Simulation and Optimisation of Cargo Handling Operations of AFRAMAX Tankers

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Simulation and Optimisation of Cargo Handling Operations of AFRAMAX


Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment · June 2015
DOI: 10.1177/1475090215589643


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4 authors, including:

Timoleon Plessas Dionysia Chroni

National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens


Apostolos Papanikolaou
Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
Simulation and optimisation of cargo Ó IMechE 2015
Reprints and permissions:
handling operations of AFRAMAX
DOI: 10.1177/1475090215589643


Timoleon Plessas1, Dionysia Chroni1, Apostolos Papanikolaou1

and Nikolaos Adamopoulos2

This article focuses on the optimisation of cargo handling operations of tankers. A combined hydraulic-energy model has
been developed and adapted to the design characteristics of AFRAMAX tankers, allowing the simulation of a tanker’s
cargo discharging procedures, while monitoring all related ship parameters, like characteristics of pumps/manifolds, pip-
ing system, flow rates, pressures, ship responses, etc. A preference-based multi-criteria optimisation methodology has
been additionally applied to the modelled simulation procedure, which results in practical guidelines for the optimisation
of discharging procedure in terms of energy–fuel consumption and discharging time. These guidelines have proven very
valuable in the decision-making process during cargo handling operations.

Tanker operation, discharging simulation, energy modelling, cargo handling optimisation, decision making, multi-criteria
optimisation, MATLAB

Date received: 9 January 2015; accepted: 27 March 2015

Introduction requirements: real-time simulation and easy adjustment

to possible changes of externally posed constraints, for
The efficient simulation/prediction of the behaviour example, to the characteristics of a new terminal. In this
and energy consumption of any system or sub-system context, we demonstrate in the following the capabilities
of a ship is of significant importance, because a proper of a developed software tool for simulation/optimisation
operation/selection of the crucial parameters for indi- of tanker discharging procedures and conclude on valu-
vidual sub-systems can provide significant savings in able guidelines for the efficiency of ship operation, which
terms of energy/fuel consumption and time. In tanker are available for and may be exploited by ship operators.
operations, one of the most energy consuming sub-
system is the cargo handling system and the accurate
prediction of its behaviour is crucial in view of a safe Literature review
and efficient operation. Therefore, there is a need for
the development of simulation tools, which may sup- Public domain studies related to the modelling of tan-
port the decision-making procedure of the operator dur- ker’s cargo handling systems are limited. Gunner’s2
ing cargo discharging procedures. This is the main focus study (2001) outlines some guidelines regarding the
of this article, which was conducted in the frame of the basic principles of pumping calculations and the
EU-funded project REFRESH,1 and a parallel bilateral
project of MARAN Tankers and NTUA-SDL. 1
Ship Design Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens,
Since tanker cargo discharging procedures are com- Athens, Greece
plicated procedures, with many parameters and con- 2
Operations Department, MARAN Tankers Management, Athens,
straints (like pressure at the manifolds, flow rates, time Greece
spent at port, etc.) which can vary not only between dif-
Corresponding author:
ferent terminals, but also during the procedure itself, the Apostolos Papanikolaou, Ship Design Laboratory, National Technical
development of a properly functioning on-board decision University of Athens, 9, Heroon Polytechniou, Athens 15 773, Greece.
support tool needs to comply with two basic software Email:

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2 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment

required methods for the relevant calculations. The

fundamental properties of the pumping system of a
crude oil tanker and methods for on-board estimation
of the required pump speed for achieving certain mani-
fold pressure were elaborated in Adamopoulos’3 study.
Independently, liquid cargo handling simulators are
available to the shipping industry, but they are not ela-
borated in public domain. Indicatively, some modelling
aspects of the cargo handling system of a tanker we
found in two studies related to the development of the
TRANSAS simulator.4,5 Finally, the modelling of the
cargo handling system of an AFRAMAX tanker and
some preliminary simulation results were shown in a
study conducted by the authors of this article.6
Figure 1. Simplified shore system piping network.

