Affirmative Prayers

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No Duality

As we realize that we are always only dealing with One Power in the Universe, not two, we
realize more clearly that there is no opposition to our Good. Let's know this today:

I know and believe that there is only Good, only God ... and that this Infinite Presence is
always supporting me and lifting me up to my highest and greatest Good in All things. My
mind is always turned to that which I want. I mentally direct my thoughts to the Good that I
know is mine. I dwell upon this Good in my thoughts and I let my Divine Imagination expand
the ideas of Good that come to my awareness. I know that the realization of the Presence of
God is the greatest healing agent available to me. I affirm the Presence is with me, in me,
and of me. I know that this Presence expresses Itself through me and as me. I am never
separated from God ... and I am never separated from my Good. I am One with the Good
that is mine ... now! And so it is.

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates

No Doubt About It

There is one Infinite Mind from which all things come ... One Source. This Mind is in, through
and around me, always. It is my mind now. Every thought I think, is thought through this
Mind. Every idea that comes to my awareness, comes through this Mind. It is the Source of
every thought and idea that becomes mine. It is always my "presence of thought" ... and as
the Master Mind Jesus stated, "it is the Father (Source) that doeth the work .... the Father
(Source) works and I work" ... as Mind flows through my mind, my awareness captures
within my conscious mind the thoughts and ideas that my consciousness is receptive to ...
and as I nuture and foster my consciousness of health, success, and prosperity, every Good
idea necessary for me to demonstrate the Good Life is mine now. There is never a doubt in
my mind ... nor do I ever entertainment any seeming thoughts of fear for I know there is "no
doubt about it" ... my Life is God's Life in full, whole, perfect, and complete expression. And
this consciousness creates a certainty of joy, peace, happiness, and love in all things that
concern me ... now. And so it is!

Keep the faith!

Rev. Bates
Treatment for Wholeness

As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I activate within my consciousness the presence of the
Presence; the Power of the Infinite and the Infinite Intelligence available to me, right where I
am. As I am consciously aware of this Truth, I know and accept that this Presence In-dwells
me ... for It is One with my mind ... in my mind ... now. In this realization, I become aware
that I can speak my word into this Mind and announce that wholeness exists in all things that
concern me; my finances, my health, my relationships and my work. My Good is not
measured to me as a reward or withheld from me as a punishment ... I can take that which is
mine by right of consciousness ... for it has been prepared for me ... and I prepare my mind
to accept it. Nothing or no one can hinder my prosperity, my success, or my excellent
health. I embrace loving and supportive relationships as I love and support all those in my
experience. As I take this Truth deeper within my consciousness, my heart, my mind and
my soul are filled with gratitude and a great appreciation for Life, Truth and God. As I dwell
in the place of the Most High ... feeling the tender sweetness of the Silence within my mind
... I release these words into the Law, knowing that the Infinite responds to me

And so it is ... Amen.

Rev. Bates


As I give my attention to God and the Good that I want, I feel the Presence and the Power of
the Infinite working through my heart, mind and soul intuitively. My faith in God and in
myself increases daily as I remain steadfast and immovable in my conviction that I am
moving forward with greater joy, success and prosperity in all ways and in all things. I feel at
One with God and at One with my Good as I hold fast to my vision and accept the Good that
is mine. I love Life and Life responds to me in the affirmative as I create within my
consciousness an ever-expanding awareness of the Good that is available to me and to
everyone. I am loving Life immensely as I realize that in this very moment my attitude of
loving-ness is creating the best of times and the best of everything for me today and each
day forward. My heart is filled with loving gratitude and I am living In-God with a thankful

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates

In this moment I turn to God, Infinite Spirit, and align myself with Its radiant flow of Love,
allowing It to permeate my heart, mind and soul, as It creates within me a greater and more
powerful expression of Love. As I move into the activities of today and each day forward, I
feel a sense of this great Love as It enters into my every decision and every encounter with
those around me. I do not hesitate to stop whatever I am doing … or whatever I am thinking
… and examine it in the Light of Love. I allow myself the time, and the opportunity for the
experience of Love in all that I do. My heart is always open to receive an increased capacity
of Love to express out into my world of affairs and this capacity to express Love increases
accordingly. Love blesses me … sustains me … and maintains me in Its highest expression
of Itself at all times … and for this I rejoice and give thanks, now and always.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


Praying from the Infinite “I” within me, I know and recognize that I am touching the Father
within me … compelling me to accept the very Good that I imagine for myself at all times. In
this realization that the “I” within me is the same “I” infinitely individualized within everyone, I
know that this “I” … which Is God, works through me, attracting to me, everyone and
everything necessary for my complete and whole expression of Life. In this heightened
awareness of God, Infinite Good … I transcend any idea or thought of separation from my
Good and realize my Oneness with the All-Good fully and completely in my Life now. I know
that everyone who enters the “world of my thoughts” … is there to be blessed and in
blessing them, I Am blessing me … and in this understanding I know and realize that my
every prayer is an acceptance of my Good, now.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates
My Law of Mind Demonstrates in Divine Order

