Impact of New Media On School Going Children

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1 Title page
2 Index
3 Abstract
4 Introduction
5 Literature review
6 Conceptual frame work
7 Objectives of the study

8 Hypothesis

9 Research methodology
10 Sample area
11 Analysis and study of data

12 Discussions and results

13 Conclusion and Recommendations

14 Bibliography

Social Media are electronic administrations that offers individual the chance to make either an open
or semi-open profile inside a limited framework, add a rundown of others to with they share an
association and view and transverse their rundown of associations and those made by others inside
the framework. Along these lines, this study was completed with the point of looking at the effect of
utilization of social media on students' scholarly execution in name of institute. In order to quantify
online life stages a poll was created dependent on past literary works. The autonomous factors
include: time suitability, time length, Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, Friend-People association
and security/protection issues while the needy variable was understudy scholarly execution. This
study received illustrative and logical research plan. It additionally utilized the utilization of cross-
sectional review method using overview polls that contains 42 things with a Likert Scale (Disagree-
1 and 5 for Agree). The sample of 102 students from name of College was chosen utilizing
advantageous inspecting technique. The information gathered was investigated using description
means and relapse by means of SPSS 21. The Pearson's connection coefficients of four autonomous
are corresponded with students scholarly execution while two are definitely not. Nonetheless,
utilizing the relapse investigation four factors is critical which include: Time fittingness, human
companion association, nature of Usage and wellbeing enslavement while Time term and
security/protection issues are not huge. Consequently, considering the unusual utilization of Social
media stages by understudies, it is practical that Universities and schools in Malaysia teach their
understudies to decidedly utilize these stages for instructive purposes which will inevitably result in
a positive effect on their scholarly execution.

KEY TERMS: Social media, Academic performance, Time appropriateness, Time duration, friend-
people connection, nature of usage, health addiction and security/privacy problems.

The utilization of social media among students has achieved abnormal states and has influenced
their study time, poor sentence structure and wrong spellings when associating via web-based
networking media just as occupying their consideration from their examinations. Students invest a
lot of their study time in interpersonal organizations than in their scholarly endeavors and it has
influenced their Grade Point Average (GPA).

Examination on effect of social media was done here in Noida which concentrated on students
scholastic execution in tertiary foundation only a couple of looks into has been done as such far in
the tertiary establishment relating this point and the analyst's respondent were in formation
innovation students. The more youthful age talked about in this research paper are school students
between the ages of 12 to 19 years of age. A couple of the platforms they use are Facebook,
YouTube, Google, and numerous others that will be talked about in the discoveries of this
exploration. The more youthful age are the people that will lead our reality later on, they should be
knowledgeable to have the capacity to affect this world and make Egypt a superior nation making
progress toward progress. Hence, inquire about must be directed about the diverse things they are
presented to, that may influence them adversely or emphatically. This research means to survey the
recurrence at which the students are person to person communication, and whether it has any impact
on their scholastic execution. On the off chance that there is an effect on their scholastic execution,
how can it impact it. Every one of these inquiries will be replied through this research paper. As we
know nothing, intriguing is ever totally uneven, so it is for social media as it accompanies both
positive and negative impacts. There is a relationship between web based life use and scholastic
execution of understudies in colleges. There have been different perspectives and assessments which
perceive four noteworthy focal points of online networking use in advanced education. These
incorporate; upgrading relationship, improving learning inspiration, offering customized course
material, and creating collective capacities (Wheeler, Yeomans and Wheeler,2008; Rifkin,
Longenecker, Leach and Ortia,2009). Additionally, Licari et al (2007), contended that understudies
are socially associated with each other and in this way share their day by day learning encounters
and do discussion on different points through web based life though Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010), looked into that informal community sites catch understudies' eye and after that occupies it
towards non-instructive and unseemly activities including futile visiting.


 “Paul Kirschner and Aaryn Karpinski define Facebook and other social network sites as an
online directory that allows people to find their friends, family and colleagues through looking
them up on social network sites (Kirschner and Karpinski, 2010). Curtis states that teens all
over the world are starting to lose interest in the use of Facebook and are using Snapchat,
Twitter and Instagram (Curtis, 2013).”

 “Victoria Rideout states that, among the younger generation, the time they spend on social
media, what she calls ‘entertainment media’ is “more than twice the average amount of time
spent in school each year.” (Rideout, 2012, p.5) She also adds that an American child spends on
average seven and a half hours a day just for having fun on the media, not only that, but they
multi-task, between all the different media they use. For example, they can be listening to
music, sending a tweet and also posting on Facebook. Rideout says, that since social media is
seven days a week, unlike school or having a full-time job, over the years the amount of time
one could spend over the internet “has exploded” (Rideout, 2012, p. 5).”
 “Abelardo Pardo believes that technology offers a platform for innovation, and allows its users
to express their opinions about how they feel towards the information being published. He adds
that, social media is also a platform that allows students to interact with one another, with their
teachers and communities that share their same education. Pardo also states that these types of
interaction are “an essential part of how humans learn.” (Pardo, 2013, p. 45).”

