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To enter in the below commands, press the [TAB] key, this will open a command prompt at the bottom

of the screen.
> enablecheats <password>

To White-List an Admin. Create the file allowedcheatersteamids.txt in shootergame\saved\ - Enter your steamID 64 then save it.
*cheat command is not needed before the command in local game

ARK Admin Commands

Command Effect
ShowMyAdminManager Enables the Admin UI, allows access to some of the commands below and SteamID’s.
enablecheats <password> Logs you in as the administrator.
setcheatplayer true/false Enables/disables the cheat menu.
cheat god Enables god mode, you cannot die except you can still drown.
cheat fly Allows you to fly.
cheat walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again.
cheat ghost Turns on no clip, you are able to walk through walls and objects.
cheat forcetame Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle.
cheat dotame Command tames the creature and you get the dossier info with it, but you can’t ride it like you do
in forcetame.
cheat enablespectator Destroys your character and puts you into Spectator mode (Used for Whitelisted Admins).
cheat SetShowAllPlayers true Shows player tags in spectator view
stopspectating Cancels spectating.
requestspectator <password> Allows anyone with the password to login as a Spectator.
cheat infinitestats Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo.
cheat giveresources Gives you 50 of all resources.
cheat setadminicon false Removes chat icon for the admin.
cheat renameplayer "playername" newname Change player name in game (no re-log necessary), currently can’t rename players with a space in
their name.
cheat saveworld Saves the current world state, may cause lag/rubber banding.
cheat quit Saves and exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown.
cheat destroyallenemies Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually. *WARNING* This includes tamed dinos too.
cheat enemyinvisible true/false Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them.
cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 Gives you 1000xp, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the
xp among your tribe.
cheat giveexptoplayer <id> <how much> <tribeshared> < preventsharing > Gives experience to another player, use showmyadminmanager for the required information.
Unable to test currently.
cheat GiveAllStructure Gives every structure that's connected to the current chain to you.
cheat givetome Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours.
cheat destroymytarget Destroys the object / dinosaur you are looking at.
cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <Steam64ID> Whitelists the persons Steam ID.
cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <Steam64ID> Removes the person’s whitelist.
cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <message Sets a message of the day that appears when people join the server.
cheat broadcast <message> Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server, and forces their chat window to open.
cheat ServerChatToPlayer <"PlayerName"> Sends a private message to the player associated with that name.
cheat ServerChatTo <"Steam64ID"> Sends a private message to the player associated with that ID.
cheat teleport Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z).
cheat teleporttoplayer <id> Teleports to the specificed player, use showmyadminmanager to get the 9 digit number to fill in
the <id> field
cheat DestroyWildDinos Destroys all Wild Dinos on the map. They respawn.
cheat slomo 5 Changes the speed on server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed.

