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Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип

„Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика“

Насока: Бизнис администрација

Семинарска задача по предметот:

Англиски јазик 2

Mavrovo – tourist place in Macedonia

Ментор: Изработила:
Проф. Д-р Јована Арсоска
Број на индекс: 175 856

Скопје, Јуни, 2018година

Abstract: ............................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.Mavrovo as a tourist destignation ....................................................................................... 5
1.1 About Mavrovo ............................................................................................................ 5
1.2Road Infrastructure ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3Electric Energy ............................................................................................................. 6
1.4Water Supply ................................................................................................................ 7
1.5Solid Waste .................................................................................................................. 7
2. Places to visit .................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 National Park ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Galicnik ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.3Monastery "St. Jovan Bigorski" ................................................................................... 10
3.Tourist attractions and animation in Mavrovo ................................................................... 11
3.1Visiting the Galicnik Wedding ..................................................................................... 12
3.2 Hiking and mountain biking ........................................................................................... 13
Conclusion: ......................................................................................................................... 15
Literature: ........................................................................................................................... 16

The Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia is one of Europe’s oldest national
parks. It is famous for its extensive beech forests, alpine meadows, pristine rivers and
streams. A huge variety of species, such as rare trout species, wolves, bears, and
otters, live in the park. One species is outstanding though: the Balkan Lynx (Lynx lynx
balcanicus). The Mavrovo National Park is the centre of the remaining population of
this critically endangered subspecies of the Eurasian Lynx. The park hosts more than
1,000 different plant species. It is part of the southernmost section of the European
Green Belt - an outstanding ecological network that has developed undisturbed along
the former iron curtain.

Key words: national, park, tourist, visit, lake, bike, attraction

Mavrovo encompasses the most beautiful parts of western Macedonia, the
mountains Bistra, Korab, South Šar Massifs, Dešat, the river Radika, Mavrovo Lake
and the villages Mavrovi Anovi, Mavrovo, Leunovo, Nikiforovo, Galičnik, Rostuše,
Gari, Janče, Tresonče, Bituše and Lazaropole, with total area of 73,088 hectares. In
order to preserve the natural wealth of the region, it has been designated as a National
Park with the Law passed on March 3rd 1952, on account of "the historical and
scientific significance of the forests and wooded areas around the plain of Mavrovo,
the specific landscape and the natural beauty of the region, the diverse flora and fauna
and ethnological characteristics". In this area nature has created numerous beauties
of different character. The relief, the climatic conditions, the hydrological and
vegetative features, enhanced by human creativity, all contribute to making this region
a particularly special place where the gifts of the nature and the resourcefulness of
humans can be admired.

1.Mavrovo as a tourist destignation
1.1 About Mavrovo
Discovering the beauties of nature and exploring impeccable scenery,
Macedonian customs, and traditional cuisine, you find yourself in Mavrovo .Set in the
breathtaking scenery, amid grassy plateaus and snowy peaks of the mountainous
region of western Macedonia, it is the frosting of the cake called the Macedonian
outdoor experience. As a village region, only 96 kilometers away from Skopje and 113
from Ohrid, it is a renowned location where many Macedonians build their weekend
houses. Scenic and diverse in terrain, with an incredibly wide spectrum of activities to
satisfy every taste, this region will give you quite the sensory overload. As such, no
doubt, it is the frosting of the cake called the Macedonian outdoor experience. 1

Figure 1. Mavrovo View

What first comes to mind when picturing Mavrovo, is the beautiful lake
seemingly carved in between the mountains. Set in breathtaking scenery, amid grassy
plateaus and snowy peaks, it is as much of a postcard image as any. The water is

1 Volume II – Destination Development Plans – Plan No.6: Tourism Development Plan for Reka
region, Mavrovo and Surroundings One of ten Destination Development Plans for Macedonia

crisp and calm, where you can enjoy swimming and kayaking, as well as boat fishing
and sunbathing to your heart’s content.

