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Page 2 Nation Wednesday, April 6, 198

National Briefs Rangel explains charges testifies
A baggage misrouting resulted in the discovery of 40
to m1htary 1ntelhgence
By Daily Journal Staff The term "peremptory" is helicopters had receqt ly
in probe
of Manzopor
kilograms of high-quality cocaine Tuesday morning at to be interpreted as "an crashed in Colombia and that By Martin Delfin
Simon Bolivar International Airport in Maiquetia. Socialist leader Jose absolute order to clarify the military authorities of the Daily Journal Staff
A National Guard drug squad, using sniffer dogs, Vicente Rangel appeared urgently beyond doubt," mili- neighbpuring country were A former Justice Minis-
uncovered the cache of 40 bundles wrapped in newspaper before Venezuelan military tary sources told The Daily investigating the sequence of try security chief denied
and plastic tape, according to a National Guard spokes- intelligence authorities Journal. accidents. Tuesday the existence of
man . Tuesday night and was asked Rangel said during a televi- Rangel said other equip- the so-called "Manz9pol"
The drugs were found in two suitcases at the to substantiate charges that ment being negotiated in- secret paramilitary force.
sion interview Monday night
Dominicana de Aviacion baggage depot. The suitcases the government was about to that the government was eluded 90 Scorpion tanks "I had the opportunity
were destined for Santo Domingo, he added, but had purchase fau l ty and "tryingtotakeadvantangeof produced by Alvis ofBritain, to know what was going
mistakenly been sent to Curacao, from where they were overpriced military equip- the absence of President Lu- worth some $36 million less on in that building inside
returned to Maiquetia Monday, the spokesman said. ment. sinchi" to sign contracts for than the contracted price. and out," said Osmeiro
The baggage had originated in Bogota, Colombia, the The director of the Military He claimed negotiations Carneiro, "and I never
the purchase of equipment h
spokesman said. Intelligence Division (DIM), which "can affect the securi- were being carried out wit had any contacts with any
The names of two suspects, one Colombian, the other Re a r Adm . Gust av o ty of the troops that would Imperial Military Suppliers special intelligence force."
Dominican, have been sent to Interpol and Dominican law Rodriguez Citraro told re- operate them." (IMS),of London and that the However, Carneiro, who
enforcement authorities, the National Guard _said. porters upon arriving at DIM tanks belonged to the Bank of headed security under
headquarters that Rangel He charged that in addition London. former Justice Minister
□ Caracas Stock Exchange had been "invited" to clarify
his accusations.
to being faulty, the equip-
ment was overpriced by some
The strong-worded presi-
dential press release denied
Jose Manzo Gonzalez,
added he only worked
Stock prices on the Caracas Stock Exchange rose for At press. time, Rangel was Bs.6 billion. that the charges were close to there from 1984-86.
the second day in a row Tuesday as the common stock Carneiro was the first
index jumped 7.40 points to finish at 916.95, Exchange still being interviewd by the He claimed that he had the truth and assured that
military intelligence. personally told President Lu- "all precautions to safeguard witness to appear before a
Vice President Juan Domingo Cordero reported. Chamber of Deputies
His appearance at DIM sinchi, presently in Japan on the interest of the nation"had
Shares valued at Bs.58,241,997 were traded in 142 headquarters followed a Mi- a state visit, about the deal been taken in all military committee investigating
transactions . raflores Palace announce - and that Lusinchi ordered the arms and equipment negotia- the Manzopol allegations
Stocks gaining included Banco de Venezuela at 780 (up ment that acting President suspension of the negotia- tions . during the second day of
5), Banco Provincial at 700 (up 10), Corimon at 151 (up 1), Jose Angel Ciliberto, "after tions with the firm Earlier on Tuesday, De- hearings . .
Envases Venezolanos at 51 (up 2), Inversiones Tacoa at consultations with travelling Geomilitech, which was act- fense Minister Eliodoro Manzo Gonzalez re -
14.60 (up 0.10), Mantex at 81 (up 1), Protinal at 203 (up 3), President Jaime Lusinchi, signed last week, re-
Sivensa at 81 (up 3.75), Sociedad Financiera de Venezuela ing as interme di1ary. Guerrero Gomez also denied
has decided to order that the that the negotiations involved portedly under adminis-
at 445 (up 5), and Sudamtex at 290 (up 5). Defense Ministry, through Rangel said the equipment any wrongdoing. tration pressure.
Closing down were Banco La Guaira Internacional at 59 DIM, peremptory summon included Sikorsky helicopters It was the second claim of Carneiro said that the
(down 1), Ceramica Carabobo at 698 (down 1), Electrici- the denouncer to present which were not fitted for corruption by Rangel in the Venezuelan vice consul in
dad de Caracas at 190 (down 2), Terminales Maracaibo at formal accusations and proof military use and had been last three months. In January Miami, Segundo Espinoza,
5.50 (down 0.20), and Venezolana de Cementos at 302.50 he claims to have of alleged discarded by the United he charged that the ongoing served as a narcotics in-
(down 0.50). irregularities in contracting States armed forces because electoral campaigns were telligence official abroad
Public Debt Bonds (PDBs) remained unchanged. the purchase of military ma- of defects. being financed by funds de- for Manzo Gonzalez.
terials and equipment.'' He said five of this type of rived from drug trafficking. "He was given the title
□ BCV reports gold earnings of vice consul much like
The Central Bank (BCV) has reported earnings of more Private sector wants in on oil industry the Russians and the
Americans give diplomatic
than Bs.500 million from gold sales last year. Chamber President Edgard has '•ays shelved their rec-
Close to 8 percent of the Bs.6.3 billion, or By Psyche Pascual titles to their secret
Daily Journal Staff Romero Nava used the presi- dations. agents," he said. "He kept
Bs.516,100,000, of the BCV's total earnings during 1987 dential trip to highlight what ro Nava's comments
were made in the commodity's commercial market. in close contact with
President Jaime Lusinchi's he called "inequities" and slight shadow on Lu- Manzo Gonzalez.''
The earnings, up Bs.508.6 million from 1986, were trip to Japan became a source "contradictions" in the na- much-heralded trip
distributed by the bank in accordance with its charter, Espinoza is currently
of complaints Tuesday from tionalized oil industry. throu , Asia, which includes under investigation by a
with 10 percent of the total going to the BCV reserve private businessmen who Romera Nava called for a Japan nd Indonesia.
fund, and 88.8 percent (Bs.5.86 billion) going to the special Senate committee
want to· get a piece of the loosening of the petroleum · Sch duled to be signed for alleging that Corpora-
government's coffers. action in the petroleum in- laws to encourage Venezue- durin t hat trip is an agree- cion Venezolana de
dustry. lans to invest in domestic oil ment with Mitsubishi of Guayana (CVG) officials
Venezuelan Petroleum ventures. He also called for Japan for the sale of Or- took kickbacks.
Dr. DAVID Dr.ARMANDO reforms to consolidate a bank imulsion
of laws into one. Government and oil of-
Carneiro was also asked

