Chapter II Uas RLT

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This chapter presents review of theories concerning the research topics and

conceptual framework underlying the study. The details of the theoretical review

and conceptual framework are presented as follows.

A. Theoretical Background

1. Media
Media is an equipment to help deliver a message from the teacher

to the students (Aqib,2015:50). Media is a kind of equipment that used by

teacher to make easier delivering the lesson (Munadi, 2010: 5).media also

needed in learning process because every students have different

experience and portraying something.

Teacher’s aware with media as an aid to help them in teaching

learning process, it also makes big changes as good progress in utilizing

any kind of electronic media in teaching learning process. Ago, electronic

media which is used in teaching learning process only television and

Computer, but in this era the technologies has developed, so many

students and teacher have mobile phone, internet to look for any materials

for teaching learning process or as media in delivering material by the

2. E-Learning

Daryanto (2015:162) said that E- learning is a system in teaching

learning process which used electronic media connected with internet that

can be useful in help both teacher and student be success on teaching

learning process.

But all the kinds of media are should used wisely as the related

material. As Daryanto (2015:152) noted the consideration to use media is

based on the purposed teaching learning process that will be gained, the

characterization of the student, kind of stimulus which is wanted, class or

school environment, and the wide of scope will be reached in. thus any

kinds of media which available, the teachers should consider which media

that is able to help them in delivering materials in classroom and it should

appropriate with student condition and environment.

3. Facebook

Facebook is a popular free social media it used networking website

that allows register users to create profiles, upload photo and video, send

messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. As we

know that reading is reading skill receptive skill as Facrurrazy (2012: 83)

state that reading is a passive skill and the purposes of reading activities

are comprehension, enjoyment, speed reading and accurate

4. Reading

Reading is a process when readers learn something from what they

read and involve it in an academic context as a part of education (Grabe,

2009: 5). In the classroom, some teachers often use texts or books as media

to deliver material of a subject. Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to

read the texts to grab information in order that they could understand the


Reading is a physic and mental activity to reveal the meaning of the

written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing letter

(Burhan, 2012 :9). The readers dominantly use brain when they read an

argumentative or scientific writing. They use emotions when they read a

letter, a story and other texts which dominate feeling. When the readers

read a newspaper or a religious book, they should use their beliefs in order

that they can understand the meaning. Reading can be a means of

consolidating and extending someone knowledge of the language. Doing

it, the reader can grab any information and pleasure about the subject of

the language. This activity also gives some advantages for the readers

Reading can be defined as an activity which constructs meaning

from a written text based on the reader’s background knowledge to make

better concept so that the readers will learn a new thing from the

information grabbed from the text.

5. Reading Comprehension

Reading is useful for language acquisition. Provided that students

more or less understand what they read, the more they read, the better

they get at it. According to Harmer (2007:9) noticed that reading was

very important for language accomplishment. It means that with doing

reading other knowledge can be grabbed automatically, like vocabulary

enrichment, fluency in reading, and also can teach the student

unconsciously about grammar and punctuation that written in the text to

construct a text or paragraphs. Similarly, Harmer (2007:99) notices,

reading also has a positive effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge, on

their spelling and or their writing.

Grellet (1981 :3) reading comprehension is understanding a written

text means extracting the required information from it as efficenly as

possible. It means reading comprehension is using one’s perspective to

get understanding or grab the meaning of the writers’ aims.

Comprehension also not only remembering each sentence that written by

the written the important is to use own knowledge to more understand the

information the context. With habitually does reading comprehension

student will easier to infer writer’s message with less misunderstanding

in meaning. Harmer (2007:101) stressed that reading for detailed

comprehension need to look for detailed information. It means that

reading comprehension is asserted successful if the reader or the student

can understand the information stated in explicit or implicit in the text.

6. Cooperative Learning

According to Asmani (2016:17-18) Definition of learning process

has three crucial components that should be attention in. first is learning

should give a good result in permanently students’ behavior, second is

students should have enthusiasm and ability which can be developed in,

and the last is changes is not always as naturally linier with process of

live. The entire crucial component finally makes theory of

constructivism, where students are asked to look for other knowledge.

Consequently, the teacher needn’t to spoon feed materials always.

Teachers also invited to make any chance to all students in order to gain

much information in every side of world using all kind of right media and

ways, but the role of teacher still as a spy to filtering them which is the

good or throw the bad ones.

One of challenges in cooperative learning is to assimilate the student

in different condition in learning. This method has collaborative also with

social constructiveness (Brown,2007:53). With learning in cooperative

method makes student more motivate students and are able to share or

exchange their idea in a group, each student in a group should make an

effort and help each other in order to reach a success in teaching learning

process. Kagan and Miguel (2004:1.19) noted, cooperative learning teach

student to learn how to listen well other idea and develop their empathy

skill, they also learn to synthesize different or vary idea into meaningful
whole and to resolve the conflict. This method also designs to develop

students’ social strategy and easy to received in social attitude students

with increase social relation in that group or between other groups. So the

beneficial of cooperative learning is more than direct learning also it

better than students do or work in individually condition.


There are many definitions of blended learning, but the most

common is that which recognizes some combination of virtual and

physical environments. Graham (2004: 3-5), describes the convergence

of face-to-face settings, which are characterized by synchronous and

human interaction, and information and communication technology

based settings, which are asynchronous, and text based and where

humans operate independently. Mason and Rennie (2006: 12) extend this

definition to include “other combinations of technologies, locations or

pedagogical approaches” while Garrison & Vaughan (2008: 5) define

blended learning as “the thoughtful fusion of face-to-face and online

learning experiences” emphasizing the need for reflection on traditional

approaches and for redesigning learning and teaching in this new terrain.

Blended learning is a learning method to combine between face-to-

face and online. The integration of training convectional when the trainer

and trainee immediately meeting with online we can access every time

and anywhere. At blended learning can give difference learning style

because in this method we can access when we to have different location,

but we can give argumentation, feedback, asking and answer the

question. It used as a real time. This learning model it used technology as

priority learning component, for example : chatting online, video call

conference and phone conference.

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