cliffs. They were all poets and knew
what was going on. Somebody different was bound to come along sooner or later who would
know that world, been born and raised with it ... be all of it and more.

Professor Griff the Mental Stiff of Public Enema had previously said anti-
Semitic remarks on stage but his quotation that Jews were responsible for
"the majority of the wickedness that goes on across the globe" were greeted
with shock and outrage, especially by White critics that previously embraced
the group. Faced with a major crisis, Chuck D faltered. At first he fired Griff,
then he brought him back to the group and then he broke up the group. Griff
gave one more interview where he attacked Chuck D and PE, which led to
his permanent departure from the group.

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