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Short Stature in
Childhood and
Part 1: Medical management



Childhood short stature is

common in family practice.
Familial short stature and
constitutional growth delay HORTISTATURE IS A C()MONIN til puberty. That is, the growth of an indi-
account for most cases, and vidual child will usually progress along the
there are clear guidelines for problem in family practice,
differentiating these from representing that patient same percenitile curve from 2 to 9 years of
each other and from less population whose height is age. 'II Abnormal growth is reflected by a
common pathologic conditions. more than two standard deviation from the percentile curve that he
Appropriate investigation, deviations below the mean, or below the or she was following previously. Short
treatment, and referral are third percentile. Statistically, approximate- stature is defined as height less than the
delineated, and growth ly 80% of these children will have constitu- third percentile for age, sex, and ethnic
hormone therapy is described. tional growth delay or familial short stature background. 'I
An integrated (about evenly divided), 2 and the remaining While most of the literature focuses on
medical-psychosocial approach 20% have more serious pathologic causes. physical coonsiderationis, the psychosocial
to care is recommended.
Growth clharts are the most useful meth- aspects of short stature can be equally im-
od of monitoring normal growth patterns. portant. T he long-term prospects for chil-
ll arrive frequemment que Data plotted over time allow the physician dren who remaini significaintly short as
l'on rencontre des enfants de to determine whether the child is of normal adults are uncertain; a number of outcome
petite taille en pratique stature and growing at a normal rate.' The studies suggest poor social and vocational
familiale. La plupart des cas postnatal linear growth rate is the greatest adjustment.' ''' A physician who offers in-
trouvent leur explication par in early infancy (with an average growth of formed and sensitive support and guidance,
la presence d'une famille a
petite taille et d'un retard de 18 cm/y), slowvs in midchildhood (with a in concert with the customary physical ex-
croissance constitutionnel. ll growth range between 5 to 7.5 cm/y), ac- aminatioi, investigation, and treatment, is
existe un guide clair pour celerates at puberty, and then decelerates sometimes able to mitigate such dishearten-
etablir la difference entre ces until epiphysial fusion occurs, at w\hich time inlg sequelae.
conditions et d'autres growth ceases.4'
pathologies moins frequentes. Fully two thirds of normal infants will Determinants of growth
L'artide precise shift their linear growth pattern before the The linear growth and final adult stature
l'investigation et le age of 18 months." However, by 2 to 3 years of an individual depend on multiple factors.
traitement appropries, le of age, children will usually reach a growth
besoin de consultation et Familial anid genetic factors are among the
decrit la therapie a l'hormone chart percentile that will be maintained uIn- most important influences on growth. The
de croissance. On midparental height, which is the average of
recommande une approche Dr Schneli is a Clinical Iectuwr in Faniily MWedicine the heights of each parent, allows predic-
medico-psychosociale integree at the Faculay of Medicine, Unier4ity of CaIga7; A/ta. tions of the ultimate height of the child."'
pour ce type de soins. Mr Bannard is a pycblologist at tle Endocrine The midparental height should be adjusted
Can Fai Physkicn 1991;37:2206-2213. Clinic, Alberta Children s Hospital, Calagy. as directed by Tanner et al,"' by adding

