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Dark Future Gangs and Ops

People’s Front of Arizona

Revolutionary socialists the PFA are best known for an audacious raid on the State
Governor’s mansion. Several revolutionary groups were apparently involved and
details are sketchy however their aim appears to have been to abduct the governor’s
wife and hold her for ransom. A handwritten note found in the pocket of one of the
would-be kidnappers gave the governor just 48 hours to completely dismantle the
apparatus of the corporate capitalist state. If the governor didn’t immediately agree
the PFA would execute his wife.

The only thing the PFA hates more than the corporations are the Popular Front of

“Arizona People’s Front? F*ck off! We’re the People’s Front of Arizona.” Unnamed
revolutionary to prospective young recruit.

Stan – Assault Rifle

Reg –

Brian –

Judith – 9mm pistol

The Undertakers

According to popular rumour the members of this bank robbing road gang met
through a wife-swapping website and law enforcement initially referred to them as
‘The Swinger Gang.’ The jokes dried up however after the first few failed sanctions.
Now the gang are known as ‘The Undertakers;’ partly for the style of their clothing
and vehicles and partly for the number of their enemies they’ve put in the ground.

Moses ‘Buck’ Brown – 2x 9mm pistols

Loretta ‘Horsey’ Brown – Scoped .357 magnum

Joseph ‘The Talent’ Jones – Scoped AR15

Katherine ‘Syn’ Jones – SPAS 12 shotgun

Brad Power – independent op.

Power was a major in Special Forces and spent the best part of a decade furthering
the aims of America’s dominant corporations. This mainly involved knocking off, or
installing tin-pot dictators in impoverished African and South American countries
that the corporations wanted to exploit. He took an honourable discharge in ’94 and
used his payoff to set himself up as an independent op. A Cold, calculating killer,
professional and well-armed; Power is not a man to be trifled with.

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