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Ensure that managers are aware of the Internal and External Issues that may effect Quality of the deliverables of
their process.
2. Ensure process requirement are monitored on continued basis. (SLAs)
3. Ensure that Quality Policy is understood by all the team members.(WNS quality policy)
4. Ensure that RACI matrix is created, communicated to all the teams and approved
5. Ensure that Risk Registers are maintained. Mitigation actions documented; adhered and shared with the
client; wherever Risk Registers are not available FMEA is created and implemented.
6. Ensure that Quality objectives are documented and retained (KPI/ VIC)
7. Ensure for any process change executed in the process, CRF/COF is raised and signed off by the stakeholders
8. Ensure calibration process is defined in their respective Quality Standard Document and records are retained.
9. Ensure for any macro; excel sheet based tools, validation is done and results are retained (Validate data of
sample internal reports from that of system generated report)
10. Ensure that their people are aware about WNS Quality policy and Objectives
11. Ensure Job description is available for all the levels
12. Ensure resource plan for necessary competence
13. Ensure availability of competence matrix ensure Training Plan and its validity
14. Ensure availability of evidences related to daily huddles, weekly or monthly team meetings
15. Ensure 6-folder structure and its usage.
16. Ensure approvals post the changes in DP, WIMs and/or any other plan.
17. Appropriate Header & Footers, Maintaining Master List of all your Documented Information, specified Retention
period is very important to pay attention to, correct usage of MSI numbers for documentation, version control,
approvals etc.
18. Ensure Quality Plan, Training Plan, Target Plan and Resource Plan are prepared and controlled. These plans to be
used to control operational activities.
19. Ensure client communications happens as per the defined frequency as documented in DP and documents are
20. Ensure changes are documented in change order form (COF) and approved by both WNS and Client stakeholders
21. Ensure WIMS, SOP, flow charts, interactions of processes etc. readily available to staff. (with correct versions)
22. Ensure identification and safeguard of customer property.
23. Retain documented information on the release of products and services, conformity.
24. Ensure if a non-conformity is detected then to correct it, review corrections, perform RCA and take required
25. Determine what, how and when things are to be monitored, measured, analyzed and evaluated.
26. Monitor VOC and completeness on the actionable
27. Ensure RCA is done on the internal and external errors and is captured
28. Ensure trend analysis is carried out wrt agents, quality parameters and corrective actions are in place
29. The Top Management to review the Organization’s QMS at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitable,
adequacy, effectiveness and it should be aligned with the strategic direction of the organization. (Management
30. Managers to consider the results of analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from management review, to
determine if there are needs or opportunities that must be addressed as part of continual improvement.
31. Drive process improvement initiatives and their sustenance
32. Ensure all Quality Formats – error logs, CCRP tracker, calibration reports is meeting the common minimum
standard as per TQ playbook V3.
33. Any deviation from the TQ playbook requirements must have exception approval from BPET SQA leader

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