2206 Canadian Family Physician VL 37: O(ctober 1991

6.5 cm to the midparental height for a boy's Finally, endocrinologic factors exert
chairt, aind by subtracting 6.5 cm from the profound influences on normal growth dur-
midparenital height for a girl's chart. The ing childhood. Thyroid hormone is an es-
adjusted midparental height thus allows a sential stimulant for postnatal growth. A
target for genetic expectation. The correla- deficiency of thyroid hormone can slow lin-
tioin of a child's heiaght with this midparen- ear growth, leading to short stature. Simi-
tal heiglht is 0.5. The correlation of an larly, an excess of glucocorticoids can stunt
adult's height with his or her midparental linear growth. Sex steroids exert their influ-
hiciglht is 0.7."' ence on the pubertal growth spurt, and
Racial factors, obviously genctic, are their absence does not usually affect the
also important. The difference between growth of prepubertal children. Children
blacks anid whites in proportion of upper to with precocious puberty or excessive pro-
lower body (U/L, ratio) is clinically signifi- duction of androgens will have accelerated
cant.2"'2' However, the growth rate differ- growth that can advance bone maturation,
eInce for black and white populations can leading to premature epiphysial fusion and
be considered in(consequenitial, and a single adult short stature.' Growth hormone
growth curve can be used.22 This is not the and somatomedins are essential for growth.
case for Oriental populations, in which the Growth hormone stimulates the produc-
mcan height and weight is less than that of tion of somatomedins, which directly stim-
whites.' There are also many other in- ulate cartilage growth."" The exact, relative
fluences on final adult height. roles of somatotropin and somatomedins
It is important not to overlook intrauter- (especially somatomedin-C [SMC /IGF- 1 ])
inc growth and the intrauterine factors that in influencing growth are not completely
can influenice postnatal growvth. Insult in understood. -3j
the early stages of gestation will often result
in intrauteriine growth retardation (IUGR): Constitutional or familial short
these children can continue to grow poorly stature
af'ter delivery and be short as adults. How- Fully 80% of children with short stature will
ever, if' the insult to growth occurs during have either constitutional growth delay or
the third trimester, compensatory growth is familial short stature. It is important to
frequently obserxved in early infaincy. Chil- identify these syndromes; the main treat-
dren who have IUGR can be observed to ment is reassuring the parents.
have limited growth in subsequent years."3 Both familial short stature and constitu-
However, inifanits who are small for gesta- tional growth delay can be regarded as
tional age (inl weiglht) but of normal length variants of normal, usually reflective of ge-
have normal growth potenitial.24 Virtually netic influences and possibly subtle disor-
aniy factor that can influence intrauterine ders of growth hormone secretion.'7
growth and fetal well-being can be ex- A child must meet the following criteria
pressed after delivery as short stature. to be considered as having familial short
Environmental factors can also affect stature'3t':
growth. Mlalnutrition or malnourishment, 1. Projected adult height is within 10 cm
including specific nutrient deficiencies, of midparental height or within 8.5 cm
such as iron or zinc, can result in short stat- of the adjusted midparental height.
ure.'2'27 NMalabsorption syndromes, such as 2. Either the parents or other first-degree
celiac disease or cystic fibrosis, can result in relatives are short.
short stature by causing malnourishment. 3. Bone agc is normal and similar to chro-
Poverty has a role in short stature, more as nological age.
a reflection of poor nutrition and chronic 4. Growth is generally maintained along a
illness than of psychosocial factors.2"1 curve parallel to, but slightly below, the
Chronic illness of virtually any organ sys- third percentile on growth charts.
tem can interfere with linear growth. Mlost 5. The remainder of the history, physical
of these cases are associated with low levels examination, and laboratory investiga-
of insulin-like growth factor (or somatome- tion is normal.
din-C); we do not, however, fully under- Constitutional growth delay, on the
stand the mechanisms involved.2" other hand, probably reflects slow skeletal

