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“Divine Love is something you must express, and when you do,

your every problem or need will be met.”

--Wayne Dyer, There’s A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem

The Universal Quantum Heart

Compiled By MICAH
“Every person on this planet is taking their initiation in love.”
--Florence Scovel Schinn The Game of Life

“The shortest and easiest pathway of all is the Pathway of Love. It is the simplest of all paths, and
it is the most direct and easiest too…To practice effectively the yoga of love is the quickest way
to demonstrate over all of your own difficulties, and because your mind is a part of the race
mind, it is actually the quickest and most far reaching way in which you can elevate the race
too…Divine Love is the only real power. If you can realize this fact even dimly it will begin to
heal and harmonize every condition in your life within a few hours... You must build up by
faithful daily exercise the true Love-Consciousness and then all the rest of spiritual development
will follow upon that.”
--Emmett Fox, Power Through Constructive Thinking

“When love, the universal magnet, is brought into action in the consciousness of our race, it will
change all our methods of supplying human wants. It will harmonize all the forces of nature and
will dissolve the discords that now infest earth and air.
The earth shall yet be made paradise by the power of Love. That condition will begin to set in for
each one just as soon as they develop the love nature in themselves.
--Charles Fillmore, Talks on Truth
“Unselfish love is divine. God is not merely lovely. He is Love. As gravitation inheres in
universal matter, so love permeates universal Spirit. It is a vast atmosphere in which we live,
though unconsciously. It inspires live and infused vigor. It “casts out feat.” “Fear hath torment,”
and kills. Love heals. Thought-messages of love sent in any direction come back in sweet
echoes. They are like light reflected and re-reflected in a series of mirrors. As love comes in, its
opposites vanish from the consciousness. It sees only the good. Its lower forms are only
kindergartners for the training of its broader spiritual manifestations. Thoughts are things, and
love is thought-ministration. As we love everything, everything will love us. Directed towards
out trials and pains it transforms them and renders them educational. “Love never faileth.”
Under its divine inspiration, duty becomes privilege, and weakness becomes strength. It thrills
both mind and body, and it good news to every nerve and muscle.”
-Henry Wood, Ideal suggestion Through Mental Photography.

“Loving thoughts bless and expand consciousness to higher wavelengths of universal

understanding, and such thoughts of love disarm all adverse conditions. The Light, which
emanates from the rhythm of Love Infinite, is the Sun that lighteth every man out of darkness. He
who expresses the Infinite Currents of His Father’s Love as fully and completely as it is within the
evolutionary capacity to do, is enlightened and illumined.” -
-Tuala Tamalelagi, Tuala Speaks

“Let your love flow outward through the universe, to its height, its depth, its broad extent, A
limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie down, as long as
you are awake, strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth.”
--Sutta Nipata

"Occasionally I would feel an exquisitely blissful energy---an infinite love---that would suddenly
begin to radiate from my heart toward the scene of some calamity. I saw how love changed the
world each time it replaced "unlove." Whenever this happened history branched out to new
--David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force
“You are but the outlet for God’s love, and a group of persons thus motivated could send out
enough love in the world to save it. Scripture points out that “ten” righteous men can save the
city. A hundred persons such as you, spiritually motivated and guided, could save a nation,
because it is not your love that you give out. Your love is not the measure of your capacity of
giving. It is God’s love that you permit to flow through you, and you can permit it to flow in
infinity of abundance, strength and power. Experiencing infinity of supply has its basis in pouring
out from within. You must put your bread upon the water. You are the one who has to release it
before it can return to you.”
--Joel Goldsmith, The Principles of The Infinite Way

“Divine Love is what you radiate outward and it is not what you think of as human love…You
must let these blessings pour out from you rather than going to God for your blessings, because
you are the instrument through which this grace flows.”
--Wayne W. Dyer, There’s A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem

“ As you begin to think of yourself as a radiating center of Divine Love, you shall find that love has
made you a magnet, attracting good to you from all directions, pleasantly changing your
world…You shall also find it an irresistible magnet for satisfying your emotional needs and
manifesting substance as increased financial supply.”
--Catherine Ponder, The Healing Secrets of the Ages

“We can pray for Divine Love. Visualize your energy carrying messages of love into the world
around you, connecting with the energy of nature and all of life.”
--Caroline Myss, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can

