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Name : khairina rangkuti

Nim : 4183121048
Class : bilingual physics 2018

profession of education consists of profession and education. where
tprofession are the activities undertaken by certain skills and also demanded
the implementation thereof social norms well. Education is a conscious
effort to prepare students to be active and positive role in her life now and in
the future.
So understanding the education profession is one activity or employment
in accordance expertise given or taught to learners in order to play an active
role in her life now and the future.

According to the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003,

especially Chapter I Article 1 paragraph (6) described educators are
educators who qualified as teachers, counselors, tutors, lecturers, tutors,
instructor, facilitator, and other designations correspond with specificity, as
well as participating in education.
 Headmaster is a leader in a school and Head acts as, the leader of
an institution for teachers, and provide leadership in the management
 Rector Inside Act 2009 National Education System (Education
Law), the Rector is the highest leader of the college who is obliged
to advance science in each institution.
 Teacher is a professional educator who educating, teaching,
guiding, directing, train, assess and evaluate students on early
childhood education, elementary, junior and senior high school.
 lecturer are professional educators and scientists with the main task
of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology,
and art through education, research, and community service.
 Counselor is one who has expertise in counseling. Educational
background of at least a bachelor 1 (S1) of the Department of
Educational Psychology and Guidance, Counseling, or Guidance
 Pamong belajar is an educator who conduct classes, study
programs, and the development of formal and informal education
model (PNFI) on the technical implementation unit or technical
implementation unit area.
 Widyaiswara are government employees that responsibile, for
educating, teaching and / or training of government employees in
educational institutions
 Instructoris in charge of teaching something and provide exercises
and guidance; teachers; trainer.
 facilitator tasked to lead learners to find their own content or subject
matter that is offered or provided through or by their own creations.

teachers and lecturers passed into the professionally profession since

2005 as republic of Indonesia’s law number 14 of 2005 about teachers and
lecturers released.
Teacheras a professional office because:
 Teachers have to work with a standard.
 The teacher has a special educational institutions that produce the culprit
with the program and standardized education and has an adequate
academic standards and responsible about the development of the
profession of education.

profession of education can be found in schools, colleges, and another

educational institutions . for become a professional teachers you need:

 Pedagodik competence is the competencies required of a teacher

related how he educates he teaches.
 Social competence is concerned with how the social skills of a teacher.
Such as how to interact with others.
 Personality Competence Master is a figure that will be used as a model
by his student son, therefore he must have a good personality, a
personality that is exemplary by his student.

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