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The British Isles is the geographical name that refers

to Great Britain, the whole Ireland and all the other
islands round.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland consists of four countries.

(Great) Britain is the largest island in Europe. It

includes three countries.

The Republic of Ireland doesn’t belong / isn’t the part

of the UK. It’s an independent country.
The UK Britain The British Isles
anthem: __________________

Flags and emblems:

_______________ ________________ ________________ _______________

_______________ ________________ ________________ _______________

The history of English language

600 BC: the ____________ gradually settled all over Britain and Ireland. The Celtic
language was the first important step in the development of English. Even today the
Celtic influence still exists in languages like Irish Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish.
43 AD – 410 AD: Britain (Britannia) was part of the Roman Empire. The ____________
never conquered the area which is now Scotland, because The Roman emperor, Hadrian,
built a wall across the north of Britain.
4th c. AD: German ____________ started to attack the Romans and they left. Then the
Angles, Saxons and Jutes – _____________ – invaded1 Britain. They established Angle
Land. Their language mixed with Celtic words. That language is called Old English.
8th c. AD: the ____________ from Scandinavia attacked the country (spoke Old Norse),
but Alfred the Great defeated them and united the whole country.

11th c. AD: the ______________ started ruling the country. French became the language
of aristocracy and in public use. But poor people still used English.

an invasion / intrusion – an army uses force to enter and take control of another country

1 __________________________ - Take a ride on the biggest wheel of its kind!

2 __________________________ - The seat of the British Government.
3 __________________________ - A big clock tower.
4 __________________________ - A royal church; a coronation takes place here.
5 __________________________ - The Prime Minister lives here.
6 __________________________ - The official home of the Queen.
7 __________________________ - One of the West End theatres.
8 __________________________ - There’re exhibitions ON dinosaurs, gemstones.
9 __________________________ - The largest open space in London.
10 _________________________ - The busiest shopping street in Europe.
11 _________________________ - A museum of famous people’s wax figures.
12 _________________________ - A place for street performers; the Opera House.
13 _________________________ - The center of London with lots of cinemas, shops.
14 _________________________ - In the center there is Nelson’s column.
15 _________________________ - It was a prison; now here are the Crown Jewels.
16 _________________________ - A bridge across the River Thames.
17 _________________________ - A cathedral with one of the largest domes.

a double decker a phone box / booth post box / pillar IN a queue / line

The first inhabitants in the USA were

native Americans. Then the first settlers
came from Britain. Now it has a
population of 300 million people.
There are 50 states in the USA. Each state
has got its own government and its own
capital city. The federal capital for the
whole USA is Washington, D.C. The it is called ________________________
President of the USA lives and works in ___ stars (one for each state)
the White House.  ___ stripes (for the original thirteen
states which formed the USA in 1776)
anthem: _______________________________

New York – The Big Apple – the city that never sleeps – the melting pot

boroughs / NY is the largest US city by far. The center of NY is the

districts island of Manhattan. In the
middle there is Central Park. 400
years ago it was the home of the
Delaware Indians. The first
Europeans to arrive was from the
Netherlands, Peter Minuit, who bought the island for just
24 dollars and built some houses there (1626). He called it
New Amsterdam. However, the British took it and they
called it New York, because the King’s brother was the Duke of York (1664). Today, there
are countless things to do and places to go in NY.

_____________________ was built in 1931, and it was the tallest building in

the world for 40 years.

_________________ is the entertainment center. On

New Year’s Eve, New Yorkers come here to celebrate
the New Year.
Lady Liberty's _________

There are ___ rays (one for each continent).

___________________ was a gift from France. It stands on Liberty Island.


The first people there were the Aborigines. They arrived in Australia about 10,000 years
ago, during the last Ice Age. At that time sea levels were lower and people easily crossed
from Asia.
In the 18th century James Cook claimed the land for Britain. At first the UK used it as a
A very dry area makes up 90% of the land and is called the outback. There are some huge
farms with millions of sheep and cattle. The children who live on the farms can’t go to
school. They study at home with the School of the Air. There is also a ‘flying doctor’
service. The doctor comes to you by plane.
Australia was cut off from the other continents a long time ago, so a lot of animals, like
the kangaroo, the koala and THE platypus, only live in Australia.

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