 “Kirschner and Karpinski, discuss Wim Veen’s new term, “Homo Zapien’s”, which refers to
the learners of the new generation, and the new way theyuse to learn. This newway is known
as “meta-cognitive skills,” meaning they learn on their own without the need for instructions, it
is also called “discover-based learning.” They also add that, the younger generation shares an
unclear bond with technology since their birth, leading them to multi-task. They note that 46%
of the younger generation who access the internet use it to help them with their school
assignments (Kirschner and Karpinski, 2010).”

 “June An discusses in her research a theory called ‘Signaling Theory’, this theory refers to how
individuals on social network sites present themselves, and develop their identities and build
trust with others. She also adds that, by having many friends on the different platforms, this
causes the individual to lose the trust of their friends because they start adding people they do
not know, to show others how popular they are (An, 2011b).”

 “Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Patricia Greenfield state that using online communication has both
negative and positive effects, because there are harmful ways in which the internet could be
used. They also state that nowadays, schools are trying their best to control how students use
digital media on school grounds (Subrahmanyam and Greenfield,2008). In some schools,
leaders believe that social media has a positive impact on the development of the students’
education. In other schools, leaders have banned the access of social network sites, because
they fear the students’ interaction on them, although, they know the positive impact social
media has on the students’ education (Ahn,2010). An also states that the examples of the media
platforms the younger generation use are: YouTube, to share and stream videos, and Facebook,
to have a complete identity online, and a network of friends. An says, researchers look at the
profiles of the social media users as part of the process needed for the students to develop their
identity (An, 2010).”

 “Gwenn Schurig O’Keeffe and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson believe that there are negative impacts
caused by social media, which include accessing inappropriate content and not “understanding
online privacy.” They also say that, there is online harassment and cyberbullying, which is
mostly caused by risks of peer to peer engagement (O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, 2011).”

 “Rideout, has interviewed teachers, to find out their opinions regarding the effect entertainment
media has on the students’ academic performance; 71% of the teachers believe it has negatively
impacted the students’ attention span;58% of teachers believe that social media has negatively
impacted their writing skills, due to their regular use slang language and word abbreviations.
The rest of the teachers believed it impacted both their face-to-face communication skills and
their critical thinking skills (Rideout, 2012). She quotes a middle school math teacher who said,
“The instant rewards of video games have made activities that require depth of commitment
much harder for the kids.” (Rideout, 2012, p. 8) Rideout adds that the positive impact caused
by the students’ use of the entertainment media according to the teachers she interviewed is
their reading skills, it improved 46%, their math skills improved54%, their writing skills
improved 39% and their science skills improved 51%. More of the positive impacts caused by
entertainment media in the opinion of 63% of the teachers is their ability to look-up information
and find it, and another 34% of the teachers believe it improved their skills in “multi-tasking
effectively” (Rideout, 2012).”

 “According to O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, in the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are
a couple of benefits to social media use. They believe one of the most important benefits of
social media is that it enhances how anindividual understands himself by engaging with others,
and becoming creative through blogging. This leads to better outcomes in their individual
school work. Another important benefit according to O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, is
the fact that using social media gives students the opportunity to improve their learning, since
they have the chance to share knowledge with one another and conduct group projects more
efficiently (O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, 2011).”

 “Victor Lavvy and Edith Sand’s research was conducted in a Tel Aviv School to determine the
effect of the types of friends on social media platforms of middle-school students. They
divided the types of friends into categories. “Reciprocal friends” which are friends that have
something in common with each other, such as academics and interests. A second group was
the “non-reciprocal friends”, those who turned down the “friendship offer” of another student.
They found that students with reciprocal friends in their class had a significant positive effect
on three of their test scores; Hebrew, Math and English. On the other hand, students that had no
common friends showed that there was a negative effect on the same three test scores. This tells
us that if students are in contact with friends who share the same interests, goals and education
on social media, then they are more likely to help each other in performing well in their studies,
due to motivation and other factors (Lavvy, 2012).”

 “A new term regarding education has been introduced by Jeff Cain and Katherine Chretien and
this term is known as ‘interprofessional education’. It means that, instead of each individual
learning on his/her own, different individuals come together to share the piece of knowledge
they have with others. This leads to improved outcomes as they learn from each other’s
experiences. This was first introduced amongst the health departments (Cain and Chretien,
2013). Therefore, there is an opportunity to make use of it within the students. This can be
achieved by utilizing social media to create study groups on Facebook, Skype, Blogs or any
medium that allows multi contact conversations and allowing them to share their assignments,
asking their peers questions they don’t understand.”

 “According to Napoleon Agidigbo, the result that different researchers and scholars have
reached regarding the impact of social media on the academic performance of students is that
there is no impact (Egedegbe, 2013). On the other hand, Dr. Patient Rambe states that social
media gives different drawbacks and opportunities that distinctively enable and disable
possibilities of having face-to-face interaction, as it liberates them from this obligation to the
availability of everything online. He also adds that Facebook as a learning environment has
given the opportunity to have multiple representations of students voices and has created an
“educative and aesthetic space.” Taking intoconsideration the opposing side, Facebook’s
learning environment has caused limitationsof individuals to realize their “self-interests”
(Rambe, 2011).”

