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The Effectiveness of Advertisement after Consumer Dissatisfaction

Article · December 2016

DOI: 10.21742/ijibsm.2016.2.08

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1 author:

Jungyeon Sung
Sungkyul University


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International Journal of IT-based Business Strategy Management
Vol. 2, No. 1 (2016) pp. 51-56

The Effectiveness of Advertisement after Consumer Dissatisfaction

Jungyeon Sung1
Department of Business Administration, Sungkyul University
53, Anyang-city, Manan-gu, Gyeonggi-do, 14097, Korea

The present study explored between types of advertisement (informative and emotional ad)
and attitude toward advertisement of the product after consumer satisfied or dis-satisfied a
product. The differentiation of previous studies is investigated about the advertising
effectiveness after consumer’s experience of product. In other words this study addressed the
consumer response about attitude toward ads depending on the different types of
advertisement after their experience of products such as satisfaction and dis-satisfaction
rather than focusing on just the effectiveness of advertising. Especially, the current study has
explored the different attitude towards informative ad and emotional ad between same brand
and competitive brand after dissatisfaction of product experience. It was found that there are
a significant two-way interaction effects among experience of product (satisfaction vs. dis-
satisfaction) and type of ad (informative ad vs. emotional ad). This result indicates that in the
case of dissatisfaction group, the exposure of informative ad and emotional ad between same
brand and competitive brand may differently impact on attitude towards ads.

Keywords: Informative advertisement, Emotional advertisement, Consumer dissatisfaction,

Attitude towards advertisement

1. Introduction
Some studies conducted that it showed the effectiveness of informative (rational) or
emotional advertisement about various media such as television and radio commercials [1],
[2], [3]. They have showed that the different results about two types advertising effectively
build brand association or image advertising results. Also, it did not show consistent results
about previous findings which prove that ads are more effective.
The present study has explored the consumer response and/or attitude towards
advertisement depending on the two types of advertisement (informative ad versus emotional
ad) after their satisfaction and dis-satisfaction about an experienced product rather than
focusing on the advertising effectiveness.
In other words, this study is considered the exposure to the advertisements of competitors,
after consumer has experienced about satisfaction and dissatisfaction of a product. There is
concentrated on the evaluation whether after the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the
consumer experience affect the consumers' attitudes depending on the advertising activities of
competitors compared to the previous studies.

Article history:
Received (August 25, 2016), Review Result (October 21, 2016), Accepted (November 20, 2016)

Print ISSN: 2205-8419, eISSN: 2207-5356 IJIBSM

Copyright ⓒ 2016 GV School Publication
The Effectiveness of Advertisement after Consumer Dissatisfaction

2. Theoretical background
Previous research addressed it is most effective advertising related to arousing some
emotion. Thus, emotional appeal advertisement is triggered to buy some product and
improve enhancement of communication [4].
There are generally the two basic advertisement types as "informative” versus
“emotional”. The informative advertisement addressed the factual message related to
have greater confidence in their ability to assess of purchase the brand or product after
having seen the advertisement. While, the emotional advertisement is focused on the
experience of the advertised brand or product related to psychological traits [5], [6].
The emotional advertisement has traits not only lower brand recall and it needs to
exposure repeatedly for effectiveness of ad rather than informational ad [6]. Also, the
informal ad may be higher effect and purchase intention than emotional ad [7].
However, the emotional ad has more effective attitude toward ads and memorable
than informational ad. Also, it is more positive reaction and higher intensity than
informational ad [7], [8]. The current study has related consumer response to different
advertisement after consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. In other words,
satisfaction is related to positive affective state and dissatisfaction is related to negative
affective states [6].
Also, consumer’s judgment and decision has influenced to contextual information.
The priming effect of this contextual information has two types such as assimilati on
effect and contrast effect [9]. The assimilation effect indicated that consumer’s
judgment about targeting product is related to similar direction implied positive and
negative means, while the contrast effect is the opposite direction [10]. In this research,
in the case of competitive advertising, for the satisfied group, it had a more positive
attitude toward on an informative ad. The reason had contrasting effects rather than
assimilating effect.

3. Methodology and results

The experiment was conducted for two hundred two undergraduates (satisfaction group=99,
dissatisfaction group=103) who volunteered and enrolled business courses at a university in
Seoul. They were not previously exposed to the advertisement and brand used in this study.

3.1. Stimuli
The stimuli used print ad and video advertisement of juice. In print ad, it used emotional ad
which represented about just simple feeling without any information. And informative
advertisement was represented the detailed information such as health, 100% pure percent,
Vitamin C, and so on. Also, it used to separate two brand of advertisement between same
brand and competitive brand. In video ad, it adapted an actual commercial at international
area not to broadcast in domestic area. But it has manipulation check about brand familiarity.
The video ad was displayed for 40 seconds.