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.
cheat playersonly Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting.
cheat listplayers Shows a list of all players on the server with their SteamID.
cheat kickplayer <Steam64ID> Kicks the person from the server.
banplayer <Steam64ID> Bans the user from the server.
unbanplayer <Steam64ID> Unbans the user from the server.
cheat forceplayertojointargettribe <id> Forces the player to join the targeted tribe, get the 9 digit id of the player by looking at the
connected players in the showmyadminmanager list.
cheat forceplayertojointribe <id> <tribeid> Forces the player to join the tribe, use showmyadminmanager for the required information.
cheat MakeTribeAdmin Allows you to force yourself as an Admin within a tribe.
cheat MakeTribeFounder Allows you to force yourself to be the tribe founder.
cheat RemoveTribeAdmin Allows you to remove admin from the tribe.
cheat destroytribestructures Destroys all instances of the structures of the tribe you are currently looking at.
cheat destroytribedinos Destroys all instances of the dinosaurs of the tribe you are currently looking at.
cheat destroytribeplayers Destroys all instances of the players of the tribe you are currently looking at.
cheat ForceTribes "PlayerName1" "PlayerName2" "NewTribeName" Allows you to change the name of a tribe. Make sure "" are used where shown under command.
cheat hurtme <amount> Deals x amount of damage to yourself.
cheat settimeofday <timestring> Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00.
cheat setplayerpos x y z Allows you to teleport to cords - coord map.
cheat execsetsleeping true/false Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up.
cheat destroyall <classname> destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific
classnames, also works with structures.
*WARNING* This includes tamed dinos and all instances of structures.
cheat killplayer <id> Immediately kills the player, get the id for the player by opening showmyadminmanager and
looking at the 9 digit number next to their name in the connected players list.
cheat summon <classname> Summons specified object/dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found in
Ark_Creature_List.pdf. This command can also be used to summon structures.
cheat giveitemnum <ItemID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False> Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here: Item-ID List
example: giveitemnum 1 1 0 false gives you a primitive simple pistol.
cheat giveitem <ItemName> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False>
cheat giveitemnumtoplayer <PlayerID> <ItemID> <QTY> <Quality> < True/False >
cheat giveitemtoplayer <PlayerID> <ItemName> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False>
cheat ClearPlayerInventory <PlayerID> <bClearInventory> <bClearSlotItems> <bClearEquippedItems> Allows you to clear inventories of Players by ID, find the <PlayerID> using
ShowMyAdminManager. Example: ClearPlayerInventory PlayerID 0 0 0. 0=False, 1=True.
cheat SpawnDino <blueprintPath> <spawnDistance> <spawn- Yoffset> <Z-offset> <DinoLevel> Allows you to spawn a Dino at a certain coordinate and at a specified level.
See Ark_Creature_BP_List.pdf. Alternative: Ark Creature BP List
cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal int (0-30), float (0-1) Changes a character's body scaling for that region. Example: cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 0 0.
cheat SetTargetPlayerColorVal int (0-2), float (0-1) Changes a character's body color for that region. Example: cheat SetTargetPlayerColorVal 0 0.
cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion[int32]> <ColorID[int32]> Sets the dino you target to specified color/s. Example: cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 0.
Use printcolors command to see what colors there are. Alternative: Dino Color Generator Site
stat fps Shows your fps. Can be used by all players.
stat unit Shows your GPU and CPU stats. Can be used by all players.
pause Pauses the server (LOCAL ONLY).
printcolors Shows the colors available to use with Set Color commands.
givecolors <amount> Will give you every dye in the amount specified.
togglegun Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool.
cheat TakeAllStructure Gives your tribe all the structures of the team you're currently looking at.
cheat TakeAllDino Gives your tribe all the dinos of the team you're currently looking at.
cheat GMSummon “<dino class>” <level> Summons a tamed dino that isn't cheat-tamed, so still requires a saddle.
cheat GMBuff Gives you god, infinite stats, AI ignorance, and a bunch of experience.
cheat SummonTamed <dino class> Summons a tamed (can also be found in showmyadminmanager)

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.
cheat SetFacialHairPercent <number> Gives your player % in facial hair
cheat SetHeadHairPercent <number> Gives your player % in hair on your head
cheat GetTribeIdPlayerList(int32 TribeID); Lists players in tribe, must provide tribe ID
cheat GetSteamIDForPlayerID(int32 PlayerID); Gets SteamID from Player ID
cheat GetPlayerIDForSteamID(int32 SteamID); Get Players ID from a SteamID

Admin Commands (Under Testing/Unconfirmed)

Commands in this section are ones that have been mentioned in the comments and require testing before being added to the official list. Any command in this part of the guide comes down to
using at your own risk, they may mess up your server and require a complete wipe.

Command Effect
cheat damagetarget <amount> Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at *Broken*
debugstructures Shows debug information of a structure if you look at it. Can be used to find structure class names of items you place.
Can then be used with cheat summon command.
switchlevel <mapname> Changes map, e.g switchlevel obj_mapname *Broken, may crash your game*
giveengrams gives you all crafting recipes but can and probably will crash your client/game server.
cheat SetBabyAge AgeValue[Float] Example:cheat SetBabyAge 1. Allows you to set the age of your baby dinos.
cheat SetGodMode bEnable[bool] Example:cheat SetGodMode 0 or 1. Allows you to set god mode. 1 = True. 0 = False.
TestSteamRefreshItems unknown

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.
SoTF Admin Commands (Under Testing)
Commands in this section are ones that have been mentioned in the comments and require testing before being added to the official list. Any command in this part of the guide comes down to
using at your own risk, they may mess up your server and require a complete wipe.
Command Effect
cheat gamecommand startgame force starts the Survival Of The Fittest Game.
cheat scriptcommand evobeast Event: The Beast Within
cheat scriptcommand evohot Event: Mega Heat
cheat scriptcommand evocold Event: Mega Cold
cheat scriptcommand evofog Event: Mega Fog
cheat scriptcommand evosupply Event: Activate All Loot Drops
cheat scriptcommand evopred Event: Predators Night
cheat scriptcommand evoday Event: Day/Night Swap
cheat scriptcommand evobounty Event: Bounty 2x Farming
cheat scriptcommand evofamine Event: Famine
cheat scriptcommand evotame Event: Double Taming
cheat scriptcommand evocrate Event: Mega Loot Crate
cheat scriptcommand evocarno Event: Carno Drop
cheat scriptcommand evoherbi Event: Herbivore Drop
cheat scriptcommand evoboom Event: Hail to the King (Drops Explosive Weapons for All Players)
cheat scriptcommand evotrack Event: Survivor Tracker
cheat scriptcommand evodragon Event: Dragon (Boss, Takes about 5mins to descend)
cheat scriptcommand evobrood Event: Brood Mother (Boss)
cheat scriptcommand evorain Event: Acid Rain
cheat scriptcommand evoswarm Event: Bugs
cheat scriptcommand evomonkey Event: Arctic Monkeys
cheat scriptcommand evolove Event: ?

