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Portfolio Of Possibilities Reflection

Write 1-2 paragraphs (at least 5 sentences) explaining your overall “take-away” from this project. You should
- What your five “possibilities” were
- Your assessment of what is the best fit for you
- Answers to the questions below, assessing your process


My five possibilities were, Mental health worker, EMT, Professional barrel racer, Farrier, and a chef.
The process took me all over the place and took me so many thoughts and processes and going
back and forth of what I wanted to do with my life. Portfolio of Possibilities is a project that takes you
past high school. This project has you write down what your interests are and what you want to do
post high school. For me, I started out wanting to be a farrier, dealing with horse feet. Then like a
couple months later someone told me that I would be a great fit in the mental health world, so I
started looking into becoming a skills worker, social worker, crisis worker. Anything to help with
kids. But, then I got scared away from that as I have a lot of baggage that could get tangled up in
that job. Finishing the project I looked into the criminal justice world. POP walks you through the
college you have to chose, what it is like to be a college student, and all of the aspects of becoming
a police officer. The last part of the project was an interview with someone from that field of work.
Luckily a friend of a friend knew just the person to contact. I interviewed a correctional officer from a
federal prison for about 45 minutes.
I see myself changing my career choice again. I am not sure why, but it is something that happens
with me a lot, I can not sit down and set in stone something. I want to remember the really funny
and graphic stories that were told to me in a coffee shop. One thing that I see myself looking into is
different types of careers through criminal justice that may or may not be a cop. However, a cop is
still something that I want to pursue, for now.

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