Puppy Vaccination Schedule - Shots Your Puppy Needs

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Puppy Vaccination Schedule –

Shots Your Puppy Needs   Medically Reviewed  

Evidence Based

Reviewed by: Dr Margarita Boyd, BVSc MRCVS  Published: November 14, 2018  Updated: May 7, 2019

If you want your puppy to stay healthy, you need to stick to the puppy
vaccination schedule. Find out why and when your dog should get

Dog vaccination is a constant debate and unfortunately many people are against it.
However, vets agree that all puppies should receive vaccinations in order to stay healthy.

Although debatable, according to many studies, every dog should be vaccinated not only
for the sake of their health, but also the health of other dogs and the people around them.

Dogs are vaccinated for the same reason humans are, to help prevent diseases.
Vaccination reduces the spread of many potentially deadly diseases and is often much
more affordable than paying for the treatment of a sick dog.
Some of the diseases dogs can get, as a result of not being vaccinated, can be
transferred to people. Therefore, if you are getting a puppy, consult with a vet when your
puppy should be vaccinated and how to take care of them.

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Basics Of Vaccination

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Dog

Schedule: When To Vaccinate Your Puppy

Overview of Diseases

Shot Schedule For Puppies:

Puppy’s Age Recommended Vaccinations Optional Vaccinations

DHPP (vaccines for distemper,

adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza
6 to 8 weeks Bordetella, Measles

Coronavirus, Leptospirosis,
8 to 12 weeks DHPP
Bordetella, Lyme disease

From 12 weeks Rabies None

Coronavirus, Lyme disease,

14 to 16 weeks DHPP

Coronavirus, Leptospirosis,
12 to 16 months Rabies, DHPP
Bordetella, Lyme disease

Coronavirus, Leptospirosis,
Every year None
Bordetella, Lyme disease

Every 3 years (after DHPP None

first year booster)

Every 1 to 3 years Rabies (as required by law) None

Bonus:  Download a free puppy vaccination schedule pdf ready for printingthat
will remind you when you should vaccinate your dog.

The chart shows a schedule when your puppy should be vaccinated and which vaccines
they should get. Recommended vaccines are core vaccines, which your dog must get,
whereas optional vaccines are known as non-core.

Depending on the area you live, the environment and lifestyle, your vet will determine
which vaccines your dog needs. If you want your dog to be healthy, it is best to stick to
the schedule.

Basics Of Vaccination

Before we start getting into the details of the vaccines your puppy should get, you need to
know that there are two types of vaccines: core vaccines and non-core vaccines. (1)

Core vaccines are the essential ones, which every dog should get on time i.e. according
to the strict schedule recommended by vets and law.

On the other hand, non-core vaccines are optional, but that doesn’t mean your dog
shouldn’t get them.

Depending on the place you live, where your dog walks, and if your dog travels abroad,
your vet will inform you which non-core vaccines are recommended for your dog.

In the chart core vaccines are the recommended ones, and non-core are optional.

Core vaccines are the essential vaccines every dog should get on time. Non-core
vaccines are optional, but can be also very useful in certain cases.

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Dog

Vaccinating your dog against some infectious diseases helps to keep both your dog and
your family healthy. Most of the diseases are potentially fatal, and to prevent them there’s
only one option – vaccination. Some of them cannot be treated and cured.

It is often much more economical to vaccinate your dog than to pay for the intensive
treatment if he was to catch one of the diseases and become very ill. Many of these
diseases require hospitalisation and a lot of medication- with no guarantee that your dog
will survive the disease!

If you think that there is a low risk of your puppy getting infected with these diseases or
you think that some dogs get better on their own, know that even though some dogs have
survived, it doesn’t mean yours will too.

People are often worried about the side-effects, but the veterinarian will discuss the
possibility of any side effects and how you how to help your dog if it has any reaction to
the vaccination. Don’t skip the shots, stick to the schedule and your dog will be part of
your family for a long time.

Don’t panic if your dog experiences loss of appetite or depression, because it may be due
to many things, and not some disease or a reaction to vaccination. Watch out for other
symptoms and consult with your vet.


Vaccination is the safest prevention against some fatal diseases that can’t be

Schedule: When To Vaccinate Your


As seen in the chart, there is a strict schedule of puppy vaccination, which you should
follow. When you get the puppy, check if it has received any vaccines and inform your vet.
Whether you are buying or adopting a dog, you should be informed about their medical

6 – 8 weeks

Core vaccines : DHPP- Distemper(D), Adenovirus (H), Parvovirus (P) Parainfluenza(P).

Non-core vaccines : Bordetella, Measles

Vaccines can begin as early as 6 weeks of age. The core vaccines (DHPP) are
administered every 2 – 4 weeks until the puppy is at least 16 weeks of age.
This means that you will have regular visits to your vet clinic with your puppy in the first
few months.

Some non- core vaccines can be started at this age too if the puppy is classed as a “high
risk” of infection, if it lives with lots of other dogs or other dogs it comes into contact with
have one of the infections. Bordetella vaccine can be administered to prevent kennel
cough infection and measles vaccine can be given to help prevent distemper infection.

8 – 12 weeks

Core vaccines : DHPP

Non-core vaccines : Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

Between 8 to 12 weeks your puppy must get the DHPP vaccine, which will protect it from
diseases which are actually initials of this vaccine – (D) distemper, (H) hepatitis, (P)
parvo and (P) parainfluenza.

