Bullying Presentation 1

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By: Tyson L; Peter O; Luis R; and Axel R.

● Bullying and Cyberbullying
○ Physical

The big problem

■ Using force to inflict pain and embarrassment
onto someone
○ Mental
■ Using verbal insults and blackmail to cause
people to start having self conscious thoughts
and mental instability
○ Sexual
■ Uses sexually inclined insults and shaming to
take control over someone
○ Relational
■ When someone is left of activities by their own
friends or social circles
○ Social
■ Hurting someone's reputation or relationships,
spreading rumors that often are not true
○ Verbal
■ Saying or writing mean things such as name
teasing, name calling and inappropriate
Our schools
● Our school policy
● “The El Dorado Union High School district

bullying process board policy prohibits

■ unlawful discrimination,
harassment, intimidation and
bullying of any student based on
the student’s actual race, color,
ancestry, national origin, ethnic
group identification, age, religion,
marital or parental status,
physical or mental disability, sex,
sexual orientation, gender, gender
identity, or gender expression;
The perception of one or more of
such characteristics” or
association with a person or group
with one or more of these actual or
perceived characteristics.”
● This prohibits all forms of bullying along
with having anonymous tips called bully
forms that can help resolve the issue.
● Physical
The nature of ○ A student is walking down the hall and gets repeatedly
shoulder checked as the student walks past a group of

bullying and ● Mental


how it happens ○ A group of students constantly tell a student that he’s

dumb and cut him off while he’s talking.
● Sexual
○ A male student is swimming for PE and makes a sexual
comment on another female classmates swimsuit
● Relational
○ Someone is left out of hanging out with their friends and
going on a road trip with them outside of school
● Social
○ A student puts a picture on social media and starts getting
made fun of because of what she’s wearing and becomes
excluded from the whole school.
● Verbal
○ A group of kids insult a another kid as he walks past them
going down the hallway and the groups of kids yell rude
insults as he passes.
❖ If a bully harasses you, to your best
ability try to refrain from causing the
How do you situation to escalate.
respond? ❖ Don’t give bullies the “high” that they get
from bullying you.. Walk away and get
an adult or school administrator to shut
down further bullying
❖ Find a trusted individual to tell that will
support you and help you through the
❖ Don’t isolate yourself or deal with the
problem alone
Definition Of
● Behaviors such as teasing, taunting, unwanted
aggressive behavior towards someone,hitting,

Bullying ●
When a person or group has more power
towards someone else and intentionally causes
harm repeatedly.
● Bullying can continue to happen over time and
often not be addressed without a adult
stepping in
● The bullying behavior is often repeated and
Works Cited

● https://www.ncab.org.au/bullying-advice/bullying-for-pare

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