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.
Colour IDs
A creature has up to 6 color-regions (numbered 0 to 5). To set region r to the creature-color with the id c, look at the creature and execute the following in the console:
setTargetDinoColor r c - for example setTargetDinoColor 3 1 (will make section 3 red) Colours 1 - 13 and 15 - 18 do not occur naturally on creatures.

1 Red #FF0000 15 Brown #663300 29 Dino Dark Blue #1D2B4E 43 DragonBase1 #CB7956
2 Blue #0000FF 16 Dark Green #006400 30 Dino Light Purple #ABACE4 44 DragonFire #BC4F00
3 Green #00FF00 17 Dark Red #8B0000 31 Dino Dark Purple #31295A 45 DragonGreen0 #79846C
4 Yellow #FFFF00 18 White #FDFDFD 32 Dino Light Brown #E1CCAF 46 DragonGreen1 #909C79
5 Cyan #00FFFF 19 Dino Light Red #F7B1BC 33 Dino Medium Brown #483F36 47 DragonGreen2 #A5A48B
6 Magenta #FF00FF 20 Dino Dark Red #6F444D 34 Dino Dark Brown #6A6056 48 DragonGreen3 #74939C
7 Light Green #90EE90 21 Dino Light Orange #DA9973 35 Dino Darker Grey #333B46 49 WyvernPurple0 #787496
8 Light Grey #D3D3D3 22 Dino Dark Orange #955227 36 Dino Albino #FFFFFF 50 WyvernPurple1 #B0A2C0
9 Light Brown #58504D 23 Dino Light Yellow #EDF3C7 37 BigFoot0 #5D4E47 51 WyvernBlue0 #6281A7
10 Light Orange #FAC261 24 Dino Dark Yellow #AFB579 38 BigFoot4 #B1B8CA 52 WyvernBlue1 #485C75
11 Light Yellow #FEFF81 25 Dino Light Green #B2D9D4 39 BigFoot5 #B4B0BE 53 Dino Medium Blue #5FA4EA
12 Light Red #E05955 26 Dino Medium Green #385550 40 Wolf Fur #C3B39F 54 Dino Deep Blue #4568D4
13 Dark Grey #A9A9A9 27 Dino Dark Green #1D472F 41 Dark Wolf Fur #887566 55 NearWhite #EDEDED
14 Black #000000 28 Dino Light Blue #899ED5 42 DragonBase0 #A0664B 56 NearBlack #515151

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.
Player Body Modifications
To perform these, simply look at the player you want to edit, and enter the command into your console. It is important to note that the changes will not take place until the player respawns at a
bed, The admin commands provided are:

cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal int (0-30), float (0-1)

cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 0 0

cheat SetTargetPlayerColorVal int (0-2), float (0-1)

cheat SetTargetPlayerColorVal 0 0

This means the first set of numbers is the body part you want modified, and the second set of numbers is the degree of modification. We were not able to figure out exactly which body region
was represented with each number, but we got most of them, kinda.

BodyVal (int)

0 head size 1 neck girth 2 neck length 3 chest/titties

4 shoulders 5 arm length 6 upper arm girth 7 forearm girth
8 hands size 9 leg length 10 upper leg girth 11 lower leg girth
12 feet size 13 hip girth 14 torso girth 15 brow size
16 chin size 17 torso length 18 head length 19 head width
20 head depth 21 stomach length

ColorVal (int)

0 Skin 1 Hair 2 Eyes

The Float (0-1) is the degree of modification.. 0 being default and 1 being the largest, negative values will reduce the area size.

cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 18 3 cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 18 -2
cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 19 3 cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 19 -2
cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 20 3 cheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 20 -2

Originally Created by Jason Frazer & Ryven Last Updated: 2-Jul-17

Updated and maintained by DrunkMunki – please post on our Steam page or email regarding any updates or errors.

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