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Tyson Latzen

Mrs. Bertram

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I was born into a caring family with great family values. Later on in my life my parents

got a divorce when i was five years old. This had a huge influence on me when I was little.

Having two different environments taught me many things. One of the things i was taught was to

be happy for having a new learning experience with a different way of living. With my Mom, i

lived surrounded in nature, with a lot of freedom. When I was with my Dad, I lived in a rural

environment with a lot more restrictions and a way different set of rules than i'm used to living

with. This was hard to get use to. In the beginning. I greatly disliked going to my Dad’s because

of the limitations of not being able to go out and hang out and it took me a long time to get use to

living in a new house with a new step family.

I learned to like my Dad’s house throughout the years that i lived there. This helped me to

learn a lot of valuable lessons. I learned when it was a safe time to go not at night. I also learned

a lot of respect towards others and how to be well mannered. This helps me a lot to this day.

Having very diverse households was a very good way to teach me about how to deal with

different lifestyles. I learned to deal with a classier environment with my dad and a more lax and

not so uptight environment with my mom. This would open me up to new doors and new

thoughts about what I want to do in life. At school I found myself very fascinated in science and

the human anatomy. This helped me to push myself towards a career in the medical field. When I

was in eighth grade I knew that i wanted to be in the medical field. By the time I was in High

school I wanted to be a heart surgeon. This was heavily influenced by my Dad’s environment.

He helped me by pushing me towards job shadows and helping me with whatever I asked him to.

He was a huge part in me getting into the health academy in my high school. I really dove into

the Health Academy. The Academy is also a huge part in me moving closer to my goal of being

a heart surgeon. My Mom’s house influenced me to have fun with whatever I did. My Mom also

taught me to take on a lot of responsibility really young. My Mom would go on trips to Alaska

mid school year, so I learned to be self motivated. Her leaving also helped me to learn the

responsibility of taking responsibility for my education and to make my own way to what I want.

This is how my different environments helped me towards my career goals and passions.

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When I was around ten I would go to my Mom and step dads softball games

whenever they had them. This was usually pretty fun for me and I learned to love to explore and

adventure. This also taught me to be creative. The most important moment in the softball games

was when me and my brother were playing with some friends at the game and he started to have

an asthma attack and he didn't bring his inhaler. This set me into a mode of going to get help, but

when i went to go find my mom she was out on the field playing and I couldn't get to her. When

I couldn’t get to my mom I went into a sort of mode that took control of me and I started to talk

my brother through his asthma attack. I immediately thought of how my mom would tell him to

try and slow his breathing and to breathe in through the nose and out the mouth. I did this for

about five minutes and then he wasn't having any problems breathing. This was probably one of

the biggest factors that influenced me to want to help people when I got older. After that I was

really interested in helping people. Every moment that I had to help someone that was in trouble

I would go and do whatever I could do to help them if not learn from the person who was helping

them. Then when i got to high school I was sure that I wanted to be a doctor. I started to look

into what programs they had at my high school and found that they had a Health Academy and I

knew that this would be the first step to me getting closer to reaching my goal of becoming a

heart surgeon. Since I have been in the program I have learned so much helpful information to

help me help others and to pursue my dream. My infatuation in helping people has always been a

big part of who I am. Ever since I was little I would always do whatever I could to help people

whether it was holding the door for them or helping them when they were hurt I would do the

best of my abilities to help them. An example of this is the time I had to help my mom when she

broke her cheekbone playing softball. She was playing and a ball went on a line drive to her

cheek. She came to the dugout and was instantly in tears. Lucky there was an off duty paramedic

watching and came to check out my mom's cheekbone. While he was examining her cheek I did

whatever I could do to help him help my mom. Also I was taking note of how he was helping my

mom so I would have that knowledge. This is what has influenced me to be me and my passions.

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