 “Sanzhar Naizabekov concluded that social media causes procrastination as a result of its
distracting nature. It would take an individual who uses social media much more time than it
would take a focused individual to finish a task. Through procrastination emerges the second
negative impact, which is lack of motivation, because using social media with studying
develops negative attitude towards their individual work at school (Naizabekov, 2012).”


The investigation was led to evaluate the effect of social media on students' academic execution. Fifty
(50) students who are regularly active on social media are the respondents of the investigation. The
investigation restricted just on factors of web-based life that the analysts assumed that has 'impacts of
respondents' scholastic execution. These factors are respondents 'access to Internet usage, discernment
via web-based networking media, and their recurrence of utilizing it. There is a noteworthy connection
between time suitability student’s scholarly performance. There is a noteworthy connection between
time span and students’ academic performance.


 To examine the impact of time appropriateness on students’ academic performance of

social media on time appropriateness.

 To examine the impact of friends and people connection on students’ academic performance.

 To determine the level of exposure of students to social media sites.

 To ascertain what students of use social media for.

 To ascertain how the use of social media has influenced the academic work of students.
 Analysis of how many and for how long social media is being utilized by students.

 Analysis of the students’ perspective regarding social media that includes the
o Reason of using social media
o Positive/negative impacts of social median:
 Academics
 Social behavior
 Physical health
 Privacy
 Analysis of the above impact(s) of social media on students with respect to gender;
male and female students separately


 There is a noteworthy connection between time suitability and understudies' scholarly execution.

 There is a noteworthy connection among time duration and understudies' scholarly execution.

 There is a noteworthy connection among companions and individual’s association and

understudies' scholarly execution.

 There is a noteworthy connection between nature of utilization and understudies' scholarly


 There is a noteworthy connection among health addiction and understudies' scholarly execution.

 There is a noteworthy connection between security/protection issues and understudies' scholarly



In this research study, qualitative data is included. The inclinations of students to use social media,
their use and time span of spending on social media are included in qualitative data. In this
investigation both primary and secondary source of information will be incorporated. The primary
data for this exploration study will be gathered utilizing a distrusted poll; the information of survey
was gathered from 40 members which will be used as the secondary source of information for the
examination of this investigation and that lead this examination concentrate to the examination of
the effect of interpersonal interaction sites on students. In the meantime, writing survey of this
research study will be utilized as the optional information spot for this investigation, which have
been accumulated from various distributed research articles.

Sampling is the way toward picking the subjects under investigation, for collecting the information.
There are several methods under sampling. Random Sampling includes picking examining
haphazardly with no particular procedure or reason. Systematic sampling depends on some
methodology or system like taking each n-th subject from populace or taking each n-th female and
so on. Stratified example is the kind of testing that picks most applicable subjects from the entire
populace and after that settles the examples haphazardly from the selected sample.

For this research, stratified sampling methodology has been utilized.


Surveys or questionnaires are the techniques that gather information from a sample of
populace though test alludes to the subjects under investigation that are. The appropriate
responses given by the sample populace are assessed and investigated. It is a viable
procedure since it gives clear basic leadership capacity. In addition, it is a savvy
information gathering technique.

For this undertaking, the picked information gathering technique is survey. Since the
internet-based life condition can't be controlled except if generally planned, the most
reasonable and practical strategy is directing studies through poll to various understudies
and gathering their sentiments on various impacts.

Extraordinary careful steps have been taken in regards to protection and security of
student’s data. Just required and most pertinent data has been accumulated and the rest will
have been separated. The poll was close finished. A poll contained absolute 21 questions
have been asked so as to meet research destinations.

Sample Area or Questionnaire

School: Level: Gender:

1. Do you use any type of social networks?

o Yes
o No

2. How long have you been using social networking sites?

o Less than 6months

o 6 month-1year
o 1 yr-5years
o More than 5years

3. How many hours do you spend on social networks daily?

o 1-2hours
o 2-5hours
o 4-8hours
o More than 8hours
4. Why do you use social networks?

o Socialize and make new friends

o Remain updated about what is trending
o Collaborate with fellow students and study
o As a source of recreation and relaxation

5. Do you think using social networks helps you in your studies by any means?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

6. Do you think using social networks are posing negative effects on your studies
by any means?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

7. How many social networking websites do you use?

O 1-2
O 2-5
O 5-10
O 10-20
o More

8. Do you think usage of social networks has any positive effects on your life?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

9. What is/are the best advantage(s) of using social networks?

o Sharing information/work quickly

o Meeting new people can help you socialize
o Learning technology becomes easier
o Keeping in touch with friends is convenient
o None

10. Do you think usage of social networks has any negative effects on your life?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

11. What is/are the worst disadvantage(s) of using social networks?

o Reduced focus on studies and affects academic performance

o Lesser physical activity results in health problems
o Decreases/destroys social skills (not an adequate replacement for face-to-face
o There is no concept of privacy
o None

12. Do you evaluate the content you publish on social networks?

o Yes
o No
o Sometimes

13. Do you think there are any p r i v a c y i s s u e s related to

social media networking?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

14. How does social networking affect your real social life?

o Has no effect
o Sometimes I feel uncomfortable in having face-to-face conversation
o I always feel uncomfortable in having face-to-face conversation

15. Do you think the friends made through social media are trustworthy?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

16. Are your parents aware of your social networking activities?

o Yes, all of them

o No, none of them
o Some of them
17. Do you think using some kind of social networking is essential for today’s life?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree

18. Have you ever regretted any information that you shared/posted over social

o Yes
o No

19. Please select the degree to which peer pressure plays/have played any role in
you joining a social media?

o A lot
o To some extent
o Not at all


In order to extract useful results for reaching a strong conclusion and decision-making, it is
important to analyze the data. The procedure of transforming all the obtained data into useful data
and then obtaining a clear conclusion about the data is the process of analysis. Analysis process also
includes examining the data, building relation of different data types with each other and trends of
different factors.