Canadian Family Physician \01,3 7: Oc/ober 1991 2207

and pubertal maturation. A typical scenar- * genetic syndromes, such as Down syn-
io would be as follows17138: drome, trisomies D and E, or Turner
1. Birth size is normal, and the infant syndrome;
grows normally for some time. * skeletal disorders or dysmorphism; and
2. Growth and weight gain decelerate for * endocrinologic disorders, such as hypo-
several months, so that both height and thyroidism, glucocorticoid excess, Cush-
weight are below the fifth percentile by ing's disease, disorders of excessive
the end of infancy (age 2 or 3 years). estrogen or testosterone secretion, and
Growth velocity after age 3 to 5 years is growth hormone deficiency.
normal. It is clearly important to identify pathologic
3. Skeletal maturation slows in a parallel causes of short stature, as specific treatment
manner; bone age approximately equals is sometimes available.
the height age, but is delayed for chro-
nological age. Proportionate or disproportionate
4. Growth occurs parallel to the fifth per- skeleton? The determination of whether
centile, and growth velocity stays nor- the body habitus of the child is proportion-
mal for bonc age. atc or disproportionate is important for dif-
5. Both the appearance of secondary sexu- ferential diagnosis. 41 4' Disproportionate
al characteristics and the adolescent short stature suggests skeletal dysplasia or
growth spurt are delayed as a result of rickets. NMore than 100 forms of skeletal
the delayed onset of puberty. dysplasia have been identified.45.46rThe
6. Final adult height and sexual develop- measurement of the upper to lower body
ment are normal. segments, and of the arm span minus
7. Tlihere is often a similar family history of height, is useful in identifying this group.
"late bloomers." The upper to lower segment ratio is ob-
8. There are no other historical, physical, tained by measuring the height above and
or laboratory abnormalities. below the symphisis pubis. It varies, with
a typical mean of approximately 1.7 at
9. The midparental height is normal.
Constitutional growth delay occurs more
birth, 1.3 at 3 years of age, and 1.0 at
7 years of age. Arm span (measured with
often in boys than in girls.39 the arms fully extended) minus height val-
The ultimate attainable adult height of ues arc about -3 to age 7 years and 0 from
a child can be predicted from bone age and
age 8 to 12 years. By age 14 years the values
present height. There are three methods of are +4 for boys and + 1 for girls.8 Skeletal
height prediction, all of comparable accu-
x-ray examinations can be particularly
racy. The most widely used is that devel-
oped by Bayley and Pinneau,41' based on
Proportionate short stature can be
data derived from California children. Two caused by prenatal influences or postnatal
other methods use midparental height in influences.
the regression equations for height predic-
tion. The Roche, WVainer, and Thissen Prenatal influences. Prenatal influences
(RNAVT) method4 was also developed in the include any cause of IUGR. Remember
United States, while the Tanner and col- that a small infant with normal growth ve-
leagues42 method was developed in Britain. locity has a good outlook in terms of growth
potential.24 However, any insult that occurs
Pathologic short stature in the first trimester is morc likely to result
Pathologic short stature represents approxi- in postnatal short stature than is a third-tri-
mately 20% of cases and could reflect one or mester insult.' Chromosomal abnormali-
more of the following influences or diseases: ties are a clear cause of prenatal
* intrauterine influences (such as IUGR); proportionate short stature. These chromo-
* malnutrition, malabsorption, or psycho- somal abnormalities are often recognizable
social deprivation; by their physical stigmata. Turner syn-
* chronic systemic disease, such as inflam- drome, which is present in one out of 2000
matory bowel disease or renal tubular live births of female infants, accounts for
acidosis; one out of 60 cases of female short stature."'