3.2. Measurements
T-tests were performed on the manipulation check considered three measurements. It used
the one scale about the characteristic of informative advertising and then it asked again about
classification between informative and emotional ad on final part of this survey. Each
variables are measured as a singular item on seven-point likert scale anchored by “1=strongly
disagree” and “7=strongly agree” [11].

52 Jungyeon Sung
International Journal of IT-based Business Strategy Management
Vol. 2, No. 1 (2016) pp. 51-56

The attitude towards print advertisement as dependent variables was three items using the
seven-point Likert scale (1=”strongly disagree” to 7= “strongly agree”), and Cronbach's alpha
was 0.93 [12]. Also, for additional t it measured the attitude towards video advertisement as
dependent variables and the reliability of three items using Cronbach’s alpha was 0.94.

3.3. Results
The testing hypothesis was analyzed via a 2 (SDS: Satisfaction versus Dissatisfaction) by 2
(Type of ads: informative ad versus emotional ad) between subjects ANOVA.
Hypothesis 1 is to verify between satisfaction and dissatisfaction of product as prior
experience ad and two types of ad. Results indicated significantly the interaction effect of
SDS and type of ads (F(1,95)=4.22, p< .05) (Table 1).

Table 1. The interaction effect for H1

Independent Variables F(1,95) P

A. SDS(Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction) 8.08 .01

towards B. Type of AD 5.06 .03
C. A×B 4.22 .04

Figure 1. Results for H1

H2 suggest on the dissatisfaction conditioning, it is more positive attitude towards ad in the

case of exposing emotional ad from a competitive brand. As shown in Table 2, a significant
interaction effect was found between SDS and type of ad (F(1,99)=6.17, p< .05). However
main effect is not significant.

Copyright ⓒ 2016 GV School Publication 53

The Effectiveness of Advertisement after Consumer Dissatisfaction

Table 2. The interaction effect for H2

Independent Variables F(1,99) P

A. SDS(Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction) 1.78 .19

towards B. Type of AD 1.70 .20
C. A×B 6.17 .02

Figure 2. Results for H2

Additionally, it investigated interaction effects between SDS and emotional ad of a

competitive brand through video ad as different type of advertisement. There was a
significant interaction effect of SDS and type of ad (F(1,99)=4.92, p<.05) (Table 3).

Table 3. The interaction effect for video ad

Independent Variables F(1,99) P

A. SDS(Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction) 7.36 .01

towards B. Type of AD 4.41 .04
C. A×B 4.92 .03

This result has shown that it doesn’t concentrate and infer such as reading and
comprehension from message of advertisement on the case of the video ad rather than
the print ad.

54 Jungyeon Sung
International Journal of IT-based Business Strategy Management
Vol. 2, No. 1 (2016) pp. 51-56

4. Discussion
The present study is focused on the impact of different advertising messages (informative
ad vs. emotional ad) on consumer attitude towards ads after consumer satisfaction and
dissatisfaction. Especially, it has implication to investigate consumers' response towards
advertisement after satisfaction and dissatisfaction which differ from the previous research.
However, it hasn’t explored the different effectiveness of advertisement of same and
competitive brand after consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
This result indicates that the exposure of informative ad and emotional ad between
same brand and competitive brand may differently impact on attitude towards ads. It
tests hypotheses through two types such as emotional which represented about just
simple feeling without any information of product and informative which represented
the detailed information of a product. Thus it showed more positive attitude towards the
ad based on the exposure of informative advertisement of same brand after satisfaction
of product. On the other hand, when they were exposed to informative advertisement of same
brand after consumer dissatisfaction, they wanted to concentrate on the message’s detailed
information of the ads because they already have a negative affective state.

[1] W. Janssens and P. D. Pelsmacker, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 24, No. 3, (2005).
[2] J. H. Pae, S. Samiee, and S. Tai, International Marketing Review, Vol. 19, No. 2, (2002).
[3] K.W. Chan, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 15, No. 2, (1996).
[4] A. Mehta and S. Purvis, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 46, No. 1, (2006).
[5] D. Aaker and D. Norris, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 22, No. 2, (1982).
[6] C., Puto and P. Wells, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11, (1984).
[7] L.L. Golden amd K. A. Johnson, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 10, (1983).
[8] K. Kraiger, R.B. Billings, and A.M. Isen, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 44,
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[9] I. Simonson and A. Tversky, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 29, No. 3, (2003).
[10] J. R. Bettman, M. F. Luce, and J. W. Payne, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 25, No. 3, (1998).
[11] A. Kovacic and M. Podgornik, Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2,
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Jungyeon Sung
She received Ph.D. degrees in business management majored in
marketing from Sungkyunkwan Univerisity. Currently, she is an
assistant professor in school of business, Sungkyul University. Her
research interests focus on (a) consumer behavior and dynamic
interdependence between marketing and new media (AR, VR etc.),
(b) advertising effects, (c) haptic, (d) sensory information processing,
and (e) new product and design.

Copyright ⓒ 2016 GV School Publication 55

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