Description of the examined system

ship commonly operates between numerous, different
The study ship presented herein is an existing 105,000
terminals, where the piping arrangement/diameters on
DWT AFRAMAX, with 6 3 2 cargo tanks (six ports
the shore differ from one to another. In addition, there
and six starboards) plus two slop tanks (one port and
can also be changes during the discharging procedure.
one starboard). The examined hydraulic network con-
Therefore, an equivalent simplified shore-based arrange-
sists of two basic sub-systems, namely, the ship piping
ment is generated representing the main parameters
network and the shore system piping network. Note that
that affect the discharging procedure, namely:
the ballast network is also included in the developed
simulation model, but the results presented below focus
 The elevation of the tank from the sea level;
herein only on the cargo handling system.
 The distance of the shore tank from the vessel;
 The diameter of the piping network.
Cargo piping network
The description of the ship piping network is being dis- The first two parameters can be provided by the
posed by the vessel operator/yard and it consists of the shore authorities. The third parameter is often difficult
cargo tanks, the piping and the fittings from the tanks to find, since the exact piping arrangement differs
to the pumps and the manifolds, as shown in Figure 1. between the terminals, and even if the vessel is dischar-
The hydraulic network has been modelled following the ging at the same terminal, different shore tanks and
basics of hydraulics of piping.7 Flow rates are calcu- associated piping might be used.
lated by using the Linear Method (Appendix 1), which In this respect, it can be assumed that the equivalent
is a fast and accurate method for defining the flow in shore piping network consists of a pipe that connects
complex hydraulic networks.8 This methodology was the manifolds of the vessel with the shore tank, having
implemented to the cargo piping network of tankers. an elevation and length equal to the one provided by
The entire simulation software was developed in the the shore officer; it is noted that the actual length may
MATLAB environment.9 It should be noted that the be replaced by an equivalent length that disposes the
case study vessel is equipped with common steam-driven same degree of losses/resistance of flow due to piping,
cargo pumps;10 therefore, in order to estimate the asso- valves, fittings, etc. Based on the above assumptions,
ciated energy–fuel consumption, relationships between the equivalent diameter is the only undefined/uncertain
steam generation and fuel consumption need to be mod- parameter among the three required parameters that
elled; this was herein accomplished by modelling rele- define the simplified shore piping network. Taking into
vant relationship graphs provided by the manufacturers consideration all the above, the three parameters (dia-
of the steam turbines and the boiler. In addition to that, meter of the shore pipes, height of the tank and length
the cargo system is capable of handling cargoes of dif- of the piping) are being examined parametrically, based
ferent properties (density and viscosity), which alter sig- on typical dimension ranges, which represent existing
nificantly the behaviour of the discharging procedure.11 terminals. In this context, the selected ranges for the
The developed model was adapted to this and validated parametric examination can be defined by taking into
against actual discharging cases, based on available logs consideration characteristic terminals of the worldwide
from the examined vessel. storage facilities of the oil industry.12

Shore piping network Defining the shore piping network

Regarding the shore piping network characteristics, the For proper modelling of the shore piping network, the
available information is usually limited. The case study characteristics of the largest terminals around the world

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Plessas et al. 3

Table 1. Examined shore system characteristics.

Shore system characteristics

Length Height Shore pipe diameter
Terminal Range (m) Case studies (m) Range (m) Case studies (m) Range (m) Case studies (m)

Houston Over 150 70/150/700/1000 5–20 5/15 0.1–0.6 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6


Amsterdam up to 150 70/150 5–20 5/15 0.1–0.6 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6

Sao Paolo

Figure 2. Location of major oil storage terminals.

were adapted (Figure 2).13 The ranges of terminal para- divided into two main categories. The first one is refer-
meters that were covered by the conducted simulations ring to the shore system characteristics (Equivalent
are summarised in Table 1. In general, when shore- Shore System Information) and the second one to the
based tanks are located at smaller distances from the vessel’s system characteristics (Discharging Plan
pier/berthing vessel (up to about 150 m), smaller equiv- Information).
alent piping diameters are used (0.3–0.4 m). On the con- Equivalent shore system information:
trary, in ports with shore tanks very far away from the
pier (over about 150 m), larger equivalent diameters are  Distance of shore tanks from vessel;
used (0.5–0.6 m).  Height of shore tanks from the sea level;
On the basis of a systematic parametric simulation  Equivalent diameter of the shore piping network.
study of the port parameters listed in Table 1, it is pos-
sible to develop useful guidelines for the optimal dis- Discharging plan information:
charging operation of a study vessel, while considering
the minimisation of fuel consumption and of the time  Number of pumps in use;
at port. The implemented optimisation methodology  Rotation per minute (RPM) of the pumps;
and some indicative results are presented in this study.  Loading condition;
 Cargo type.

