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What are my housing options?

How much would it cost to…  
Part 1: 
Do “Housing Worksheet”, then discuss the following questions:
● On a scale of 1-10 (1-not at all & 10- Uh, TOMORROW please!) right now, where would
you put yourself for wanting to live on your own?
● When do you think you may want to live on your own? 2 years? 5 years? 6 months?
After College (4 years)
○ What factors would need to align in order to live on your own?
Good Job, place to live, graduate college
○ What are the benefits to staying in the house you live in now?
No rent, middle of nowhere- solitude, family will own the house, big (colonial-style)
○ Are there things that make you apprehensive to live on your own?
Bills/money/job, Being alone
● If you think about living in an apartment, would you want live with a roommate?
Probs - most likely one
○ Would you want a pet with you?
Uhhh yeah. All of the pets (Horses, Dog, Cat, Duck, Chicken)
● If you had the money to move anywhere you want tomorrow, where would you live?
● Where do you see yourself living in 5 years?
● What factors would need to align for you to want to buy a house?
Ranch, not off-the-moon expensive

Part 2: 
Check out these two articles and discuss: What surprises you? What did you already know?

11 Most Expensive States to buy a home (CBS, 2015):

“What can $1200/mo buy in Vermont’s tight rental market?” (7 Days, 2013)

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