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Equity markets typically go through a number of phases during an and investors to refocus on stock picking as opposed to macro
economic cycle. After an initial recovery rally, it is very common for economic analysis and the worries of higher stock correlations that
stocks to correct as economic growth decelerates and investors start to occur in more intensely macro-driven environments. Investors can
fear the dreaded “double-dip” recession. Luckily, “double-dips” rarely generate solid returns in a tepid economic recovery if the recovery
occur and stocks almost always resume their rally as the signs of a “soft sustains itself and if valuations are attractive. We believe both of these
landing” become more evident. However, this economic cycle is very conditions exist today.
different than any in the postwar era and there are well-founded fears
that a “double-dip” recession is more likely than in previous economic One simple reason for the economy to continue grinding higher
recoveries. The capital market’s behavior in the third quarter reflected instead of slipping into recession is the current lack of consumption
these concerns. Stock markets hit an air pocket in the middle of the excesses that have typically begun to emerge at this point in prior
quarter as economic data decelerated and fears of sovereign debt crises stronger recoveries. For instance, it will be difficult for the US housing
continued to linger. However, equities began to find their footing on sector to fall substantially from current levels when US housing starts
the first signs of stabilization in key economic variables and then are still below bottoms from prior recessions and are not even keeping
rallied…hard! The 8.9% September rally for the S&P 500 Index proved up with the level of household formations. Similarly, US auto sales
to be the strongest one for that month since 1939. The MSCI World haven’t been at levels this low since the early 1990’s causing the average
Index recovered to finish up 13.9% in the quarter (10.4% in Canadian age of cars on the road to increase significantly. Consumers have
dollar terms) while the S&P/TSX Composite Index ended up 10.3%. reduced their spending in order to begin rebuilding their savings. With
The Index groups with the best performance in Canada were the this much savings rate adjustment having already occurred, it becomes
Materials, Utilities and Consumer Staples sectors. increasingly difficult for consumer spending to remain such a large
drag on the economy. Of course should the economy still manage to
The chances of a “double dip” are higher this cycle due to the almost stumble the US Federal Reserve is prepared to embark on another
unparalleled challenges that the world economy is facing, especially in round of quantitative easing. Just the Fed’s announcement that it was
the more developed regions of the globe. Many countries are grappling contemplating such a move has led to some of its benefit already being
with the headwinds of significant private sector debt de-leveraging, felt in the US through recent declines in longer term bond yields and
massive government deficit spending and central banks seemingly running the US dollar.
out of bullets when it comes to further ways to stimulate their economies.
The economic recovery to date has been much more anemic than usual There is also a very large source of pent-up economic growth potential
which has raised more legitimate fears of an impending recession. emanating from unsustainably low levels of corporate capital spending.
The ratio of US corporate cash flow to non-residential fixed invest-
As the recovery began to lose steam earlier this year, we started to mon- ment is at the highest levels it has been since at least the late 1940’s. US
itor a number of key short-term variables that we thought would be corporations are producing almost as much as they did near the economic
important to resolving the ensuing “soft landing” versus “double dip” peak, but with much lower labour costs. Machinery is aging and the
debate. Many of these variables, including the US and Chinese workforce may be getting overworked. It is possible that the recent
Purchasing Managers Indices as well as US employment data, have improvement in the tone of the stock market will improve corporate
begun to signal that the recent softness in the economy is stabilizing. confidence and kick-start capital spending programs. Increasing corporate
To be clear, we don’t expect the global economy to suddenly surge. capital spending should lead to greater job gains and increasing
However, we also don’t believe that strong growth is necessary for consumer incomes which should help reinforce the sustainability of the
equities to rally considerably from current levels. What is necessary is economic recovery.
to have at least some positive growth that can sustain itself for a
reasonable time into the future. An economy showing at least some Unlike in past recoveries, the global economy has benefitted much
sustainable growth allows deflationary fears to subside without more from strong growth in the emerging economies. All eyes have
provoking inflationary fears. It allows risk seeking behavior to increase been recently focused on China which is a key driver of emerging economy

