Reflection On Student Teaching

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My first year of student teaching as an intern teacher at Technology High School helped

me better understand the role of teaching and the importance of classroom management. I

grew to enjoy teaching more and more as the year went on and experienced the value of

building personal connections with my students. Over the course of the year, I learned how to

establish a classroom setting that promoted individual expression but also had a balance of

structure so students of all ability levels had the platform to learn. Safety is always a priority of

mine and making sure the physical setting of the playing space is safe is imperative. For one,

the equipment needs to be properly set up, the rules need to be clearly defined and explained,

and student behaviors need to be monitored when they play the game. This safety practices

will allow them to have safe and enjoyable competition when playing the various games.

Students with IEPs will be given accommodations and modifications in PE class such as giving

them extra time to complete a movement skill, giving them more breaks because of fatigue, or

modifying equipment to help with coordination, are all methods for assisting and promoting

individual student learning and inclusion in PE class. These types of accommodations and

modifications will help students with IEPs remain included in the games and have equal

opportunities to perform in competition. Learning how to balance teams properly by gaining

more awareness as a teacher and reflecting on instruction helps to create team activities that

maximize students’ strengths and creativity in a physical education setting.

Lesson planning is a vital aspect to the success of instruction and teaching physical

education involves many different variables that affect lesson planning. One important aspect is

being flexible and capable of adapting to the accessibility of an athletic facility when working

with other teachers. Weather circumstances or school functions can cause the originally
planned lesson to have to be altered so that instruction can be accommodated in the newly

adapted facility. This requires my teaching to be flexible and to have an alternative lesson when

planning lessons so I can adapt when working with other teachers and remain understanding to

the teaching circumstances that we will encounter throughout the school year. I’ve gained

stronger communication skills during lesson planning through preparation and practice which

helps my students know the expectations and objectives I am teaching and will be assessing.

Lesson plans should build from one lesson to another with objectives being outlined and

defined throughout the units to measure students’ improvements.

My teaching instruction has significantly improved and developed over the course of my

teaching internship and I’ll continue to improve and develop my instruction through practice

and experience. I have learned to deliver instruction when my students are focused and ready

to listen before they engage in an activity. I stay positive with my language and provide visual

models so students can learn verbally by my instruction and visually through the student

demonstration. Giving prescriptive feedback like helping students develop a more refined

movement skill assists them with their psychomotor development and can influence their

health in a positive manner for the rest of the lives. It’s invigorating and inspiring to have a role

that can help people live a more healthy and enjoyable life by establishing healthy exercise

habits through consistent instruction and feedback.

Learning how to develop and assess students’ psychomotor skills has been a challenge

for me as a new teacher. I’ve learned to plan instruction with an end goal objective in mind and

that means having a clear assessment at the end of a unit to assess the students’

improvements. The main way I assess students’ psychomotor skill development is using a rubric
that breaks down the biomechanics of a particular movement technique. This approach is

recommended through the Physical Education Framework and is also an assessment approach

that my mentor teacher uses when he assess his students’ psychomotor development.

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