For estimating information, for example answers acquired from survey have been broke down in a
manner to fabricate examples of client's practices and discover what are the most usually happening
practices or effects.
This has helped in finishing up and deciding the future headings of research. Information has been
sustained into the very notable programming SPSS so as to get exact outcomes and exact
investigation of the outcomes [17]. It is a straightforward yet precise and surely understood
programming program planned with the aim of information the executives and estimation for a wide
scope of measurable information. It depends on a programming language known as SPSS. Be that as
it may, so as to dissect the information of the momentum examine work, the majority of the work
has been done through menus and discourse boxes without experiencing complex SPSS language.
Menus in the SPSS programming gives the clients updates for a large portion of the alternatives that
can be utilized at each progression of the examination.


Students under study

For this research purpose, students from four categories have been chosen as research
subject namely, 5th to 8th, 8th and 9th, 10th and 11th and 12th standard. Finding whether
usage or impact of social media varies significantly with respect to gender is one of the
objectives of this study. Therefore, subject students have been asked to choose their
genders as well.

Students' usage of online networking by and large

One of the fundamental goals of this examination is the investigations of the length for which
internet-based life is being used by understudies. In this manner, subject understudies have been
solicited to browse a gathering from answers, the term for which they have been utilizing web-based
life. As per results appeared in figure 5, 71% of the understudies have been utilizing web-based life
for over 5 years following 9.5% understudies who have been utilizing web-based social networking
for 1 to 5 years. Just 4.7% of the understudies have begun utilizing web-based life inside most recent
a half year. Just 9.5% understudies have not been utilizing any web-based life. Figure 1 gives the

How long have you been using social

networking sites?
90 Students
More than 5 1 yr-5 yr 6 month-1 yr None Less than 6
yr month

As indicated by the outcomes appeared in figure 2, 19% of the understudies go through over 8 hours
via web-based networking media every day. Larger part of the understudies, for example 35% go
through 2 to 5 hours via web-based networking media every day.

Hours Students Spend on Social Media

80 Students
1 to 2 hour 2-5 hour 4-8 Hour More than 8 None
Students' usage of internet-based life w.r.t. sexual orientation
Since investigation of whether the utilization or effect of web-based life changes fundamentally as for sexual
orientation is one of the goals of this examination, it is vital to extricate information as for sex also. As indicated
by the outcomes appeared in figure 3, 80% of the female understudies who were studied, utilize online
networking while 96.29% of the male understudies utilize web-based life.

Do you use any social networks?

Female Students


Yes No

Figure 3: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you use any social networks?” with respect to gender

Results in figure 4 demonstrate that among female understudies, 26% utilize online networking for over 8 hour
every day. Likewise 26% of the female online networking for 4 to 8 hours day by day while just 6.7% of the
female understudies utilize internet based life for 1 to 2 hours every day. Among male understudies, the greater
part of the understudies (40.7 %) utilize web-based social networking for 2 to 5 hours every day following 26%
male understudies utilizing web based life for 1 to 2 hours. Just 15% of the male understudies utilize web-based
life for over 8 hours for every day by day.

How many hours do you spend on social media?

100 Female Students Male Students


1 to 2 hour 2-5 hour 4-8 Hour More than 8 None

Figure 4: %age of students’ answer to the question “How many hours do you spend on social media?” with respect to gender
Reason of utilizing online networking generally speaking

The subject understudies were approached to pick the explanation behind which they utilize web-based life
organizing sites. As indicated by the outcomes, the significant explanation behind utilizing internet based life is
mingling and making new companions (38%), remaining refreshed about patterns (24%), teaming up with
individual understudies and study (21%), as wellspring of diversion and unwinding (9.5%). This has been
appeared in figure 5.

Why do you use social networks?

90 Students


Socialize and Remain Collaborate As a source of with None
make new updated about fellow recreation and students
friends what is and relaxation
trending study

Figure 5: %age of students’ answer to the question “Why do you use social networks?”

Reason of utilizing online life generally speaking w.r.t. sexual orientation

The subject understudies were approached to pick the purpose behind which they utilize web based life
organizing sites regarding sexual orientation too. As per the outcomes, among the female understudies, the real
explanation behind utilizing internet based life is mingling and making new companions (60%), teaming up with
individual understudies and study (13%), remaining refreshed about patterns (6.7%), as wellspring of amusement
and unwinding (6.7%). Among male understudies, the appropriation was as per the following: the real purpose
behind utilizing web-based social networking is mingling and making new companions (25%), teaming up with
individual understudies and study (25%), remaining refreshed about patterns (25%), as wellspring of amusement
and unwinding (25%). This has been appeared in figure 6.