strength. Thus far, the Chinese government has done a solid job of Stocks have rallied considerably from their lows earlier this year and
sustaining strong growth with its timely and effective use of counter- may be due for a pull-back. Perhaps up-coming US elections, the next
cyclical policies. Avoiding social unrest has been a powerful motivator FOMC meeting or even the possible expiration of the massive George
for the Chinese to get their economic policy right. This provides some Bush era tax cuts triggers such a pull-back. We continue to recommend
confidence to us that China will generate reasonable levels of growth buying equities on weakness to position for further gains over the next
for the foreseeable future. Increases in the last two Chinese Purchasing few quarters. However, we do not intend to get too greedy if the rally
Manager Index readings have also improved the prospects of a “soft unfolds as we expect. It remains our opinion that stock markets will
landing” for the global economy. likely be stuck in longer term trading range as the world works through
the ill effects of large fiscal imbalances, growing public sector debt
As a “slow but steady” economic growth environment emerges, (especially in more developed countries) and unbalanced global trade
investors should start to focus more on the outstanding relative valua- flows. We have welcomed the government’s fiscal support throughout
tion that equities provide today, especially compared to “safe haven” the economic crisis that occurred, but wonder when the necessary
alternatives like US government bonds. Chart 1 shows that the spread unwinding of this support will occur and what effects it will have on
between the operating cash flow yield of the S&P500 Index (Ex Financial economic growth. European sovereign debt issues this year have been
stocks) and the 10 year US treasury yield has diverged considerably a reminder of the potential risk of crises in public sector finances
making stocks extremely attractive relative to bonds. The reason for around the world. At best, high government debt loads are a long-
the attractive relative valuation of equities may stem from the adverse term headwind to economic growth as debt service payments replace
economic events of 2008 and early 2009 which roiled all risk assets. more productive uses of capital. At worst, these debt loads can derail
Investors seem to have become hypersensitive to the potential for global financial markets and cause significant damage to the economy.
adverse events to occur in the economy and in stock markets. It certainly
doesn’t help that the 10 year compound annual growth rate of the S&P Markets also have to grapple with much bigger government involve-
500 index has recently experienced the second worst bear market since ment in the economy. Many governments have been busy “closing the
1880! In spite of recent improvements in a few stock market related barn door after the horses have escaped” by implementing greater and
sentiment surveys that we follow, we still believe a substantial “wall of greater levels of regulatory control on various industries, especially
worry” exists that can help sustain further gains in equities. It is worth finance. While sometimes necessary, greater regulatory interference
noting that US equity markets are up this year despite outflows of $28 generally leads to sub-optimum capital allocation and an economy that
billion in US domestic equity mutual funds. Meanwhile, inflows into functions below its long run potential. Finally, we are unclear about the
bond mutual funds are starting to resemble those that flowed into equity potentially negative long-term consequences of central banks embarking
funds at the peak of the stock market bubble in 2000. The total return on a policy of literally printing money. The massive monetary stimulus
prospects from stocks don’t have to be very high to beat the returns on in place today has been necessary to stabilize the economy and help
offer from low risk assets which should help to reverse some of these stave off deflation. However, it seems reasonable to assume that an
money flows at some point. easy, seamless exit from these monetary policies will become more and

Chart 1: The cash flow “yield” for equities has closely

more difficult to pull off given their growing size and impact on markets
tracked the 10 yr yield. and the economy. As an example, there are already growing trade
tensions as currency devaluations linked to monetary policy keep
occurring. The last thing the world economy needs is a significant trade
war to break out.

These difficult issues have already been clearly recognized by the market
and dominate headlines on a regular basis. Unfortunately, very little
concrete action has been taken to actually start remedying them. We
expect there will be various painful bouts in the economy and in markets
once the tough medicine starts to get administered. We still believe
that the actions required to truly change our debt driven recovery culture
will mean a period of below trend economic growth, earnings growth
and wealth accumulation.

The past three years have not been kind to many types of disciplined
stock selection strategies. One reason for this has been investors’
intense focus on macro economic factors and the potential for adverse
events occurring within the global economic system. According to
recent research done by Bernstein Research “when a lone factor (such
as risk today) has dominated stock returns, the market trades with high
correlation. Correlation drives mispricings of stocks and as it persists,
the opportunity set of the market grows. The return of differentiation
among stocks will occur when investors regain conviction and act to
profit from this.” The recent signs of economic stability may be setting
the stage for stock selection to begin playing a bigger part in portfolio
returns going forward.

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