2208 Canadian Family Physician voI, 37: October 1991

The only indication of Turner syndrome is must involve a thorough medical history,
sometimes short stature. Certainly a karyo- physical examination, and appropriate
type should be performed if this syndrome screening laboratory investigationi. Specific
is suspected.4' A buccal smear alone is inad- tests must then be aimed at suspected ill-
equate, because of a high incidence of mo- nesses.
saicism.42 The medical history must include such
details as the birth weight of the child, the
Postnatal influences. Postnatal in- birth length of the child (if known), the gesta-
fluences that can result in proportionate tional age of the baby at birth, and any noted
short stature include endocrine disorders, congenital anomalies. Any intrauterine in-
such as growth hormone deficiency (sec- sults or maternal complications, particularly
ondary to hypopituitarism),1"' hypothy- during the first trimester, should be noted.
roidism, and glucocorticoid excess.A " The This should include any history of infections,
following signs indicate growth hormone drug use, or placental insufficiency. A com-
deficiency. plete systems review of the child should be
1. Skeletal age is less than chronological performed in order to screen for symptoms
age. of chronic illness. Family trauma, emotional
2. Skull x-ray films show enlarged sella tur- trauma, and psychosocial status should be
cica, sphenoid erosion, or calcifications assessed. Finally, the family history should be
in the case of a craniopharynigioma. screened, including the heights of the par-
3. A computed tomographic scan indicates ents and their growth patterins, if available,
a small sellar volume.) as well as the heights of other close relatives.
4. Growth velocity is less than normal, in The age of menarche and puberty (for ex-
the absence of another recognizable ample, age of shaving) should be recorded.
cause of linear growth failure. The family history, as it pertains to any po-
Specific growth hormonc testing is war- tential inherited or genetic disease, is very
ranted if a growth hormone deficienicy is important.
suspected. (This should be left to an experi- Physical examination should initially
enced endocrinologist.)' 2 consist of accurate measurements of both
Hypothyroidism can be suggested strict- height and weight, correctly plotted on a
ly on the basis of clinical features. The diag- growth chart. Certainly this is the basis for
nosis will be confirmed by performing a the diagnosis of short stature. The child
serum-free thyroxine index. Glucocorticoid should be observed for visual recognition
excess1 ' can have, as its only feature, a de- of clues that could lead to the diagnosis of
celeration of linear growth. It can be con- dysmorphic syndromes or specific endo-
firmed by a 24-hour free cortisol tCstinlg or crine disorders. A complete physical exami-
an overnight dexamcthasone suppression nation should be performed, with a
test. determination of the body habitus, begin-
Malnutrition must be considered as a ningowith the derivation of the propoirtion
cause of short stature in the context of ex- of upper to lower body and the arm span
cess dieting, lowvs socio-economic status, to height value.
child abuse, chronic gastrointestinal illness, Laboratory testing can be divided into
including inflammatory bowel disease, glu- screening studies for children without an
ten enteropathy, other causes of chronic di- obvious explanation of short stature and
arrhea, ') and anorexia and bulimia more specific assays when a particular dis-
nervosa. ease or process is suspected. Appropriate
Other chronic diseases that can result in screening laboratory investigations would
proportionate short stature include congen- include a complete blood cell count to ex-
ital heart disease, anemia, renal disease, clude anemia, leukemia, chronic infection,
chronic pulmonarv disease, and joint dis- or malabsorption; an erythrocyte sedimen-
ease. 5< tation rate measurement to screen for
chronic inflammation; tests of serum elec-
Clinical approach trolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creati-
As with any medical problem, but perhaps nine, as well as urinalysis and a urinary pH
even more so, the approach to short stature determination to exclude renal disease; se-

