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4. What was very important in selecting your hair salon? (select as many options as you
deem relevant)

Well maintained facilities

Good customer service
Offer more than one service (hair, nails, beauty, etc.)
Qualified and well trained stylists/hairdressers
Close to my home

* 8. How does your hair salon reward you for your loyalty?

* 9. What factors would you consider in switching to another salon?

4. How did you find your current hair and beauty salon?

Waiting time reduction,app features-book slot, better info of shop,

Q3.How did you find your current hair or beauty salon?

*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.

Recommendation by friend or family member

Walking past
Advertisement in the press
Online (i.e. Google search, online directory, etc.)
Directory (i.e. Yell, Thomason local)
Flyer / leaflet
Other, please specify:
Q4.What factors influenced your choice of current hairdressing / beauty salon?
(Tick all that apply)
*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.

Convenience to home or work

Special offers / vouchers
Quality of treatments
Rapport with one or more members of staff
Brand image
Look and feel of their website
Shop decoration
Professional Memberships
Customer loyalty rewards
Other, please specify:
Q7.What factors would influence your choice of new hairdressing / beauty salon?
(Tick all that apply)

*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.

Convenience to home or work

Special offers / vouchers
Quality of treatments
Rapport with one or more members of staff
Brand image
Look and feel of their website
Recommendation (friends, family, etc.)
Shop decoration
Professional Memberships
Customers reviews
Customer loyalty rewards
Other, please specify:

3.) Where have you seen or heard of hair salon advertising in the last 6 months? (Please
select as many answers as you wish from the below list)

 Radio
 Newspaper
 Magazine
 Internet
 Social Media i.e Facebook etc
 Outdoor/Billboard/buses/taxis etc
 Other (Please Specify)

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