Setting up the optimisation problem

Cargo handling system optimisation problem
Input parameters The cargo handling with a steam-driven pump system
Taking all the above into consideration, the main input of an AFRAMAX tanker is being optimised with
parameters that affect the discharging procedure can be respect to the overall energy consumption and the

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4 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment

efficiency of the discharging operation in terms of the which is the optimum solution that will use the least
time spent at port. The development of the model is possible fuel for the maximum amount of discharged
based on the mathematical modelling of the physics of cargo.
the cargo fluid, as it flows through the individual xi are the optimisation variables, which affect the
components of the hydraulic system (see Appendix 1 total discharging time (t) and the FOC.
for the essential theoretical background). Two different Constraints are as follows:
approaches were practically examined: Dynamic
Modelling14 and Quasi-steady Modelling. The results  670 r/min 4 pump RPM 4 1330 r/min;
presented in this article are produced by the quasi-  5 kg/cm2 4 pressure at the manifolds 4 8.8 kg/cm2
steady model, which is computationally less demand-  Flow rate 4 7950 m3/h (50,000 bbls/h)
ing, but the differences, compared to the dynamic  Total discharging time 4 24 h
model, are herein insignificant.  Pumps must operate within their defined opera-
It should be noted that in practice, many times, the tional zone, given by the manufacturer.
discharging procedure is interrupted or altered due to
shore orders. In order to consider this variability into
the simulation software and optimisation procedure, Preference-based multi-criteria decision-
the simulation/optimisation should be performed if pos- making methodology
sible in real time, allowing the adjustment to possible
The ultimate goal of the developed software is to offer
changes that might show up due to shore orders.
a fully automated discharging plan with guidelines
Various optimisation methods were herein consid-
regarding the cargo handling operations as well as the
ered and practically examined.15 We briefly present in
ballasting procedure for a specific tanker ship, calling
the following the mathematical formulation of the mod-
at a specific terminal. Of course, the software cannot
elled multi-objective constrained optimisation problem:
replace the experience of the operator; thus, the final
The calculated output parameters are as follows:
decisions are always taken by the officer-in-charge.
Therefore, the herein presented preference-based
 Flow rate (m3/h)
approach enables the operator to consult the developed
 Hours left to complete discharging;
tool, which offers an interactive interface to the user
 Fuel consumption;
that supports his decisions.
 Manifold pressure;
Based on the above-defined objective functions, a
 Pump pressure;
preference-based multi-criteria decision-making metho-
 Pump efficiency.
dology is applied,16 which allows the operator to select
an optimum solution based on his preferences regard-
Optimisation variables are the parameters that can
ing the objective functions. This is achieved by using
be controlled before or during a cargo discharging,
the ‘normed weighted sum method’, where the prefer-
ence of the decision maker (DM) is expressed in terms
of weights on each objective function.17 Those weights
 Number/selection of pumps that will be used;
will reflect the DM’s preference regarding each objec-
 RPM of each pump;
tive function.
More specifically, the weights are herein
An additional parameter that can be controlled is
the sequence of the discharging procedure (e.g. which wFuel savings , wTime in port where
tanks will be emptied and how much cargo will be dis-
wFuel savings + wTime in port = 1 ð1Þ
charged from each tank during the procedure). The
results presented in this article refer only to homoge- For example, if the DM believes that the fuel savings
nous discharging procedures (all tank valves are fully are more important than the time spent in port, then
open). the weights could be
From the output parameters, the following two are
selected as objective functions: wFuel savings = 0:8, wTime in port = 0:2

 min t = f1 (xi ) For the production of a single unique solution for

multi-criterion optimisation problem, the multiple cri-
where t is the discharging time. teria are substituted by a scalar preference function P,
 min FOC = f2 (xi ) by using a linear weighted sum function like the
where FOC is the fuel oil consumption at the boilers
during the discharging procedure. It should be noted X
P½fk ðxÞ = ½wk  fk ðxÞ ð2Þ
that for the fuel consumption optimisation, the para-
meter (m3 fuel/m3 cargo) is used in order to conclude

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Plessas et al. 5

Table 2. Discharging simulation for different RPMs for two pumps (vessel 70% loaded).

