Structure TEXT Laptop As Students' Friend: Nama: Kelas: X1.10

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KELAS : X1.10

STRUCTURE TEXT Laptop as Students'


THESIS Conventionally, students need book,

pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and
such other stuff. Additionally, in this
multimedia era, students need more to
reach their progressive development.
Students need mobile keyboards to record
every presented subject easily. Of course
it will need more cost but it will deserve
for its function
ARGUMENT First, modern schools tend to
applyfast transferring knowledge
because the school needs to catch the
target of curriculum. Every subject will
tend to be given in demonstrative
method. Consequently students need
extra media cover the subject. Since
there is a laptop on every students' desk,
this method will help student to get
better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate
laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently
there is an online shop which provides
comprehensive information. The best is
that the shop has service of online
shopping. The students just need to
brows that online shop, decide which
computer or laptop they need,
then complete the transaction. After
that the laptop will be delivered to the
students' houses. That is really easy
and save time and money.

REITERATION From all of that, having mobile

computer is absolutely useful for
students who want to catch the best
result for their study. Buying laptop
online is advisable because it will cut the
price. This online way is recommended
since online shop also provide
several laptop types. Students just need to
decide which type they really need.

STRUCTURE TEXT Why Exercise is Important

THESIS The majority of us claim that we do not

have time for exercise. We feel too busy
to do that. However, many expert said
thatexercise has great role in making
our body healthy

ARGUMENT Being physically active offers may

advantage. In physical
reword, exercise can reduce weight then
our body will become fitter. Exercise is
also believed to reduce stress levels,
improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk
of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of
cancer. Beside physical
advantage, exercise also brings good
effects mentally. Due to the fitter
body, exercise can make us feel
refreshed and happy then we can
increase our life quality and expectancy.
How can we do exercise while we are
busy? Such question is commonly found
among us. Actually exercise can be done
in simple ways. We can go walking while
shopping. In the office we can take stair
rather than lift to run up and down. Or
we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure

REITERATION Over all, doing exercise is little bit

difficult in busy life but the little bit
of exercise will help better.

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