A centerpiece of the lake though, something that catches the attention right
away, is the half submerged Saint Nicholas church which is somewhat preserved and
entirely accessible when the water falls back throughout the year. The lake, an
attraction by itself, also freezes entirely during cold winters, and it is a rare sight

The Mavrovo region reminds of Switzerland Alps, for much of the time grassy
pastures are filled with incredible herbal smell, and you can see shepherd dogs
watching over herds of sheep. The National Park of Mavrovo, where nature can be
enjoyed at its best though, is fairly close to the village region. Scenic sights that will
rob you off any sense of time, and incredibly rich flora and fauna which repeatedly
adds to your sensory apparatus. This is a stoic statue to nature, if ever there was any.
The lunx, a Macedonian wild cat which is near extinction can be also seen here if you
have the luck.

1.2Road Infrastructure
The road network of the Municipality Mavrovo-Rostushe consisted of the
Motorway M4 (Skopje-Kichevo-Ohrid) and the Regional Roads: R409 (Mavrovo-
Debar-Struga), R413 (a road that encircles the reservoir Mavrovsko Ezero Lake),
R414 (Mavrovo-Galichnik), and R415 (Boshkov Most-Lazaropole). Total length of the
Local Roads is 185.6 km, which are with various road qualities. All settlements within
the boundaries of the Park are connected by local roads, except the village Zhuzhnye.2

1.3Electric Energy
All settlements of the Municipality Mavrovo-Rostushe are available for electric
energy consumption, except the settlement Nivishte. Nevertheless that all settlements
are covered by electric power distribution, most of the local communities (61%) are
complaining on the electrical substations and the low quality of the electric power.

2 National Tourism Strategy for Macedonia, Kohl & Partner DOO Skopje, February 2016,p.12-14

1.4Water Supply
According to the last population census of the year 2002, in about 67%
households of the former Municipality Mavrovi Anovi, and 95.3% households of the
former Municipality Rostushe, the water is provided by public utilities. Most of the piped
water supplying systems is managing by the Public Communal Enterprise Mavrovo,
while the remainders, by Local Self-governments through community endeavours.

1.5Solid Waste
The Public Communal Enterprise Mavrovo is in charge for collecting and
disposal of communal solid waste from the settlements around the reservoir
Mavrovsko Ezero Lake (former Municipality Mavrovi Anovi), while from December,
2008 and from the village Zhirovnitsa too. As an activity that has significantly
strengthened the capacity of the Communal Enterprise was the donation of two
tractors with dump trailers, and 61 garbage containers from Oxfam-Italia, within the
Project Environmental Protection, Economic Development and Promotion of Eco-
tourism in the National Park Mavrovo.3

2. Places to visit
The National park of Mavrovo is home to the highest waterfall in the Balkans,
as well as what some consider one of the most beautiful canyon in the world – the
canyon of river Radika.

The upward road from Mavrovo will take you to Galichnik, a village which is by
far the most renowned in terms of Macedonian culture and tradition. The road itself is
quite scenic and cuts through forest and hills alike. Excellent for mountain biking and
downhill rides. Galichnik though, is a bird of another feather- traditional Macedonian

3Heath, E., and Wall, G., 1992, Marketing Tourism Destinations – A Strategic Planning Approach, pp
126-128, John Wiley & Son. p.65

food, music, clothing, and being located high as it is, a feeling that you are near the
sky rooftop.4

Another place you ought to visit if you are interested in culture and tradition is
Jovan Bigorski, probably the most remarkable monastery in Macedonia. Located near
the village of Galichnik and build in the year 1050, this monastery which has a perfect
view over the National park of Mavrovo is home to one of three famous iconostasis
found in Macedonian churches. The iconostasis here has over 500 humans and 200
animals carved, depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments.

Moving back to nature, the bridge “Deer Leap”, which outdoor enthusiasts will
find quite captivating, can be found while driving southwards from Mavrovo Lake to
Debar, turning left to the villages Gari, Lazaropole and Tresonce, before reaching Lake
Debar. This 600 years old bridge was reportedly build by an ottoman lord who ruled
these lands. The story goes that he went hunting and wounded a deer. The deer,
showing surprising lack of vulnerability, kept escaping for a while till it jumped over the
river and died on the other side of the canyon. The ottoman lord, obviously moved,
build the bridge to commemorate the animal.