Why do you use social networks?

80 Female Students Male Students
Socialize and Remain Collaborate with as a source of
make new updated about fellow students’ recreation and
friends what is trending and study relaxation
Impacts of web-based life on understudies by and large:

Since one of the principle targets of this examination is to discover the primary effects of online life on
understudies, it is essential to ask the effects from understudies under investigation. Results appeared in figure 7
demonstrate that 38% of the understudies concede to web based life turned out to be useful in their examinations
using any and all means. 16.6% of the understudies firmly concurred. In any case, 40% of the understudies
couldn't help contradicting 4.7 % understudies emphatically opposing this idea. So the greater part of the
understudies concurred generally speaking.

Do you think using social

networks helps you in your
studies by any means?




Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 7: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using social networks helps you in your studies by any means?”

Results appeared in figure 8 demonstrate that 38% of the understudies concur via web-based networking media
demonstrating to effect sly affect their examinations using any and all means. 7.4 % of the understudies
unequivocally concurred. Be that as it may, 35.7% of the understudies couldn't help contradicting 19%
understudies unequivocally opposing this idea. Consequently, the greater part of the understudies differs in
Do you think using social networks are posing

negative effects on your studies by any means?





Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 8: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using social networks are posing negative effects on your studies
by any means?”
Figure 9 demonstrates that 45% of the understudies concede to online life demonstrating to effect sly affect their
examinations using any and all means. 21.4 % of the understudies firmly concurred. Be that as it may, 33.33% of
the understudies couldn't help contradicting none of the understudies emphatically opposing this idea. So the vast
majority of the understudies concurred in general.
Do you think usage of social networks?
has any positive effects on your life?
Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 9: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using social networks are posing positive effects on your studies by
any means?”

Academics, Social Behavior, Privacy and Physical Health

So as to meet one of the targets of this examination, it is critical to discover the real effects of scholastics, social
conduct, security issues and medical problems of internet based life on understudies. As per the outcomes
appeared in figure 14, 52% understudies imagine that web based life is useful in staying in contact with
companions, 28.5% of the understudies concur that web-based social networking helps in mingling, 14.28%
understudies imagine that learning innovation winds up simpler with web based life utilization. 4.7% understudies
think there is no preferred standpoint of utilizing web based life.

Advantage(s) of using social networks?

70 Students
0 Meeting new Keeping in touch Learning None
people can help with friends is technology
you socialize convenient becomes easier
As appeared in figure 11, generally speaking 33.33% concur that online life use impact sly affects their lives.
While 67% understudies differ to this.

Do you think usage of social networks?

has any negative effects on your life?

Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 11: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think usage of social networks has any negative effects on your life?”

Figure 12 demonstrates the outcomes about the hindrance of utilizing internet-based life. 42% understudies
concurred that there are security issues, 26% concurred that utilizing online life lessens center around studies and
influences scholarly execution, 26% concurred that it annihilates social abilities while 4.7% concurred that it
impacts wellbeing.

What is the worst disadvantage of social?

network usage
70 Students


There is no concept Reduced focus on Decreases/destroys Lesser physical
of privacy studies and affects social skills activity result in
academic health problems

Figure 12: %age of students’ answer to the question “What is the worst disadvantage of social network usage?”
As indicated by the outcomes as appeared in figure 13, 70% of the understudies don't assess the substance before
distributing them to informal organizations. Just 12% of the understudies assess substance while 19% of the
understudies assessed substance some of the time.

Do you evaluate the content you publish

on social networks?
90 Students


Yes No Sometimes

Figure 13: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you evaluate the content you publish on social networks?”

At the point when understudies were asked whether they think there is any security issue identified with utilizing
web-based life, 70.9% of the understudies concurred while 28.5% of the understudies oppose this idea. This has
been appeared in figure 14.

Do you think there are any privacy issues related to

social media networking?



Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly

Figure 14: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think there are any privacy issues related to social media
At the point when understudies were asked whether their genuine public activity has been influenced with the
utilization of online life, 71% differ while 21% of the understudies felt awkward in vis-à-vis discussions once in a
while following 7.1% of the understudies who dependably feel awkward in having eye to eye discussions. This
has been appeared in figure 15.

How does social networking affect

your real social life?
80 Students


Has no effect Sometimes I feel always feel
uncomfortable in having uncomfortable in having
face-to-face face-to-face
conversation conversation

Figure 15: %age of students’ answer to the question “How does social networking affect your real social life?”

At the point when understudies were gotten some information about the whether the companions, they make
through online life are dependable or not, 26.7% of the female understudies concur while 37.7% of the male
understudies concur. This has been appeared in figure 16.

Do you think the friends made

through social media are

80 Female Students Male Students




Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 16: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think the friends made through social media are
trustworthy?” with respect to gender
As appeared in figure 17, when understudies were gotten some information about whether their folks know about
their online networking exercises or not, 62% of the understudies concurred while 12% of the understudies don't
share any of the exercises. Likewise, 26% of the understudies share a portion of the exercises they do via web-
based networking media with their folks.

