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Competition of PTDC with private sector

In spite of the very evident importance of the Tourism Sector for Pakistan, the sector has not
obtained its due attention from either the Federal or Provincial Governments. Regardless of
whether the authority comes under the provinces or the centre, the institution has struggled to
meet its stated aim to promote and develop tourism in the country by marketing tourist
products at home and abroad and developing infrastructure and quality services for both
foreign and domestic tourism purposes. Many of the buildings remain empty, ghostly
structures, instead of being the lively, welcoming places they should be. The failure is especially
apparent with the latest announcement. Surely, there are steps to be considered before taking
such an extreme measure, which will also impact the employment of several daily-wage
workers, and inconvenience many other full-time employees.

Lack of ProperMarketing and Promotion

Inspite of being blessed with very valuable tourist attractions, Pakistan has not been successful
in developing itself into a popular tourist destination in the world. One of the key reasons for
this has been the inability to take a structured approach for marketing and promotion; a failure
in the art of presentation of our tourism to the world. There have been very insignificant
activities carried out in this regard on local and/or international media. During the past six
decades, Pakistan has not been successful in developing a brand of its Tourism attractions.
Pakistan has very rich natural, historic, archeological, cultural assets; which can very easily and
quickly create a brand for Pakistan Tourism.

Lack of Private Sector Investment in the Tourism Sector

Development of tourism infrastructure requires large funds; the provision of which is difficult
for the Government. One practical option to deal with this issue is to mobilize the private sector
funds into large development projects of public good. For this to happen, a regulatory
framework is required, which can define the roles and responsibilities of the two partners from
public and private sectors. Presently, there is no such policy to attract private sector investment
in tourism.

PTDC mulls strategy to promote private sector investment in tourism

Under its future plan of PTDC, the public sector investment in the development of
infrastructure facilities will be made part of overall national development effort.While the
ongoing public sector projects will be completed, the development requirements for new
projects will be met from privatization of existing motels and from credit budget.The greater
financial autonomy will be given to the public sector tourism agencies.A steady increase in
domestic tourism with 38.3 million local tourists reported by the PTDC.The tourism industry is
expected to grow worldwide in the coming years with developing Countries taking the lead in
both aspects of where the tourists come from and where they are going to.

With the purpose of improving the performance of PTDC Motels competitiveness through
customer‟ssatisfaction, Hotel staff training solutions need to be implemented continuously. For
example, PTDC should create favorable conditions for their staff to update their knowledge
regularly, make sense of responsibility for their work, and improve the processing skills and
efficiency. Besides, PTDC should pay particular attention to in front employees to equip them
with knowledge about customer service skills, practice patience, confidence to solve problems
of customer, calm and cheerful attitude with customers even when facing work pressure.
Efforts shall be taken to ensure quality services. Such efforts would add in to customers‟
satisfaction on one hand and build image of the hotel line on the other.

Furthermore, hotels of Pakistan ought to give careful consideration to in front representatives

to furnish them with learning about client administration aptitudes, rehearse persistence,
certainty to take care of issues of client, quiet and lively disposition with clients
notwithstanding when confronting them. Improvement of check-in (registration process) and
cost and accommodation is mandatory for efficient Hotel. In hotel craft operation dependably
exists high risks that are hard to anticipate. Hotels of Pakistan ought to likewise pay
consideration on the association between the hotel accommodation and other sort of
transportation at the destination, for example, auto transportations, and so on to make the
most ideal conditions for its travelers. The transportation office requires that hotel crafts take
after their agreement of carriage, which is the legitimate understanding amongst travelers and
the carrier, however they don't let them know what to put in it. Carriers ought to deliberately
incorporate their client responsibilities in the agreement, which cover how travelers will be
dealt with if there's a deferral or an administration intrusion.

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