"Go within yourself, rest there, and acknowledge Its presence, pray that It reveal Itself to you,
invite It to flow out from you, and then give action and expression to It by letting that love pour
out to your friends and your enemies, to your nation's friends and your nation's enemies, to men
of good will and men of evil will. Open your heart, embracing the whole world, and say to
yourself, "Love, flow out: flow out to the saints to support them in their activity; flow out to the
sinners to cleanse and purify them; flow out to the tyrants to soften and give them mercy and
--Joel Goldsmith, A Parenthesis In Eternity
“Love is a powerful force…Real, Divine Love is unconditional and is for everyone alike. The
greatest example of it is Christ with his teachings of turn the other cheek; love your enemy and so
forth. If we, as a nation, were to practice this, we could make every enemy of ours completely
impotent, just by loving them. They would be powerless to do any harm to us. However, we
would have to do it as a nation, at least the majority of the people would have to love their
enemy…To the degree that we hate anyone, to that degree we do not love the others. Our love
is no greater than our hatred is for any one person. If you love your enemy you have no more
enemies! Love will not only give all the power in the universe, it will give all the joy and all the
knowledge, too!”
--Lester Levenson, Happiness is Free

“Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.”

--Arthur Rimbaud

“When you hold resentment against anyone you are bound to that person by a cosmic link, a real
though mental chain. You are tied by a cosmic tie to the thing that you hate. The one person in
the whole world whom you most dislike is the very one whom you are attaching yourself by a
hook that is stronger than steel.”
--Emmet Fox, The Seven Main Aspects of God

“Mental concentration upon love will produce a positive love current, which breaks up and
dissolve opposing thoughts of hate. The thought of hate will be dissolved not only in the mind of
the thinker, but also in the minds of those with whom he comes in contact or thinks about.”
--Catherine Ponder, The Healing Secrets of the Ages

“Hatred is never healed by hatred but by love alone is healed.

This is the ancient and eternal law.”

“Look NOT to man for Love…Every man and every woman on this planet is being as loving as he
knows how to be. There is only one way to increase that love and that is the way, which, if we
understood it, would bring peace on earth and good will to all men, and nothing else will. Every
HUMAN attempt to bring peace on earth as failed, and has failed over a period of thousands of
years. It would be possible in just a very few months, at most a very few years, to bring Peace on
Earth, if everywhere we were taught not to expect it of man, of nations, of politicians, of
government heads, of peace bodies, but to look for it in the ONLY place it can be found…IN
GOD…LOOKING TO GOD for Love, we find that love REFLECTED to us through those we
meet…As you continue to focus your attention solely on God, Love begins to flow TO you
THROUGH man…AS man. Not always does Love come through those to whom we are looking
for it. However, this becomes of very little importance as we grow in our understanding of Love.
When we learn to pray for our enemy as we are taught to do in the Master’s teachings, we find
Love coming to us through unexpected avenues and channels…If Love manifests itself in our
experience, we have a measuring rod for discerning whether it is HUMAN Love or DIVINE Love
that we are expressing…we can ask ourselves, “Do I expect a return?”…As we express our sense
of duty to our family, to our friends, to our community, to each other, we must be sure that we
are not seeking thanks, appreciation, reward, recognition or praise. Be not afraid, you will have
all of these. The error lies in SEEKING it and EXPECTING it…However, in turning from the
HUMAN experience to the SPIRITUAL we start with letting that Love flow while performing our
duties, without looking to the individual for a return, letting the Love express itself as it will…As
long as you have God (the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU)…as long as you have the ENTIRE
Kingdom of God within YOU, pouring Itself forth as
Love…Joy…Companionship…Supply…Gratitude…WHY should you be looking out there for it?
As long as you do not look out there for it, SOMEBODY out there…or MANY bodies…WILL be
the vehicles or avenues bringing it to your door. LOOKING OUT THERE for it is the error. From
the moment that you can accept the idea in you mind that LOVE IS OF GOD and the only place
to look for it is in and from God and, therefore, whatever of Love you express is God expressing
Itself and so you need not take credit for it nor expect a return from it, from that time you enter an
entirely new consciousness of life…one that has different values and one that will explain to you
the meaning of Heaven on Earth, because Earth does become transposed into some degree, at
least, of Heaven.”
--Joel S. Goldsmith from The Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith

“We may rightfully say that the Father does the loving through man, since HE is the origin of
Love and provides man with its forces and the ability to use them. It is only when man is humble
of spirit, and meek of heart towards the Infinitude of His Father that he can contact in a conscious
degree the supreme power of the Cosmos which is LOVE…When we reverentially realize in
thought and feeling that what we feel as Love is the Loving Emanation from our Father’s Infinite
Care for all Creation, we then purify the currents which radiate from us as our auras…Healings
are effected only when the consciousness is brought into complete harmony with the universal
flow of the Infinite Love energy pervading and sustaining the cosmos in its perfect order,
releasing and detaching man’s awareness from the chaotic eddies of mental images created by
his sense of self-importance and arrogance. Day by day and year after year man seeks for
healing of some kind, yet within him lies the infinite power to instantly claim all things. This
power is HUMILITY. The spirit of humility within man’s heart opens his soul to the portals of
power. Unless the currents of this power are brought into action, no healing can be more than
temporary escape, for the defect will appear in some other place or time, again and again. Luke
11:24-26 gives an example in reference to the “devils” or ills which had to be driven out of man
by the power of Humility…Through humility of spirit he will allow the currents of his feelings
and thoughts to be firmly established in blessings instead of suffering…Forgotten is the
recollection that his body is the Temple of his Father, and that the entire structure of this Temple,
is the tangible manifestation of his Father’s Love for him…With this rejection and ignorance of
the Infinite Source of his being, man afflicts his cells by depriving them of the maximum flow of
energy which not only vitalizes his being, but which supplies his brain cells as well with greater
currents of wisdom and comprehension. This maximum flow of energy is relayed into his being
from all directions of the cosmos through the avenue of his CONSTANT AWARENESS of The
Father’s Presence in the UNIVERSL LAWS, not only within the temple of his body, but in all
creation…This state of CONSTANT AWARENESS would necessarily prove his abiding love
toward his SOURCE and this in itself forms the channel which automatically harness a
proportionate flow of the universal currents of His Father’s Love forces towards himself…Through
out the book of Revelation we find the reminder: “Worship God!” For John was given a sign by
which man may be saved the anguish of suffering the various effects of circumstances that arise
from false worship. John gives us a prophecy concerning this day when those who dwell on
earth and whose names are not written in the book of the lamb (humility) shall worship the beast
(arrogance) and shall make war with the saints (sacred virtues of godliness)…Down through the
ages the clarion call of all Great Teachers has been: “God is Love.” Worship the Source of Love
with all thy mind, and with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. Today, the call goes out again,
but man conceives an intellectual concept of Love with estimating coldness and so dismisses the
message as unbecoming to his egotistic reasonings. When we view Creation, we realize the
Might of Love, which sustains and maintains every form of life on earth from the tiny grain of
sand to the planets and the innumerable universes. To all forms of the life the eternal language of
its intrinsic being is Love…If we have intelligence to recognize the foremost law of Infinity, then
the Source supplying the intelligence must be greater than the receiver. Our worship,
consequently must not be directed to the image of our personalities, but ever to the Reality which
is the Love Force our Father has provided in order that we may exist within the Ocean of His
Own Infinitude. It is through the spiritual inhalation of the currents of Love as they forever flow
through our beings—and through that alone—that we take unto ourselves the Consciousness of
Divine Heritage…Strive to seek each day an ever higher wave-length of manifesting
consciousness: the currents of human expression in feelings, thoughts, and deeds used today, to
be more loving than those of yesterday. If the habits of yester-year incline to draw you again into
their enslaving rhythm, release them by focusing your awareness upon a new and higher goal of
constructive ideals and activities. In following this practice consistently you will soon find your
thoughts and feeling functioning with greater ease and freedom on ever increasingly higher
planes of soul expression. You shall then discover a wondrous change-taking place in your life,
a mellowness of spirit enfolds your heart, and you shall behold “a new Heaven and a new Earth.”
The currents of divine meekness act like rays of the sun, melting away the impending snowflakes
of arrogance, and so permit the flower of man’s awareness to rise upward and partake of greater
spiritual nourishment and growth. The song of the Psalmist: “Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.” This meditation when practiced daily for five minutes with
utmost sincerity and heartfelt feeling will soon manifest a greater facility in harnessing the forces
of faith, for only through a pure heart can it be done…The snare of arrogance weaves an
electronic web around one’s consciousness, creating a graven image of idolatry. Realize that
arrogance is the worshipping of one’s self importance, which is not the true image of God;
therefore shun idolatry…Arrogance being the opposite of humility, the virtue of the godly, keep
then the fire of Faith burning in your heart, and no evil can touch you!”
--Tuala Tamalelagi, Tuala Speaks
“The main point we forget is that GOD is individual being. GOD is individual You…and,
therefore, you have God-capacity and nothing LESS than God-capacity. You have no capacity of
your own. “ Jesus said,
Why callest thou me good?
There is none good but one,
That is, God. Mathew 19:17
--Joel S. Goldsmith, The Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith

“In talking about meditation during my visit to India, a man who had been a chronic alcoholic
and a dope addict related that one day he had met a holy man. (There are about two million
roaming the country in India.) The holy man told him that all he had to do was to still the wheels
of his mind and for about half an hour, twice a day, affirm:

“God’s love, peace, beauty, glory and light are flowing through my whole being, purifying,
cleansing, healing and restoring my soul.”