Are your parents aware of your

social networking activities?
Some of the Activities All of the Activities None of the Activities

Figure 17 %age of students’ answer to the question “Are your parents aware of your social networking activities?”

As appeared in figure 18, when understudies were gotten some information about in the case of utilizing some
sort of interpersonal interaction is fundamental for the present life or not, 83.33% of the understudies concurred
while 16.7% of the understudies oppose this idea.

Do you think using some kind of

social networking is essential?
for today’s life?


Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 18: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using some kind of social networking is essential for today’s life?”
As appeared in figure 19, when understudies were gotten some information about whether they lamented any data
that they shared/posted via web-based networking media or not, 38% of the understudies concurred while 62% of
the understudies oppose this

Have you ever regretted any

information that you
shared/posted over social





Yes No

Figure 19: %age of students’ answer to the question “Have you ever regretted any information that you shared/posted over social media?”

Results appeared in figure 20 demonstrate that as per understudies, 80% of the understudies believe that peer
weight assumes no job in their joining of online networking, while 10% of the understudies feel that peer weight
matters a great deal following 9.5% imagine that peer weight matters to some degree.

Please select the degree to

which peer pressure plays/have
played any role in you joining a social





To some extent Not at all A lot

Figure 20: %age of students’ answer to the question “Please select the degree to which peer pressure plays/have played any role in you
joining a social media?”
Impacts of online life on understudies w.r.t. sex

So as to discover the effects of online life on both male and female understudies, information has been removed
as for sexual orientation also. Results appeared in figure 21 demonstrate that 53.3% of the female understudies
concede to internet-based life ended up being useful in their examinations using any and all means. 46.4% of the
female understudies oppose this idea. However, among the male understudies, 55% of the understudies concurred
while 38% of them oppose this idea.

Do you think using social networks helps?

Do you think
you using
in your social
studies networks
by any means?helps?
you in your studies by any means?
60 Female Students Male Students
60 Female Students Male Students
0 Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 21: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using social networks helps you in your studies by any means?” with
respect to gender

Results appeared in figure 22 demonstrate that 53.3% of the female understudies concur via web-based
networking media demonstrating to effect sly affect their investigations using any and all means. In any case,
46.63% of the female understudies oppose this idea. Among the male understudies, 40.7% concede to web-based
social networking demonstrating to effect sly affect their investigations using any and all means while 59.22%
oppose this idea.

Do you think using social networks are posing

negative effects on your studies
100 by any means?
Female Students Male Students




Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 22: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think using social networks are posing negative effects on your studies
by any means?” with respect to gender
Academics, Social Behavior, Privacy and Physical Health w.r.t. sexual orientation

The effects of web based life with respect to scholastics, social conduct, security issues and medical problems on
both male and female understudies have been broke down by extricating information regard to sexual orientation.
As per the outcomes appeared in figure 23, among the female understudies, 47% believe that web-based life is
useful in staying in contact with companions, 33.33% concur that web-based life helps in mingling, 13.33% feel
that learning innovation winds up simpler with web-based social networking utilization. 6.7% understudies think
there is no favorable position of utilizing web based life. Among the male understudies, 55.55% feel that online
life is useful in staying in contact with companions, 25% concur that web based life helps in mingling, 14.8%
believe that learning innovation ends up simpler with web-based social networking use. 3.7% understudies think
there is no preferred standpoint of utilizing internet based life.
Best advantage(s) of using social
100 networks?
70 Female Students Male Students
Meeting new peoKpele pcainnghineltpouyochu w
soiLtcheiafrlinzeiennndgsteischcnoonlvoegnyiebnetcomes eaNsoineer

Figure 23: %age of students’ answer to the question “What is the best advantage of using social networks?” with respect to gender

Figure 24 demonstrates the outcomes about the hindrance of utilizing web-based life. Among the female
understudies, 33.33% concurred that there are protection issues, 40% concurred that utilizing online networking
decreases center around studies and influences scholarly execution, 13.3% concurred that it annihilates social
aptitudes while 13.33% concurred that it impacts wellbeing. Among the male understudies, 48% concurred that
there are security issues, 18.5% concurred that utilizing internet based life diminishes center around studies and
influences scholarly execution, 33.3% concurred that it decimates social aptitudes while 0% concurred that it
impacts wellbeing.
Worst disadvantage of social network usage
70 Female Students Male Students
There is no concept Reduced focus on Decreases/destroys Lesser physical
of privacy studies and affects social skills activity results in
academic health problems

Figure 24: %age of students’ answer to the question “What is the worst disadvantage of social network usage?” with respect to
As indicated by the outcomes as appeared in figure 25, among the female understudies, 67% don't assess the
substance before distributing them to informal organizations, just 20% assess substance while 13.3% assessed
substance here and there. Among the male understudies, 70.3% don't assess the substance before distributing them
to informal organizations, just 7.4% assess substance while 22.22% assessed substance now and again.

Do you evaluate the content you publish on social

80 Female Students Male Students
Yes No Sometimes

Figure 25: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you evaluate the content you publish on social networks?” with respect to

At the point when understudies were asked whether they think there is any security issue identified with utilizing
web-based life, among female understudies, 87% concurred while 46.66% oppose this idea. Among female
understudies, 62.92% concurred while 37.4% oppose this idea. This has been appeared in figure 26.