Canadian Phinil, Physician o0 17: (October /991 2209

rum calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline hormone replacemenit, the malniourislhed
phosphatase measurements to rule out child with specific nutritional therapy, and
rickets; and a serum thyroxine and triio- the child who clearly has a growth hor-
dothyronine resin uptake and thyroid-stim- mone deficiency with growth hormone.
ulating hormone assessment to rule out Human growsNth hormone (extracted
hypothyroidism. Additional investigations from harvested pituitary glands) has been
can include a karyoty-pe to rule out Turner associated wvith several cases of Creutz-
syndrome. A bone age (x-ray examination feldt-Jakob disease and has been with-
of left hand and wrist) will assess the skeletal drawn from the market." Early problems
maturation and assist in predicting the final of growth hormone antibody production
height. and allergy side effects associated -,ith the
Finally, consider taking a growth hor- first generation of biosynthetic growth hor-
mone level in children who have no other mone3' have been resolved by the develop-
explainable cause for their short stature ment of a methionine-f'ree, highly purified
and who have the following features: recombinaint growth hormone.'' The use of
* abnormal growth velocity (height gain growth hormone-releasiig hormoine in
each year is low compared with growth children with growth hormoine deficiency
velocity curves for typical girls and boys)4; secondary to a hypothalamic defect also
* normal body proportions; shows promise.63 67 In the future, insu-
lin-like growAth factor (somatomedin-C)
* normal screening test results; and could be available for treatmeint of grow th
* delayed skeletal maturation. hormone deficiency and possibly for the
Because growth hormone secretion is treatment of other causes of short stature.
pulsatile, a single random growth hormone GrowN-th hormone therapy in childrenI
level is of no clinical value. Provocative with classic growth hormone deficiency re-
growth hormone testing in response to cdo- sults in an early catch-up growth, particu-
nidine, levodopa, insulin, or arginine (all of larly in younger children."" However, the
which increase growth hormone stimula- final adult height is usually less than ex-
tion) can be performed."' Although contro- pected based oIn the patient's genetic back-
versial, the current standard requires that ground.(" This could reflect a suboptimal
a child show an inadequate response to at dose or a suboptimal mode or frequeincy of
least two of these pharmacologic stimuli be- growth hormonc administration."
fore the diagnosis of growth hormone defi- Growth hormone therapy for cases oth-
ciency can be made. Because of the cr than growth hormone deficiency can
difficulty and uncertainty in interpreting also increase growth velocity aind result in
these tests, they should be performed by increased adult height.,' The optimal dos-
someone with specific expertise, such as a ing, again, is likely the limiting factor in
pediatric endocrinologist. achieving coInsistenIt results. -
The treatment of very short children
Managing the short stature child with no demonstrated abnormality remains
Obviously, accurate diagnosis is of the ut- difficult and controversial.''' 73 Some au-
most importance if short stature is to be thors advocate trcating these children with
treated successfully. Fortunately, the par- growth hormone replacement therapy be-
ents can be reassured that the child with fa- cause of the association between short stat-
milial short stature or consitutional growth ure and psychosocial morbidity.'
delay does not have a serious underlying However, several studies suggest that
disorder. In particular, the child with con- growth hormone treatment does not allevi-
stitutional growth delay can be expected to ate the psychosocial problems that accom-
attain a normal adult height. However, the pany short stature or even that accompany
prognosis for the child with pathologic a growth hormone deficiency specifical-
short stature is more uncertain, depending
on the underlying cause. Specific treatment Physicians should be very cautious in of-
for underlying illness will usually result in feriing hope of catch-up growth to young
catch-up growth. Thus, it is very important patients wvho receive growth hormone re-
to treat the hypothyroid child with thyroid placement therapy, as one report noted

2210 Canadian Family Phys.ician VOL 37 October 1991

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account before treating patients with SULCRATE* duodenal and gastric ulcer is one tablet of 1 gram four
NOTHING WORKS LIKE (sucralfate): times a day, one hour before meals and at bedtime, on an
Recurrence may be observed in patients after a successful empty stomach. For duodenal ulcer, SULCRATEs may also
NON -SYST E M I C course of treatment for gastric or duodenal ulcers. While
the treatment with SULCRATEO can result in complete
be administered as two 1 g tablets twice daily, on waking
and at bedtime on an empty stomach.

