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Mi película favorita es 50 sombras de Grey, el género dramática, romántica y erótica, autora británica Erika

Leonard Mitchell más conocida como el seudónimo E.L James

Los personajes principales son Dakota Johnsson y Jaime Dornan

Narra la historia de la relación entre Anastasia Steele, una joven estudiante de 21 años recién graduada de la
Universidad de Washington y Christian Grey de 27 años que es un empresario millonario, se conocen durante una
entrevista que Anastasia sustituye a su mejor amiga que se encuentra resfriada.

Surgen varios encuentros donde se muestran interesados y sexualmente, donde Grey le entrega un acuerdo de
confidencialidad que le prohíba habar de lo que hagan juntos, lo que Ana se compromete a firmar, donde Gray
decide mostrarle la misteriosa habitación y empieza a recibir castigos eróticos y a la vez regalos extravagantes.

Pero 50 sombras de Grey además de su poderoso exitoso ha sido protagonista de mucha controversia ha tenido
muchas críticas negativas donde se ha señalado y condenado el mensaje de sumisión y machismo.

My favorite movie is 50 shades of Gray, the dramatic, romantic and erotic genre, British author Erika Leonard
Mitchell better known as the pseudonym E.L James L James.

The main characters are Dakota Johnsson and Jaime Dornan.

It tells the story of the relationship between Anastasia Steele, a young 21-year-old student just graduated from the
University of Washington and 27-year-old Christian Gray who is a millionaire businessman, they know during an
interview that Anastasia replaces her best friend who is colds

Several encounters appear where they are interested and sexually, where Gray gives a confidentiality agreement
that prohibits him to have what they do together, what Ana agrees to sign, where Gray decides to show the
mysterious room and begins to receive Ana erotic punishments and at the same time extravagant gifts.

But 50 shades of Gray in addition to his powerful success has been the protagonist of much controversy has had
many negative reviews where the message of submission and machismo has been pointed out and condemned.

My favorite movie is 50 sheids of gray, the dramatic, romantic and erotic genre, Bredish author Erika Leonard
Mitchell bader known as the saidamon E.L James.

Da mein carters are Dakota Johnsson and Jaime Dornan.

It tells the story of the releisonp bituin Anastasia Steele, a yang 21-year-old student yast gratueided from the
University of Washington and 27-year-old Christian Gray hu is a milion-eir bisesmen, they know daring an initiur
that Anastasia ripleices her bast friend hu is colds.

Severl incanters appier where they are intrested and sexshualy, where Gray givs a confidentiality agriment that
prohibits hem to have what they do tigether, what Ana agriis to sain, where Gray disaids to show the mysterious
ruum and beghins tuu riciv Ana erotic paneshments and at the seim taim extraveguents gefts.

But 50 sheids of Gray in adishon tu his pawerful sisacss has been the protagonist of much controversy has had
meny negative reviews where the masash of sub-mishion and machismo has been pointed aut and quindeimnd.

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