Do you think there are any privacy issues related to

social media networking?
Female Students Male Students
Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

Figure 26: %age of students’ answer to the question “Do you think there are any privacy issues related to social media
networking?” with respect to gender
Results appeared in figure 27 show that as indicated by female understudies, 80% of the understudies imagine that
peer weight assumes no job in their joining of web-based life, while 13.3% of the understudies believe that peer
weight matters a ton following 6% feel that peer weight matters to some degree. As indicated by male
understudies, 81.5% of the understudies feel that peer weight assumes no job in their joining of internet-based
life, while 7.4% of the understudies believe that peer weight matters a great deal following 11.11% imagine that
peer weight matters to some degree.

Please select the degree to which peer pressure

plays/have played any role in you joining a social
Female Male Students





To some extent Not at all A lot
Figure 27: %age of students’ answer to the question “Please select the degree to which peer pressure plays/have played any role in
you joining a social media?” with respect to gender


 Students' usage of web-based social networking by and large

The outcomes by Samir N. Hamade in 2013 indicated that among understudies, 15% understudies open internet-
based life once every day, and 7% of them open their profile multiple times every week. As per past examination
done by Mahmoud Maqableh, Lama Rajab, Walaa Quteshat, Ra'ed Moh'd Taisir Masa'deh, Tahani Khatib, Huda
Karajeh, in 2013, which was accomplished for understudies of the University of Jordan, 39% of the understudies
were going through 3 hours out of every day via web-based networking media, while 40% of the understudies
went through 10 hours via web-based networking media consistently. The aftereffects of the present examination,
greater part of the understudies, for example 35% go through 2 to 5 hours via web-based networking media day
by day while 18% of the understudies go through over 8 hours via web-based networking media every day.

 Students' use of web based life w.r.t. sex

As per one the investigations (Kristen Tarantino, Jessica McDonough, Ma Hua, 2013), it was asserted that since
females use internet based life more than guys, sex may has an incredible impact to the degree to which
understudies are busy with scholarly endeavors through online life, along these lines affecting their general
learning process. The investigation (Mahmoud Maqableh, Lama Rajab, Walaa Quteshat, Ra'ed Moh'd Taisir
Masa'deh, Tahani Khatib, Huda Karajeh, 2015) showed that the greater part of the online life arrange clients were
females with ages between 20-23 years. Despite what might be expected, the consequences of current
examination demonstrate that 80% of the female understudies utilize online life while 96.29% of the male
understudies utilize web based life.
 Reason of utilizing web-based life in general

As per contemplate by Sunitha Kuppuswamy and P. B. Shankar Narayan in 2010, more often than not of
understudies is involved by web based life and this outcomes in non-moral and unseemly exercises. The
investigation by Fazila Isik in 2013 demonstrated that utilization of web-based life by employees guarantees
better comprehension of understudies with arrangement of visual precedents over online life. Additionally, it
helps in distributing news and updates about forthcoming tests and homework. The examination in 2013 by
Sabeen Jamil, Falak Zehra Mohsin, Rabab Naqvi and Shelina Bhamani found that understudies squander their
time in refreshing their profile status while utilizing web based life. As indicated by Samir N. Hamade in 2013,
the best favorable position of informal organizations was a superior association with family and friends and more
relationship in social, political and social activities.

As per the consequences of the present examination, the significant purposes behind utilizing online networking
in rising requests are: mingling and making new companions, remaining refreshed about patterns, teaming up
with individual understudies and contemplate and as wellspring of entertainment and unwinding.

 Reason of utilizing online life generally w.r.t. sex

It was found in the examination in 2013 (Sabeen Jamil, Falak Zehra Mohsin, Rabab Naqvi, Shelina Bhamani) that
utilization of online networking is autonomous of sex contrasts. As per the consequences of this examination,
among the female understudies, the significant explanations behind utilizing web based life in climbing orders are
as per the following: mingling and making new companions, working together with individual understudies and
study, remaining refreshed about patterns, as wellspring of amusement and unwinding. Among male understudies,
the dispersion was equivalent for all the previously mentioned reasons.

 Academics

The consequences of the investigation by Shahzad Khan in 2010, the understudies accomplishing decent
evaluations used some type of web based life for imparting. Thus, as indicated by that review, internet based life
did not have any negative effect on understudies contemplate. Likewise, results from the investigation by
Mahmoud Maqableh, Lama Rajab, Walaa Quteshat, Ra'ed Moh'd Taisir Masa'deh, Tahani Khatib, Huda Karajeh
in 2015 did not demonstrate any impact of online life on understudy evaluations or scholarly accomplishments.
Despite what might be expected, the exploration led by Samir N. Hamade in 2013 showed that 60% understudies
were overlooking the scholastic exercises in light of giving an excessive amount of time to internet based life.
Likewise, the greater part of the understudies invested the vast majority of their energy in using online life. The
investigation done by Munienge Mbodila, Clever Ndebele and Kikunga Muhandji in 2014 affirmed that a large
portion of the understudy that do not have a legitimate e-learning stage because of which they simply squander
their time via web-based networking media since they are uninformed of the compelling employments of web
based life.