SULCRATE"' sucralfate/NORDIC
healing of the ulcer, a successful course of treatment with
SULCRATEO should not be expected to alter the underlying
cause of ulcer disease.
Proper diagnosis is importantsince symptomatic response
In the case of gastric ulcers, an alternative treatment
should be considered if no objective improvement is
observed following 6 weeks of SULCRATE* therapy.
However, patients with a large gastric ulcer that has
to SULCRATEs therapy does not rule out the presence of a demonstrated a progressive healing tendency may require
gastric malignancy. a longer period of time of treatment.
Drug Intractions: Antacids should not be taken within half For the prophylaxis of duodenal ulcer recurrence, the
PRESCRIBING an hour before or after SULCRATE* intake because of the recommended dosage is one tablet of 1 g twice daily, on an
INFORMATION possibility of decreased binding of sucralfate with the
gastro-duodenal mucosa as a consequence of a change of
empty stomach.
For relief of pain, antacids may be added to the treatment.
THERAPEUTIC CLASSIFICATION intra-gastric pH. However, antacids should not be taken within 1/2 hour
Animal studies have shown that simultaneous administra- before or after SULCRATE* intake.
Gastroduodenal Cytoprotective Agent tion of SULCRATE* with tetracycline, phenytoin or cimeti- In duodenal ulcers, while healing with SULCRATE* often
ACTIONS: SULCRATE" (sucralfate) exerts a generalized dine results in a statistically significant reduction in the occurs within two to four weeks, treatment should be
gastric cytoprotective effect by enhancing natural mucosal bioavailability of these agents. In clinical trials, the continued for 8 to 12 weeks unless healing has been
defence mechanisms. Studies conducted in animals and concomitant administration of SULCRATE* reduced the demonstrated by X-Ray and/or endoscopic examinations.
clinical trials in humans have demonstrated that sucralfate bioavailability of digoxin. However, SULCRATE*, adminis- 2) Suspension The recommended adult oral dosage of
can protect the gastnc mucosa against vanous irritants tered respectively 30 and 60 minutes before ASA or SULCRATEs (sucralfate) suspension for the treatment of
suchas alcohol, ASA, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide ibuprofen, did not alter the bioavailability of these agents. (acute) duodenal ulcer is 1 g (10mL) four times a day on an
or sodium taurocholate. Cimetidine absorption was not reduced in humans. empty stomach before meals and at bedtime, or 2 g (20
INDICATIONS: 1) Tablets SULCRATEO (sucralfate) tablets These interactions appear to be non-systemic and to result mL) twice a day on waking and at bedtime on an empty
are indicated for the treatment of duodenal and non- from the binding of SULCRATE* to the concomitantly stomach.
malignant gastric ulcer. administered drug in the gastro-intestinal tract. In all AVAILABIUTY: 1) Tablets Each white, capsule-shaped,
SULCRATE* tablets are also indicated for the prophylaxis cases, complete bioavailability was restored by separating compressed tablet, monogrammed "SULCRATE" on one
of duodenal ulcer recurrence. the administration of SULCRATE* from that of the other side and "NORDIC" on the other side, contains lg of
2) Suspension SULCRATE* (sucralfate) suspension is agent by 2 hours. sucralfate. To be kept and dispensed in a well-closed
indicated for the treatment of duodenal ulcer. The clinical significance of these interactions is unknown. container. Bottles of 100 and 500 tablets.
However, it is recommended to separate the administration 2) Suspension Each 5 mL of pink suspension contains
CONTRAINDICATIONS: There are no known contraindica- of any drug from that of SULCRATE* when the potential for 500 mg of sucralfate. Supplied in bottles of 400 mL. Shake
tions to the use of SULCRATEO (sucralfate). However, the altered bioavailability is felt to be critical to the effective-
physician should read the "WARNINGS" section when well before using. Store at room temperature. Avoid
ness of this drug. freezing.
considering the use of this drug in pregnant or pediatric These data are based on studies carried out with
patients, or patients of child-bearing potential. SULCRATEs tablets.
WARNINGS: Use in Pregnancy There has been no Product Monograph available on request ____
ADVERSE REACTIONS: Very few side effects have been SSULCRATE is a registered trademark of PAAB
experience to date with the usage of SULCRATE* (sucralfa- reported with SULCRATE* (sucralfate). They are mild in
te) in pregnant women. Therefore, SULCRATE* should not Nordic Laboratories Inc.
be used in pregnant women or women of child-bearing nature and have only exceptionally led to discontinuation of
potential unless, in the judgment of the physician, the therapy.
The main complaint has been constipation ranging from
anticipated benefits outweigh the potential risk. 1.7% to 3.3% of patients.
Pediatric Use Clinical experience in children is limited. Other side effects reported included diarrhea, nausea,
Therefore, SULCRATE* therapy cannot be recommended gastric discomfort, indigestion, dry mouth, skin rash,
for children under 18 unless, in the judgment of the pruritus, back pain, dizziness, sleepiness and vertigo.
physician, anticipated benefits outweigh the potential risk. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: 1) Tablets The recom- NORDIC LABORATORIES INC.
PRECAUTIONS: The following should be taken into mended adult oral dosage of SULCRATEO (sucralfate) for Laval, QC, Canada H7L 3M7

Canadian Family Physician VOt. 37: October 1991 2213

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