He followed the instructions, knowing that he would activate and resurrect the qualities and
powers of God resident in his subjective depths. He continued meditating every night and
morning; and at the end of a few weeks, while meditating one night, his whole mind and body,
as well as the room he was in, became a blaze of light. He was actually blinded, as was Paul, by
the light for a while. He felt an inner rapture and ecstasy and a sense of oneness with God and
the whole world. His feeling was indescribable.
He had experienced what the ancient mystics called “the moment that lasts forever.” He was
completely healed and is teaching others how to lead a new life. He invested his mind wisely---
that is real meditation.”
--Joseph Murphy, Within You Is the Power

“Mary Baker Eddy is responsible for these words being printed on the wall of every Christian
Science Church: “Divine Love will meet every human need.” How is it possible to believe this is
true? People continue to have many unmet needs in the presence of divine love…Divine Love is
something you must express and when you do, your every problem or need will be met…Divine
Love is what you radiate outward and it is not what you think of as human love. In divine love
there are no conditions, no rules, no need to be thanked or reciprocated. You must let these
blessings pour out from you rather than going to God for your blessings, because you are the
instrument through which this grace flows. If you are to raise and maintain your spiritual energy,
you must keep uppermost in mind that you (not a God from whom you are separated) are willing
allow divine love to solve the problem. Rudolf Steiner observed, “If we do not develop within
ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never
find the strength to evolve to something higher.”
--Wayne W. Dyer, There’s A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem

“Faith is a state of mind, which may be induced or created by affirmation… Repetition of orders
to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion
of faith.”
--Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich

“Be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind.”

--Romans 12:2

“The mind is everything. What we are is a result of

what we have thought.”

“We believe that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is
the Law of God, and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind, which receives the direct
impress of our thought and acts upon It.
--Ernest Holmes, Science Of Mind

“True faith is based on the knowledge of the way your conscious and subconscious minds
function and on the combined harmonious functioning of these two levels of mind scientifically
directed. Blind faith is healing without any scientific understanding whatsoever of the forces
--Joseph Murphy, Step This Way To Healing

“Persistent affirmations of Divine Love break up these hard

places in the subconscious and the diseased thoughts
patterns gathered there.”
--Catherine Ponder, The Healing Secrets of the Ages

“Divine Love is the only real power. If you can

realize this fact even dimly it begins to heal and harmonize
every condition in your life within a few hours.”
-Emmett Fox

“God is the one power. Keep repeating that

sentence until you get to the point where you recognize
that from this one power flows all the goodness of God.”
--Ron Roth, The Healing Path of Prayer

“We will learn today what peace is ours, when we

forget about all things except God’s love.”
--A Course In Miracles

“God is love And he that dwelleth in love,

dwelleth in God, and God in him."
--I John 4:16

“To the degree that we by contemplating the qualities and attributes of God, we generate spiritual
waves of harmony, health, and peace… God is all bliss, boundless love, infinite intelligence, all-
powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty, and perfection. As she
quietly thinks along these lines her consciousness is lifter into a new spiritual dimension. She
feels the infinite ocean of God’s love dissolving everything unlike itself in the mind and body of
the person for which she is praying.”
--Joseph Murphy /The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

“The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.”
--Meister Eckhart
“Your concept of God is the most important thing in your life. If you really believe in a God of
love your subconscious mind will bring countless blessings to you. Believe in a God of
Love…God, or Life, never punishes. People punish themselves by their false concepts about
God, life, and the universe. Their thoughts are creative and they create their own misery.”
--Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

“We students of metaphysics know that God is Love and Intelligence…but it is not until that idea
is accepted in the deeper levels of our subconscious mind that we shall have perfect peace of
mind and all around harmony that comes with it.”
--Emmett Fox, Find and Use Your Inner Power

