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No. 430, CUTTACK, THURSDAY, MARCH 22 , 2018 /CHAITRA 1, 1940


The 27th October, 2017

No. 8159–LL-II-FM-11-2015/LESI.— Whereas the draft of certain rules, further to

amend the Odisha Factories Rules 1950, was published as required by Section 115 of the
Factories Act, 1948 ( 63 of 1948) in the Odisha Gazette in issue No.30, dated the 11th
August, 2017 under the notification of the Government of Odisha in the Labour & E.S.I
.Department No. 5467, dated the 11th July, 2017 inviting objections or suggestions from
all persons likely to be affected thereby till the expiry of a period of forty-five days from the
date of publication of the said notification in the Odisha Gazette;
And, whereas no objection or suggestion is received within the period so stipulated
in respect of the said draft,
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 112 of the said Act,
the State Government do hereby make the following rules further to amend the Odisha
Factories Rules, 1950, namely:—
1. (1) These rules may be called the Odisha Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2017.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the
Odisha Gazette.
2. In the Odisha Factories Rules,1950 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in
rule 4, after the words “grant of license”, the following words shall be inserted, namely:—
“with an option to apply for one year term or five year term or ten year term licence”.
3. In the said rules, in rule 5, after a sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be
inserted, namely:—
“(1-a) A licence for five year or ten year term shall be granted in Form No. 4A by
the Chief Inspector on payment of five times or as the case may be ten times of
the licence fee in vogue” .

4. In the said rules, after Form 4, the following form shall be inserted, namely:—

“Form 4A

[See rule 5(1-a)]


Registration No…………………… Fees Rs……………….per annum

Serial No………………………….
Licence granted to……………………….valid only for the premises shown

on plan approved vide letter No………………………….dt………….…………….are

situated at …………………P.O……………… Dist ………………….for use as a






………. under the name

M/s……………………………………………………………..employing not more

than……………….......... persons on any one day during the period and using motive

Power not exceeding ……………………K.W. subject to the provisions of the

Factories Act, 1948 and Rules made thereunder. The licence is hereby granted /

renewed for a period of five years / ten years.

The licence shall remain in force from…………………….to……………………

Chief Inspector of Factories, Odisha.”

By Order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to Government

Printed and published by the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack-10
Ex. Gaz. 2137-173+20

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