RPM 930 1060 1200 1330

Flow rate (m3/h) 3545.7 4122.9 4736.1 5300.4
Efficiency (%) 86 86 85 86
Hours left to complete discharging 23.4 20.1 17.5 15.7
Fuel consumption (m3 fuel/m3 cargo) 3 104 2.7 3.1 3.7 4.4
Average manifold pressure (kg/cm2) 4.5 6.0 7.8 9.6
Average pump pressure (kg/cm2) 6.3 7.8 9.7 11.6

Table 3. Discharging simulation for different RPMs for three pumps (vessel 70% loaded).

RPM 930 1060 1200 1330

Flow rate (m3/h) 3806.0 4426.1 5085.6 5692.1
Efficiency (%) 77 78 78 78
Hours left to complete discharging 21.8 18.8 16.3 14.6
Fuel consumption (m3 fuel/m3 cargo) 3 104 3.6 4.1 4.8 5.7
Average manifold pressure (kg/cm2) 5.2 6.8 8.9 11.0
Average pump pressure (kg/cm2) 6.9 8.6 10.7 12.9

K initial stages of the discharging procedure, based on the
wk = 1 ð3Þ pressure readings at the manifolds.

Because the various criteria fk ðxÞ can have different

scales and units, it is important to normalise (non- On-board utilisation of the developed software
dimensionalise) them with a reference value that places The developed software is capable of providing tables
fk (x)=fk, ref in the range between 0 and 1. This provides showing the overall behaviour of the system for differ-
numerical solution advantages and makes the choice of ent pump arrangements and RPMs (Tables 2 and 3). In
weights more intuitive. Therefore, each criterion is nor- addition, the optimum RPM is provided for each exam-
malised by fk0 , the value obtained by solving the optimi- ined objective function, where all the constraints
sation problem for that criterion alone. This approach regarding the pressure, the flow rate, the time spent in
is called the ‘normed weighted sum optimum’, which port and the pump’s operational zone are satisfied
can be described in mathematical form as follows (Tables 4 and 5). In our case (vessel 70% loaded, cargo
  type: OLMECA, distance of shore tank: 1000 m, height
fk (x)
P½fk (x) = ½wk ð4Þ of shore tank: 15 m, equivalent shore pipe diameter:
f0k 0.5 m), the software provides a table quantifying the
discharging procedure as a result of an offline simula-
tion. The decision about the number of the pumps that
Case study will be used and their RPM is eventually that of the
officer-in-charge. The developed tool will provide him
Problem definition with all the necessary information supporting his deci-
Assume that the modelled AFRAMAX tanker is 70% sion. Therefore, the results of the decision support tool
loaded and is approaching the terminal in Houston. include different possible scenarios (e.g. using two or
Based on the available information regarding the dis- three pumps), allowing the operator to select the most
tance and the height of the shore tank, the operator appropriate.
can utilise the developed software in order to have an In the results, the instantaneous fuel consumption is
estimation for the overall behaviour of the discharging calculated in volume of fuel consumption per volume
procedure within a few minutes. For instance, if the of discharged cargo: (m3 fuel/m3 cargo) 3 104. In order
vessel is carrying a certain cargo type (Olmeca – API: to have an estimation for the overall fuel consumption
39.1–829 kg/m3– 3.8 CST at 30 °C),18 the distance of (in tons), at the end of the procedure, based on the
the shore tank from the vessel’s manifolds (which is instantaneous consumption, the provided value should
provided by the Shore Officer) is 1000 m and the height be multiplied by 7.56 (e.g. 81,330 (m3) 0.93 (tons/m3)
of the shore tank 15 m above sea level, the behaviour of 1024), where 70% of the cargo volume = 81,330 m3
the discharging procedure will probably be captured by and 0.93 tons/m3 is the boiler fuel density.
a larger equivalent diameter of the shore piping system, Figure 3 shows the results of conducted discharging
for example, 0.5–0.6 m (for smaller distances, smaller simulations for the performance of two versus three
diameters will be generally used). Note that the equiva- employed pumps, running at different speeds, with
lent diameter can be calculated more accurately at the respect to fuel consumption and discharging time. Two

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6 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Table 4. Optimisation results for two pumps (vessel 70%