The consequences of the ebb and flow look into show that a large portion of the understudies concur via web-
based networking media ended up being useful in their investigations using any and all means. Not exactly 50%
of them concede to web-based life demonstrating to effect sly affect their examinations using any and all means.
While, practically 50% of the understudies concur via web-based networking media demonstrating to effect sly
affect their examinations using any and all means.

 Social Behavior

As indicated by Fezile Isik in 2013, understudies under investigation needed trust in up close and personal
correspondence. He thought about it as an incredible misfortune of online networking. Likewise, examine done by
Akubugwo, Ijeoma and Maria Burke in 2013 demonstrated that the unseemly and unfiltered content seen online
can lead the understudies to get awful effect from them. With continuous utilization of unattended web based life,
understudies may enjoy usage of horrible slangs, dismissal to people, teachers, and the law in the overall
population. Despite what might be expected, the exploration work done by Samir N. Hamade in 2013
demonstrated that the best preferred standpoint of interpersonal organizations was a superior association with
family and sidekicks and more relationship in social, political and social activities.

As per the consequences of the present examination, the vast majority of the understudies feel that internet-based
life is useful in staying in contact with companions and furthermore in mingling, while not exactly 50% of the
understudies imagine that online life utilization impact sly affects their lives, the vast majority of the understudies
differ to this. As per the understudies under investigation, the vast majority of the understudies concurred that
there are protection issues identified with utilization of online life, some believe that utilizing web based life
lessens center around studies and influences scholarly execution and just a couple concur that it pulverizes social
aptitudes. At the point when understudies were asked whether their genuine public activity has been influenced
with the use of web-based social networking, the greater part of them differ while just a couple of the
understudies felt awkward in eye to eye discussions.

 Privacy

As indicated by the investigation done by Fezile Isik in 2013, the employees imagine that there are numerous
protection issues related with web based life usage. Thus, the outcomes by Samir N. Hamade in 2013 indictaed
numerous protection and security issues. As indicated by the investigation, a colossal number of understudies
(70%) have been utilizing uncertain records with free access to everyone to see their records.

In the present investigation, when understudies were asked whether they think there is any protection issue
identified with utilizing online life, the greater part of the understudies concurred while just few the understudies
oppose this idea.

 Peer Pressure

The work done by Shahzad Khan in 2010 showed that as per the greater part of the subjects, use of person to
person communication sites has not been influenced by companion weight. The present examination additionally
has comparative outcomes. The present investigation shows that as indicated by

understudies, the vast majority of the understudies under examination believe that peer weight assumes no job in
their joining of web-based social networking, while just a couple of the understudies feel that peer weight has
some effect on their web based life use.

 Impacts of web-based social networking on understudies w.r.t. sexual orientation

The outcomes got from the investigation of the information under examination uncovers that there has been no
critical contrast between the appropriate responses of male and female understudies. For the majority of the
inquiries asked, the appropriate responses chosen by male understudies are nearly equivalent to those picked by
female understudies. The accompanying significant contrasts have been found in the accompanying cases:

Male understudies utilize web-based social networking more than female clients not at all like past examinations
where females have been found to utilize internet based life more than guys.

Real purpose behind female understudies to utilize web based life is to mingle and make new companions while
for male understudies, every one of the reasons given in poll are similarly critical.

As indicated by the male understudies, the most exceedingly terrible burden of utilizing internet-based life is
absence of security, while for females, the most exceedingly awful impediment is decreased spotlight on studies.

It is without uncertainty that social media is and will remain a critical apparatus in human life
as far correspondence is concerned. Today humankind is collecting hugely from its reality in
minor correspondence perspective as well as in most academic exercises. Diverse types of
instruction including separation training has been generally belittled and encouraged somewhat
through these online life systems. Securing data both locally and universally from companions,
addresses or specialists is never again a battle when contrasted with the olden days and the web
is a definitive ace behind this achievement. "Social media is a useful servant yet a hazardous
ace" and can likewise be "portrayed as a two-edge sword" and thusly, clients particularly
understudies must be alert about its threats and be reasonable in its use.

The idea of Social media as a valuable servant yet a hazardous ace" and a two edge sword has
been uncovered in the discoveries of the examination that, regardless of the advantages that
understudies can saddle from online life systems, for example, sharing of data, building
relationship, sharing in gathering exchanges from close and far among others, there is to some
degree enslavement and diversion of consideration brought about by the utilization of social
media which could have genuine results on the scholarly existence of understudies.

In the light of the findings, the following recommendations are made:

1. Seminars should be organized in the various schools or faculties to enlightenstudents more

about the possible implications of social media usage on their academic
2. Students should make sure that they use these social networking sites judiciously to ensure
that they do not become detrimental to their academics.
3. Teachers/lecturers can adopt new strategies by channeling assignments or discussions on
social media platforms to help inculcate the habit of using these sites for academic work.
4. Students must minimize the time they spend on social media to avoid being obsessed by
these sites for unnecessary chatting.
5. The university authority should also restrict access to certain social media sites that may be
prone of distracting students’ attention during school hours as a means of minimizing their

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