SINGER OREADI F. Dr.L.GROSS "We're not talking about ficialJ hope Orimulsion: - a
denationalization of the in- fuel eveloped by Venezuelan
about police informant
Roberto Dipucci Ponti and
his association with the
D.D.S dustry ," Romero Nava said. hers and composed of
DENTIST Oral Diagnosis and New York University Justice Ministry.
Perioaontics "But if foreigners can enter crude, water and Dupucci Ponti, who is a
Certified by the American
(Gum Treatment) College of Dentistry (the petroleum industry), why als - will be the key to
Dental Association Boards Rev. U.C.V. key witness in the in-
Post Graduate at Tufts can' t Venezuelans?" country from the past vestigation, failed to ap-
University U.S. Licensed Critics of those laws have . onths of sagging oil
Centro Ciudad Comercial Schoolof Dental Medicine· Av. Principal de la Mercedes
pear before the committee
Tamanaco (CCCT) Torre B Boston, U.S.A.
U been battling for nearly a price . Monday.
604 6 Floor Edif. Itaca, Apt. 42, 4th floor decade. According to Romero Le than two months ago,
U.C.V. across the street from "I knew of him and they
Tel: 918053 924668 Nava, two commissions were the c · mber president lauded
Children's Park told me he could serve as
CLINICA named in 1981 and in 1984 to the n to push compound an informant ," said
By appointment:
study those laws, but he says into erseas markets. . Carneiro said. "But he
Centro Clinico Profesional ODONTOLOGICA Tel. 92.82 .31 91.32.81
Energy and Mines Ministry It p omises to be a lucrative never was any informant
Caracas (CCPC) Anex to
the Hospital Clinicas Cara-
market for Venezuela. Plans
are t begin exporting about
of mine."
But later, Carneiro ad-
Centro Ciudad Comercial 50,00 barrels a day of Or- mitted depositing two
Tel: 5747720 - 5743713 Tamanaco U.S .A . GRADUATES
imuls' n by the end of 1989, checks back in January
Office 218,2nd floor, Chuao ED. ROYAL PALACE APT. 201- 2nd FLOOR and up to 1 million barrels a and February 1985 totall-
By Appointment Tel. 92.47.57-92.48.78 MONDAYTHRU FRIDAY SA.M. TO 12 NOON AND3p.m. TO 7 PM. day bythe year 2000, ac-
By appointment only. CHACAITO. METRO STATION TEL. 71.57.85 . ing Bs.15,000 in Dipucci
En1ergencies: 514587 cording ·to industr y esti- Ponti's account at Banco
mate, Republica as "payment for
The problem isn't Japan's
DENTAL IMPLANTS CLINIC DR. JORGE CAICEDO C. participation or that of any
some information he gave
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY other country, Romero Nava Although the committee
IN LAS MERCEDES Post Graduate at the University of Pennsylvanya said, but the irony that Vene- has yet to hear Dipucci
• With implants we can change and Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Clinica EI Avila zuela'l own laws prevent the Ponti's testimony, mem-
your removable
Avenida San Juan Bosco , Altamira. Phones: Office: 208.19.62- commercialization of or- bers liste ned to two
261.75.71.Home: 987.53.07.Office Hours: Morning 9 a.m . to 12 imulsit1mwithin the country .
dentures for a fixed denture. noon; evening 6 to 8 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. By appointment. electronically recorded
That has limited the role of accounts in which the
DDS, Louisiana State
domestic businessmen. former police informan t
DR. DANIEL ROBERTS Venezuela nationalized its contradicts himself.
University. oil industry in 1975 when
Congress approved the pre- they will give Dipucci
GUILARTE - U.S. Licensed troleum nationlization law.
DDS, M.Ed. Endodontia. Ponti one more chance to
Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. lnstituto Roberts. The law created Petroleos testisfy next Monday. But
Calle Chama, Colinas de Bello Monte. 752.1095 and
de Venezuela, S.A., which in some members believe he
Av. Principal de Las Mercedes, Edif. Claret, piso 2, turn created a host of sub-
Apt. 5. fled the country fearing
ALL U.S. INSURANCE HONORED sidiaries and related
Tel. 91-03-52 and 91-71-45. his life.

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