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

wfuel 0 1 0.5
wtime 1 0 0.5
Optimum RPM 1270 980 1070
Fuel consumption 4.1 2.9 3.1
(m3 fuel/m3 cargo) 3 (104)
Time in port (h) 16.5 22.0 19.9
Average manifold 8.7 5.1 6.1
pressure (kg/cm2)

Table 5. Optimisation results for three pumps (vessel 70%

Figure 4. Shear forces and bending moments diagram.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

wfuel 1 0 0.5 within acceptable limits set by regulations. This calls

wtime 0 1 0.5 for continuous longitudinal strength and stability cal-
Optimum RPM 1190 920 1070 culations, which significantly affect/constrain the out-
Fuel consumption 4.8 3.6 4.1 come of the optimisation procedure, while eliminating
(m3 fuel/m3 cargo) 3 104
Time in port (h) 16.5 22.08 18.6 possible risks of hull structure failure due to uneven
Average manifold 8.7 5.0 7.0 distributed loads during loading and discharging.
pressure (kg/cm2)

Stability and strength calculations

The above discharging model is directly linked to a sta-
bility and strength assessment module (Appendix 2),
which ensures that the ship complies with all relevant
class/IMO regulations and restrictions at any given
loading condition. In our case, the draught of the vessel
is 11.06 m and the trim 20.65 m. The diagram of the
shear forces and the bending moments (Figure 4),
which is provided as software output, gives the operator
a complete overview of every aspect of the discharging
procedure. The operator is provided with an overview
of the behaviour of the system that will facilitate the
decision-making procedure during discharging (selec-
tion of pumps, RPM, tanks that will be emptied, etc.).

Notes regarding the ballasting procedure

The ballasting procedure is not demonstrated in this
Figure 3. Tanker discharging optimisation – Pareto front. article, though simulated in the developed software; the
stability and strength calculations are disposed to the
operator in order for him to make the appropriate deci-
clear Pareto fronts can be observed, which indicates sions regarding the ballasting procedure. A proper bal-
that the formulated optimisation problem is well posed. lasting plan is necessary to maintain the vessel within
Clearly, the two pumps operation is herein preferable. acceptable limits in terms of draught/trim and bending
moments/shear forces. In the examined cases, homoge-
nous unloading scenarios are examined, where the
Stability and strength calculation module cargo is being discharged from all the cargo tanks
General simultaneously (all cargo tanks valves fully open). A
common practice for the ballasting plan is to start the
In order to ensure proper/safe discharging operation of ballasting procedure by gravity (e.g. no use of pumps),
the ship, her draught and the trim, as well as the result- taking advantage of the acting pressure head on the
ing shear forces and bending moments must be con- empty ballast tanks, whose bottom is below the sea sur-
tinuously calculated/monitored, to ensure that they are face. The head provided by the draught of the ship is

