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Cara mengganti nomor hp yang rusak/hilang di wmz

Subject di isi : My phone number already broken

Isi pesan :
dear support wmtransfer
my account webmoney is (email masuk ke WMZ ) WMZ Purse Z(nomor wmz)
My phone number already broken, can not be used for confirmation sms and send
what is the solution? help me please..!

kirim ke :

tunggu email konfirmasinya dari wmz.

Akan dapat email balasannya seperti ini :

Welcome to WebMoney Support Desk!

Your ticket is received. In order for it to be processed, please click on this

ACCESS KEY: 13022D12127A429F

If you cannot open this link, please copy into the clipboard, insert into the
address line of your browser and click Enter.

Please contact us in case of any questions.

Regards, WebMoney Support Team. +7 (495) 727-43-33

Klik linknya yang diperintahkan.

Setelah masuk ke link wmznya , akan disuruh memasukkan kode keynya, lalu kirim

tunggu email selanjutnya.

nanti akan menerima isi email seperti ini :

You have to change your phone number.

Only users with Formal and higher WebMoney Passports are allowed to change or
update personal information.
There are two ways of the number update:
- Updating the phone number by yourself;
- Updating the phone number with the help of employees of the verification center.

Please, follow the instruction

Please, fill in your personal mobile/cell number in the international format:

country code + network prefix + mobile number, no leading zero, no spaces. Example:

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Selamat mencoba

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