As I cultivate, foster and nurture the “recognition” of the Power of God working through my
consciousness, I realize and actualize the very things that I choose to accept in my Life.
Knowing that God works through me, I am demonstrating my One-ness with Divine Power
and Intelligence. The wisdom of God guides and directs my “choices” allowing me to
automatically align my Law of Mind with the nature of Infinite Presence and Universal Law.
Everything that I choose to experience manifests in Divine Law and Order; in the right and
perfect time and through the right and perfect channels of expression … and for this, and so
much more … I give thanks and praise to God, Infinite Good, as I release my words, my
thoughts and my images of Good into Universal Mind.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates

Love Is What I Am

I recognize that I am created in the image and the likeness of God … All that I am is God …
All that God Is … is Llove … so I am knowing with a persistent conviction that Love is what I
am. It is Love that Indwells me … Love that thrills me … Love that strengthens me … Love
that goes out from me … and Love reflecting back to me. I am in Love with this Thing Called
Life and It is in Love with me. I do not hesitate, nor do I fear to express my Loving nature in
all that I do. Love creates through me wonderful and exciting new experiences in order that I
may more fully and completely express the Love that I am. In this moment Love prospers
and blesses all those who connect with this powerful energy of Love flowing from me. Love
knows no nationality, no race, no gender as it embraces everyone and everything with Its
powerful healing energy. I am radiant with Love’s desire to realize my One-ness with All of
Life and I celebrate this realization with gratitude, joy and praise, now and forever.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


As I recognize that all my Good must move through my consciousness, I release all things
that hinder the Perfect flow of Divine Right Action through me. In my realization that God
works for me by working through me, the channel of Light and Love that I Am is aligned in
Perfect Peace, Harmony and Love, open and receptive to expressing more of the Good that
God desires to express through me. As I forgive, I give up all blocks to my Good and allow
the expansion of new ideas, beliefs and concepts to surface in my conscious mind guiding
and directing me to an ever expansive expression of Infinite Good. My heart is filled with
gratitude as I surrender to the will of the Father, my very own conscious awareness of Good.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


As I recognize that Love Is what I Am, I immediately unify with the One Love that Is God. In
this realization, I know that within me is an infinite capacity to express Love and I do not
hesitate to allow this Love to express through me, as me … as a flow of light, joy and
harmony … embracing everyone and everything that I see. My willingness to give this Love
and in-let and an out-let through me, energizes the Spirit of me and I move through every
experience with grace and ease … tirelessly moving me into a rich and rewarding Life …
filled with success, prosperity and great joy. I am energized with enthusiasm and great
gratitude as I continually release my Word expecting an affirmative response.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


Today, I am recognizing the In-Dwelling Presence of God-In-Me in a greater way than ever
before. I feel at-One with the Source and Substance of my Life, God. I am energized and
strengthened knowing that God is closer to me than breathing … I am never without the
protection of the Presence … protecting my self-image, protecting my confidence and self-
assurance, with Its strength and wisdom. The strength of God is my strength … and I know
that I can do all things as I trust the Presence to work for me, as me and through me in all
ways and in all things. I live in a constant awareness of gratitude as I know that All Is God
… and All Is Good … and with confidence I release these words with praise and joyous
recognition that Infinite Presence responds to me instantaneously.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


As I recognize that I am a living, breathing, Expression of the Infinite, I know that there can
be no separation from me and God or my Good. In this realization, I am aware that my
Good Is Now … always has been and always will be. As I let go of any thoughts of delay
and accept my Good in the Present moment, I am overcome with joy and happiness,
knowing that what I am seeking is seeking me and it is Good and very Good. My mind is
filled with love and peace knowing that there are no stumbling blocks in front of me and the
way is clear to enjoy the best of times and the best of everything for I am living in the Center
of Love now and forevermore.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates


As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize that God is doing His perfect through me. I
realize that there is only One Life, that Life Is God … and that Life is my Life now and
always. In this understanding that God lives-in-me, I know and I declare the Truth that my
every Good desire is God’s desire for me … and as I mentally contemplate and see the
Good results in my Life, I realize that my Life is abundant with love, happiness, peace and
every Good thing that is necessary for my continued fulfillment of my purpose on this Earth
and beyond. My life is a marvelous expression of God’s ever-lasting Love and I freely
accept and share all that the Father bestows on me. I am more than thankful … more than
appreciative … I live a blessed Life that is forever grateful at all times to God … to those in
my Life experience and for All things. I recognize that Gratitude connects me with God at all
times and I surrender my heart, mind and soul to the Infinite.

And So It Is. … Amen.

Rev. Bates

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