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Plessas et al. 7

sufficient to fill the ballast tanks at the beginning of the 3. Adamopoulos N. Pumping calculations and under-
discharging procedure. Then, the ballast pumps take performance evaluation in crude oil tankers. In: SNAME
over and continue the ballasting procedure. conference on design, maintenance and shipbuilding,
Athens, 8–9 November 2012. Athens: SNAME.
4. Tarasov S, Kiptily D and Lebedev D. An object-oriented
Concluding remarks approach to the development of liquid cargo handling
simulators in TRANSAS. In: 7th Vienna international
This study led to the following general observations conference on mathematical modelling, Vienna, 14–17
regarding the study tanker’s operation: February 2012. Vienna: MATHMOD.
5. Tarasov S, Kiptily D and Lebedev D. Component model-
 As could be expected, operation of the discharging ling of ship systems in TRANSAS liquid cargo handling
pumps at lower RPM resulted in less steam/fuel con- simulators. In: 7th IFAC conference on manufacturing
sumption. The potential fuel savings can be quantified modelling, management, and control, St. Petersburg, Rus-
beforehand by the software. It should be noted, how- sia, 19–21 June 2013. St. Petersburg: IFAC MIM.
ever, that it is difficult to vary the RPM due to shore 6. Plessas T, Boulougouris E, Papanikolaou M, et al. Simu-
lation of loading/discharging procedure of tankers. In:
side limitations, which cannot be overlooked.
IMAM conference on ship design, A Coruna, 14–17 Octo-
Assuming, however, that at the beginning of the pro-
ber 2013. A Coruna: IMAM.
cedure a lower pressure than the maximum allowable 7. Crane Co.Flow of fluids through valves, fittings, and pipe.
can be agreed upon (without disregarding other con- New York: Crane Co, 1982.
straints, such as the time spent in port), it is possible 8. Jeppson R. Steady flow analysis of pipe networks: an
to have significant savings, especially in terminals with instructional manual. Logan, UT: Utah Water Research
shore tanks in long distances from the quay, such as Laboratory, 1974.
Houston, Rotterdam, Fujairah and Singapore. 9. MathWorks. Matlab, 2013,
Indicatively, a reduction in the manifold pressure by 10. Lobanoff VS and Ross RR. Centrifugal pumps: design &
10% can provide up to 8% less fuel consumption. application. 2nd ed. Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Pub-
 The use of less number of pumps for maintaining a lishing, 1992.
11. ANSI/HI 9.6.7:2010. Effects of liquid viscosity on rotody-
certain pressure at the manifolds should be pre-
namic (Centrifugal and vertical) pump performance. Par-
ferred. Fuel savings vary depending on the shore
sippany, NJ: Hydraulic Institute.
system characteristics from 5% to 15% by using 12. Al Masah Capital Management Limited. Oil & gas stor-
two pumps instead of three, while keeping a certain age services market. Report, Al Masah Capital Manage-
pressure at the manifolds. ment Limited, United Arab Emirates, 2013, http://
 Above findings are to a great extent confirmed by
the operator of the study tanker. 13. general information,
(accessed May 2014).
14. Chroni D. Simulation of loading/discharging procedure of
Acknowledgements tankers. Master Thesis, National Technical University of
This study is the result of a bilateral project of NTUA- Athens, Athens, 2014.
SDL and MARAN Tankers Management. The 15. Rao S. Engineering optimization: theory and practice.
European Commission and the authors shall not in any New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.
way be liable or responsible for the use of any knowl- 16. Sen P and Yang JB. Multiple criteria decision support in
edge, information or data presented, or of the conse- engineering design. London: Springer, 1998.
17. Parsons M and Scott R. Formulation of multicriterion
quences thereof.
design optimization problems for solution with scalar
numerical optimization methods. J Ship Res 2004; 48(1):
Declaration of conflicting interests 61–76.
18. Energy Institute HMC-4 Oil Transportation Measure-
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
ment Committees. Crude oil data, http://www.oil-trans- (accessed May 2014).
The study was financially partly supported by the EU- Appendix 1
funded project REFRESH, aiming at the analysis and
optimisation of ship energy systems. This study was Theoretical background
supported by the European Commission research proj-
ect REFRESH (285708), FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1. The solution of the hydraulic network and the defini-
tion of the flow rate at every branch of the piping net-
work derive from the Bernoulli equation
1. REFRESH – EU funded, project, 2012–2015. FP7-SST- r  U2in r  U2out
Pin + r  g  hin + = Pout + r  g  hout +
2011-RTD-1(285708). 2 2
2. Gunner T. An explanation and guideline for pumping cal- ð5Þ
culations. Oslo: INTERTANKO, 2001.

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8 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Pressure losses due to friction in the pipe’s wall The system is subdivided into different branches that
Pressure losses due to friction in the pipe walls are cal- are connected through junction nodes. The flow rate of
each branch needs to be calculated. The procedure for
culated by using the Darcy–Weisbach formula
calculating the flow rates is as follows:
Li  r  U2
dPi = f  ð6Þ  Arbitrary directions of the flow are defined for
every branch. Also, an arbitrary flow rate is
where Li is the length of the pipe, d is the diameter and assumed at every branch. Usually, the flow rate is
f is the friction loss coefficient which depends on taken Q = 1 m3/s for every branch.
Reynold’s number and the relative roughness (e/d) of  For every branch in the network, the value Ri is cal-
the pipe wall, where e is the roughness of the pipe. The culated for the assumed flow rate.
Reynolds number is calculated by the formula  For every junction node (e.g. connection of differ-
ent branches), a mass conservation equation is
Re = ð7Þ formed
v X X
where v is the kinematic viscosity of the liquid. Qin = Qout ð14Þ
The solution of the Colebrook equation gives the  For every closed loop of pipes in the network, an
friction coefficient f energy equation is formed which ensures that from
  a single point of the loop, the energy losses when
1 e=d 2:51
pffiffi =  2 log + pffiffi ð8Þ ‘travelling’ around the loop, back to this particular
f 3:7 Re  f
point, must be zero
If Re \ 2300 then f = 64/Re. X
In addition, in order to include pressure losses due to Ri  Q2i = 0 ð15Þ
other components (e.g. valves) the following equation  For each branch, a linearisation factor ai is calcu-
derives lated
r  U2 ai = R i  j Q i j ð16Þ
dPj = nj  ð9Þ
 So, the energy equations are rewritten as follows
where nj is the added resistance coefficient and it is dif- X 0
ferent for every component. Ri  jQi j  Qi = 0 ð17Þ
When dealing with complex hydraulic networks, the
definition of the flow rate at each branch can be calcu- 0

