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Romanian landscapes

Of all the beautiful places to visit in Romania, I’ll talk about three of them. So, in my project, I
chose to present a place near my town, frequently visited, one of the most visited places in Romania,
well-known for its history, and a place I’d like to go in the future.

The first place which, in my opinion, is a very nice touristic attraction since its restoration in
2009. This place is Neamt Citadel, a medieval fortress located in the North-Eastern part of Romania, in
Targu Neamt.

I went there many times, and I know a lot of details about Moldavian history, from the guide that
described us the place and the history it hides, in different ways, every time I went there. It’s impressive
how this citadel makes you imagine that you live in those times, you are one of the soldiers that defend
this place against Hungarians, Turks, Tatars or Austrians. During the 14th-18th centuries, any major
event in the history of Moldavia was linked, in a way or another, to the citadel, which played a key role
in Moldavia defense system.

The second place is another castle, surely the most visited in Romania and one of the most
impressive in Europe is Bran Castle, which I had the occasion of visiting it, a few years ago, in one of
the trips I made with my school. Located in Bran, near Braşov, it is a fortress situated on the border of
Walachia and Transylvania, marketed as the home of the titular character in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.Still,
there are many people fascinated by it, and its history.
. The tourists can visit it individually, but there are also guides, who give us information about its
history. There is also an open-air museum which presents traditional Romanian houses.The surroundings
are also beautiful .

The third place is the newest land that Romania has, one of the most fascinating places in the
world, where thousands of species of birds, fish and animals live. This place, which I’d like to visit one
day, is the Danube Delta.

The Danube Delta is one of the best preserved places in Europe. There’s not only water
everywhere, but forests, like Letea Forest, and small villages. Gura Portitei, which lies in the south, can
offer the beauty of seaside, combined with peacefulness.

These are only three beautiful places that can make you say “What a beautiful country we have!”
Indeed, we have a wonderful country, and there is a lot more to discover.

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