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Portfolio 2018-19

Extracurricular Experience

Describe the activities you have participated in. These might include sports, ASB, clubs, theater,
church groups, or other organized activities outside of regular school hours.

Some extracurricular activities I participate in throughout high school was doing the nutcracker
musical for the cloverdale performing arts center, I volunteered at my church for Awanas, VBS,
and sports camp. I also played sports. This year I mainly just played tennis and volunteered at the
memorial hospital.

On average, how many hours do you dedicate to your extracurricular life each week or month?

On average I spent about 10 hours a week doing extracurricular activities.

Have you enjoyed your extracurricular experiences so far? Why or why not?

Yes I have because it gives me something to do outside of school and it is a great way to make
new friends and have new experiences.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use to
participate fully in these experiences?

To participate in these experiences I needed discipline and teamwork for sports and
communication and patience for volunteering at the hospital
Portfolio 2018-19

How might these skills be used in a career or college environment?

I need to be determined and self disciplined to work my way through college and to get to the
career I want and I need to be able to communicate with my co-workers to be able to do well in
the medical field.

What have learned about yourself so far by participating in extracurricular activities?

I learned that I am competitive and determined to get what I want and I am also good at working
as a team rather than on my own.

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