Near the church of Saint Nicholas, somewhat upwards and close to the ski lifts,
you will find the cave Sharkova Dupka, a massive cave going deep in the mountain
where temperature steeply drops.5

2.1 National Park

The National Park Mavrovo encompasses numerous rivers, which present a
real jewel in the crown of beauty for the mountain landscape, with their wild rapids,
water-falls and incredible transparency: always full with clear and cold water, the
springs never get muddy. One of the most impressive parts of the park are the striking
gorges of the river Radika. The most dramatic is the Baric gorge. The horizon in front
of the observer completely closes leaving open only the blue sky and the steep
ascending rocks, in some places 1,500 m high. The valley of the river Radika is almost

4 Gjorgievski, M., Gramatnikovski, S. and Nakovski, D 2012, Geographic Positioning as a

Determination of Tourism Development of Gevgelija Region - publisher missing,p.54

completely covered with woods, except for its lower part. The river is rich with river
trout, which makes it attractive for the sports fishermen.

Figure 2. View of National Park Mavrovo

At the height of 2,300 m the river Ribnica emerges, a real alpine river, with light-
green, clear and shiny water. 6The river valley is covered with woods and usually fresh
in temperature, with tame, pleasant and beautiful landscapes. On the mountain slopes
at a very great height, there are 17 glacial lakes, as a further ornament of the mountain
landscapes. The biggest lake within the national park is the artificial Mavrovo Lake,
which with its clear water, surrounded with forest, is one of the special attractions in
this part of Macedonia. The National Park Mavrovo is characteristic for its extremely
rich flora and fauna. Besides the presence of several floral elements from different
climatic regions, the most important feature of the floral-geographical position of the
park is the presence of several endemic and relic forms. Of special interest is the
presence of the elements from the original tropical vegetation: the tertiary and glacial

2.2 Galicnik
One of the most beautiful mountain villages, widely famous for its lush pastures,
beautiful white and yellow cheese, as well as the excellent masons and builders, is
located on the slopes of Bistra, in the heart of the Miyak area. The interesting location
of Galichnik at an altitude of about 1400 meters above sea level is complemented by
the authentic look of the houses.


The art of building in this region is known throughout many European capitals.
The architecture of Galichnik is preserved, old stone houses are restored, and new
houses are built in a traditional spirit. The houses consist of two and three levels, and
their present appearance dates from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Figure 3. View of Galicnik

Galichnik dates from the tenth century. It is considered that in the past it was a
settlement for rangers. Stockbreeding was the main activity in the village, but today
Galichnik is full of people only in summer, when displaced residents return to the
village to avoid the summer heat. In July, the traditional Galichnik wedding customs
are maintained.
Besides the authentic architecture and the rich cultural heritage, Galichnik
represents an unforgettable experience where you can still find herds wild horses
running on the slopes. The Mediterranean climate gives this place a special richness;
winters can be very sharp and the snow can last until May. During the spring and
summer, the view of the surroundings is breathtaking and makes you admire the
masterpieces of nature and of skilled builders’ hands.7

2.3Monastery "St. Jovan Bigorski"

St. Jovan Bigorski is a 19th century monastery standing on the slopes of Debar’s Mt.
Bistra, above the banks of the River Radika. While relatively new, St. Jovan was constructed
over the remains of an older church dating from 1021. Built on a steep slope surrounded by
dense woods and rocky hills, St. Jovan is reminiscent of the cliff top monasteries of Mt. Athos
in Greece. Since the monastery is dedicated to St. Jovan the Baptist, worshippers believe that


icons with his image are blessed with a miraculous healing power. The monastery has a small
silver coffin containing alleged relics of St. Jovan. The monastery complex includes a dining
room and an old monastic dormitory, tower, charnel house and two fountains over spilling with
fresh mountain water.

Figure 4. View of St. Jovan Bigorski monastery

3.Tourist attractions and animation in Mavrovo

Discussing temperature though, it is important to note that Mavrovo offers cold
and moderate climate even throughout the summer, making this place a heaven for
outdoor sports aficionados. The grassy slopes of mountain Bistra, combined with
incredible forest off-roads, and hill-top pastures accommodate the adventurous spirit
regardless the sport, and regardless the age.8 In winters though, snow falls many feet
deep, and the same slopes transform in the most modern ski center in Macedonia.

The lake alone buys you a lot of adventure either way. Swimming, boating,
kayaking, sunbathing… But if you are more of a hiking enthusiast, you can climb the
slopes, hills, collect some tea, and explore the forests.

