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Falsehood in War Time, by Arthur Ponsonby, a British Labour MP and pacifist. The significance of this book is that itis the 1942 edition - that is, it was published in the same year as (but probably after) the Wansee Conference which decided to implement the "Final Solution." Tt shows (a) that even in early 1942, when Britain was in a very difficult part of the Second World War, it allowed paper to be provided for printing of an anti- government book, one which exposed the lies of 1914- 1918; and (b) that many people in Britain were cynical about official war-horror propaganda (the book had already gone through eleven printings), even though the actual atrocities in the Second World War were real, while those cited in the book were cither unsubstantiated rumours or made-up propaganda stories; and (c) that many readers were prepared to buy the argument that Germany had a raw deal after 1919. The author, Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby had been a member of the British diplomatic service, and then a Liberal MP. During ‘World War I, he joined the Labour Party, and eventually became the leader of that party in the House of Lords. He left the Labour Party in 1940 when it supported Winston Churchill"s government. The book Falsehood in Wartime is frequently used by Holocaust deniers to "prove" that the Holocaust did not take place, and that it was another wartime lie. However, there is abundant evidence for the existence of the Holocaust. The minutes of the ‘Wansee conference of 1942, which initiated it, are in another document on this website/CD ROM. By ARTHUR PONSONBY Nd. (LORD PONSONBY An amazing collection of care- fully documented lies circulated in Great Britain, France, Ger- many, Italy, and America during the Great War.

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