lated by using the linear method. where Qi is the new flow rates that will derive after sol-
ving the formed linear system.
 In the next iterations, Qi(n) = Qi(n 2 1) for the second
Linear method iteration and Qi(n)= (Qi(n 2 1) + Qi(n 2 2))/2 for the
rest iterations.
By rewriting the equation for pressure loss due to fric-
tion in the pipe walls and the equation for pressure
The method is modified in order to take into account
losses due to other components, the following equa-
tanks and pumps in the network.
tions derive.
 4Q 2
f  Li  r  U2 f  Li  r  pd 2 Inclusion of tanks
dPi = =
2d 2d In order for tanks to be included in the system, an
8  f  Li assumption is made that there is a pseudo-loop which
=  Q2 = Ri  Q2 ð10Þ
g  p 2  d5 consists of a route between two tanks, and a ‘no-flow’
 4Q 2 pipe between those two tanks. The energy equation in
nj  r  U 2 nj  r  pd 2 this case takes into account the difference in the pres-
dPj = =
2 2 sure between the two tanks
8  nj X
=  Q2 = Rj  Q2 ð11Þ Ri  Q2i = H1  H2 ð18Þ
g  p 2  d4

Inclusion of pumps
8  f  Li
Ri = ð12Þ Every pump’s characteristic curve must be expressed by
g  p 2  d5
a quadratic equation.
8  nj
Rj = ð13Þ
g  p 2  d4 hp = A  Q 2 + B  Q + H 0 ð19Þ

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Plessas et al. 9

In order to insert the pump into the created linear between the number of unknown flow rates, for
system of equations, the following transformation must example, K = N 2 (J + L).
be made  M additional pump transformation equations are
formed, where M is the number of the pumps.
B  The non-linear equations are linearised with the use
G=Q+ ð20Þ
2A of the linearisation factor a. For the pumps, factor
a is calculated as follows
So, the pump’s characteristic curve is rewritten as
a = Ai  jGi j ð23Þ
hp = A  G 2 + h0 ð21Þ
The linear system is solved iteratively until conver-
where gence occurs.
h0 = H 0  ð22Þ Appendix 2
In summary, if pumps and tanks exist in a pipe net- Chart of software modules
work, and there are N pipe branches, whose flow rate The software consists of three basic modules:
must be calculated, the linear theory is applied as
follows:  The ‘simulation’ module, which refers to the calcu-
lation of the parameters that are related to the
 J linear junction continuity equations are formed. cargo handling equipment of the tanker (pressure
 L non-linear energy equations are formed around and flow rate at pumps/manifolds, fuel consump-
real loops in the piping network. tion, etc.)
 K additional pseudo-loops are defined by ‘no-flow’  The ‘stability and strength’ module, which ensures
pipes between tanks and energy equations are writ- the compliance with the restrictions/regulations that
ten around these pseudo-loops. The number of are related to the vessel’s stability (maximum/mini-
these pseudo-loops must equal the difference mum allowable draft) and strength (shear forces

Figure 5. Software flow chart.

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10 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment

and bending moments throughout the discharging optimisation module offers a preference-based
procedure). approach to the problem and allows the operator
 The ‘optimisation’ module, which is capable of to make the final decisions based on the needs of
defining the pumps that will be used and their cor- each discharging procedure.
responding RPM, based on the restrictions that are
provided by the shore authorities (maximum/mini- The software modules and their interaction are out-
mum allowable pressure at the manifolds, maxi- lined in Figure 5.
mum/minimum allowable flow rate, etc.). The

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