Mountain biking is also popular here, since Mavrovo offers quite diverse terrain
and technically challenging and less so trails. Cycling for intermediates and beginners
is popular too, since the lake shore, a 33 kilometers long asphalt road surrounding the
lake, offers some of the most scenic sights and an incredible view of the lake. The


huge dam is an included attraction, and circling the lake you will see it as well. This is
the cycling tour I personally recommend and usually take during relaxed weekends.

Paragliding is gaining popularity at a rapid clip, and while we are discussing

rare interests, if you are really willing to experience the region along with its tradition,
there are horseback riding tours from Galichnik where you can cover the terrain fast,
while tasting cheese and traditional Macedonian cousine.

Mavrovo is a place that can hardly be experienced during the length of a

weekend. Once here, you will want to stay more and allow yourself to enjoy nature at
its best. Decent and beautiful weekend houses, as well as affordable and equally
luxurious hotel suites and apartments can accommodate any taste. 9

3.1Visiting the Galicnik Wedding

On one day every July, St. Peter’s Day, locals and tourists alike are invited to
attend the traditional Macedonian wedding celebrations at Galicnik, a legendary old
village in the western mountains near Mavrovo. The three-day feast, which includes
much song, dance, eating and drinking, uses traditional customs, costumes (just like
the wedding dress in the picture), and rituals and dances that have been passed down
over the centuries. The Galicnik Wedding is an incomparable event that every visitor
to Macedonia must experience at least once. The village of Galicnik always looks nice,
and is easily accessible for visits from February till December (or the first snowfalls).
Ask for Macedonia Experience, they can help you out with more information on how
to get there, or organize the whole thing for you.10

9„Marvelous Macedonia“ - „Mladinska kniga “ – Skopje, 2005,p.43

10Inventory of facilities in catering in Macedonia, 2008“, State statistical bureau of R. Macedonia,

Figure 5. Galicnik Wedding

3.2 Hiking and mountain biking

The territory of the National Park Mavrovo, has many trails that can be used
for hiking and mounatin biking. They have different difficulty, length and degree of
usebility. Routes contained in this informational material intended for recreational
mountain tourism and they are standardized and categorized by the Macedonian
Association of International Mountain Leaders in accordance with international

Figure 4. Hiking


All these trails are part of the cultural and civilization heritage of the Republic of
Macedonia. For maintenance and infrastructure arrangement for the tourist and
recretional trails cares National Park “Mavrovo” with expert assistance of professional
leaders from the Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders. Nice
recreational trail with beautiful views over the Mavrovo valley and region of the Gorna
reka. It can be combined with the trail (road) to village Vrben. The base is comfortable
for trampling and consists mainly of soil and grass. The trail is marked. Along the trail
there are several sources of water, but because of their volatility, it is best to fill water
in Mavrovi Anovi. From the top of Koza tour can be extended to cultural and historic
site – Monastery St. Petka or to the safari park in the locality Bunec. Along the trail in
many places has benches for resting, but no shelters and catering facilities.

This destination therefore includes the natural, cultural and man-made
attractions, facilities, services and resources that make up this particular hub of tourist
activity, centered around the focal attractions of Mount Bistra, Korab planina and
Mavrovo. This destination includes attractions and tourism assets in the following
tourist areas: Reka region, Mount Bistra and surroundings, Korab planina and
surrounding areas, and Mavrovo with surroundings. These attractions are linked
together in one destination as they are within the catchment area (one day excursion)
of Mavrovo, and they offer experiences which are complementary and well-suited to
the market segments prioritized for this area.


 Volume II – Destination Development Plans – Plan No.6: Tourism Development

Plan for Reka region, Mavrovo and Surroundings One of ten Destination
Development Plans for Macedonia
 National Tourism Strategy for Macedonia, Kohl & Partner DOO Skopje,
February 2016
 Heath, E., and Wall, G., 1992, Marketing Tourism Destinations – A Strategic
Planning Approach, pp 126-128, John Wiley & Son.
 Gjorgievski, M., Gramatnikovski, S. and Nakovski, D 2012, Geographic
Positioning as a Determination of Tourism Development of Gevgelija Region -
publisher missing
 Marvelous Macedonia“ - „Mladinska kniga “ – Skopje, 2005,
 Inventory of facilities in catering in Macedonia, 2008“, State statistical bureau
of R. Macedonia, 2008


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