Depending on your environment, some other vaccines may be recommended to prevent

further illnesses. Other illnesses that your vet may suggest vaccinating against are
Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, and Lyme disease.

12 – 16 weeks

Core vaccines : Rabies, DHPP

Non-core vaccines : Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease

Rabies affects both humans and animals, and leads to death. Dogs can get the disease if
an infected dog or wild animal bites them, or if infected saliva comes in contact with a
wound. The best prevention is vaccination, so be responsible and stick to the schedule.

12 – 16 months
Core vaccines : Rabies, DHPP
Non-core vaccines : Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

Your dog will need to get a booster of DHPP and a vaccine against rabies. The vaccines
aren’t effective if your puppy gets only one and you forget about the booster.

The DHPP is then given to dogs every 1 to 3 years.

Vaccine against rabies is given every 1 to 3 years, depending on where you live and as
required by law.

Vaccination against Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, and Lyme disease require a

vaccine to be given every year.

This complete guide shows you the importance of dog vaccination, so don’t risk your
dog’s life, but prevent various diseases.


Vaccination should start when a puppy is 6 weeks old. The core vaccines will
need to be administered according to a strict schedule, while the administration
of non-core vaccines can be conditioned with environmental or health factors.

Overview of Diseases
Canine distemper

Canine distemper is a serious and very contagious disease, which your puppy can get if in
direct contact with another infected dog, or by sharing food or water bowls. The most
common symptoms are discharges from the eyes and nose, fever, vomiting, diarrhea,
coughing, twitching, seizures or death. There is no cure for distemper. Treatment consists
of intensive supportive care to control the symptoms.

Canine Adenovirus/Hepatitis

Canine hepatitis causes a severe infection of the liver. The symptoms can include loss of
appetite, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing and a sore tummy. There is no cure and
treatment consists of intensive nursing and medication to control the symptoms. (2)

Canine Parvovirus

Parvovirus is another often fatal disease, and its most common symptom is vomiting and
bloody diarrhea. The puppy becomes very weak and dehydrated quickly. There is no cure
and treatment consists of intensive supportive care. Those puppies that survive the
Parvovirus are at high risk of developing serious chronic disorders. (3)

Parainfluenza virus

Parainfluenza virus is one of the main causes of kennel cough infection. It is highly
contagious and can be easily spread through the air. It is a respiratory infection, and the
symptoms are sneezing and coughing. In most dogs it causes a mild infection, but in
puppies and older dogs it can cause a more serious infection.


Measles is a human disease caused by a virus similar to the one which causes distemper
infection in dogs. Sometimes a special measles vaccine is administered to puppies
between 6 and 12 wks of age, to help protect them against canine distemper virus. A
study has shown that dogs infected with measles virus developed both measles and
distemper antibody. (4)


Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacteria which causes kennel cough infection. (5) It is

easily spread from dog to dog, through the air. This vaccine is highly recommended for
dogs who socialize with other dogs, go to the park, doggy day care, dog kennels, or if you
have more than one dog at home.


Leptospirosis is a serious infection caused by a bacteria. It is spread from the urine of

infected dogs or wild animals, and can be found in water and soil. It is a zoonotic disease,
which means it can spread from animals to people. Symptoms can include: fever,
vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, severe weakness, stiffness, jaundice (yellow tinge to
the gums and skin), kidney failure or liver failure. Treatment consists of antibiotics and
intensive care.


Rabies is a zoonotic disease meaning it can be transferred from dogs to humans. It is

a fatal disease and causes death. Dogs can get the disease if another infected dog or
wild animal bites them, or if infected saliva comes in contact with a wound. (6)

The symptoms include aggression, and your happy bundle of joy may become easily
irritable, which usually leads to attacking people, and other animals. After aggression,
your dog will start to hide and will become disoriented. Other symptoms are loss of
appetite, weakness, and seizures. If your dog was bitten by another dog or some other
animal, take them to vet and check for any diseases.

Also, as it may happen that you aren’t around when this happens, watch your dog to see if
they are licking and biting one site. Check for any wounds and consult with a vet.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for rabies, and it can be diagnosed only after the dog’s
death, as the brain tissue needs to be examined.

The symptoms may show that your dog has rabies, but an accurate test can only be
completed after their death. Therefore, all dogs who are assumed to have rabies are
euthanized .

The best prevention is vaccination, so be responsible and stick to the schedule. Also,
supervise your dog when taking them to the park and walk them on a leash.

Learn more about Rabies vaccines in this article.

Canine Coronavirus

This virus can cause a variety of signs from nasal discharge and coughing through to
vomiting and diarrhoea. It usually causes a mild disease and most dogs can be nursed
better if they are kept hydrated, warm and comfortable.

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria called borrelia, and transmitted via ticks. (7) It can
affect both humans and animals. In dogs, the most common symptoms are lameness,
fever, lethargy, and enlarged lymph nodes. If left untreated it can lead to kidney, liver or
heart disease and neurological problems. If diagnosed quickly, it can be treated
effectively with a course of antibiotics.


There are plenty of serious and fatal diseases that vaccines prevent. Vaccination
might be a way to ensure your dog leads a stress-free, healthy life. However,
vaccination can also have adverse events you should be aware of. These can
include fever, diarrhea or vomiting.

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