“It is important to be aware that the way you relate to the essential energy of the universe is the
way you will experience life. If you honestly accept that God is totally loving and supportive of
everyone and everything, under all circumstances, then you will experience a life of total peace
and joy. The extent to which your beliefs intrude on this acceptance is the extent to which your
life will be less than totally joyful.
There are those who believe that it is better to focus on a concept other than God to explain the
creation of the Universe. When a person attempts to avoid the concept of God because thoughts
about God bring up feelings of discomfort, then the avoidance will not relieve the discomfort. As
long as we harbor any thoughts that God is less than a totally loving and supportive energy, such
thoughts will stand in the way of our feeling the peace of mind and joy that we wish to feel.
These same thoughts will lead us to view ourselves and others as less than totally loving and
supportive. On the other hand, when we see and feel the perfection and unconditional love of
God, we see and feel the same qualities in ourselves and other people.
Our relationship with Infinite Intelligence is the mirror image of our state of consciousness, which
can be either free of or limited by our beliefs…Given the magnitude or our relationship with
God, then, it is to our great advantage to learn to see and feel everyone and everything as a
perfect expression of God, for in doing so we see ourselves that way and life becomes that way
for us. Stated in simpler terms, when God becomes our friend, so does everyone else.”
--Arnold Patent, You Can Have It All
“Telling your subconscious mind over and over that it is the one and only creative power, which
always brings into physical manifestation corresponding forms of the ideas with which it is
impressed, you will realize the joys of success…Don’t trouble about theology, but try to realize
the Universal Divine Spirit as perpetually flowing through all things; through insensible things as
atomic energy; through animals as instinct; through man as thought…If this be so, then your
manifestation of God will correspond with your habitual thought of God.
Quietly contemplate the Divine Spirit as a continual flowing of Life, Light, Intelligence, Love and
Power, and you will find this current flowing through you and manifesting in a hundred ways,
both mentally and physically, in your affairs…The connection is this: that the Spirit, as it flows
through you, becomes you, and it becomes in you just what you take it for, just as water takes the
shape of the pipe it flows through.
It takes the shape of your thought. Think of it (the Spirit) kindly, lovingly, trustfully, and as a
welcome companion. It will respond exactly. Think of it as Living Light, continually flowing
through you and vivifying you, and it will respond exactly.
You prepare the conditions of the interior side by a mental attitude of looking into the light (God
is Light) with the expectancy of thence receiving life and illumination, and on the exterior side by
not denying in your work what you are trying to hold in your thought, for yourself the simple Law
of Enjoyment of all that you can enjoy, ruled by moderation, and toward others the equally
simple Law of Honesty and Kindness.
Just keep in your mind a quiet, calm expectation that subjective mind is always at work in
accordance with the habitual thought of your objective mind… and the subjective mind will take
care of itself.”
-- Genevieve Behrand, Attaining Your Desires

“Whatever you experience in your life is really but the out-picturing of your own thoughts and
beliefs. Now, you can change these thoughts and beliefs, and then the outer picture must change
too. The outer picture cannot change until you change your thought. Your real heartfelt
conviction is what you out-picture or demonstrate, not your mere pious opinions or formal
assents. Convictions cannot be adopted arbitrarily just because you want a healing. They are
built up by the thoughts you think and the feelings you entertain day after day as you go through
life. So, it is your habitual mental conduct that weaves the pattern of your destiny for you, and is
not this just as it should be? So no one else can keep you out of your kingdom - or put you into it
either. The story of your life is really the story of the relations between yourself and God.
—Emmett Fox, Power Through Constructive Thinking

“Everything is really full of love for you…the good that is for you loves you as much as you love
it and will come flying to you if you see that what you love is love itself. All people will change
when you know that they are love. We shall change toward all people when we know that we
ourselves are formed out of love. All is Love. There is nothing in all the universe but love.”
----Emma Curtis Hopkins, High Mysticism

“You live in the house of God, as do all other people. The house of God is filled with people of
Divine origin, whose divinity will be revealed to you if you allow it to be. As you look at the
divinity in them, they tend to see the divinity in you, for this is the way of life. Everyone responds
to you at the level of your recognition of them.”
--Ernest Holmes, How to Change Your Life

“Power flows between God and man when man brings his belief about himself up to the level of
God’s belief about him. In the last analysis God is the only healer. There is no permanent
healing without Him…I mean there must be a connection to a Higher Source. This is made by
reproducing the thoughts of God within himself. The greatest of these is love. Forgiveness of
enemies and the sincere cultivation of goodwill toward others is the first rung in the ladder of
—Frederick Bailes, Hidden Power for Human Problems

“If you want to make faster progress—claim understanding

and affirm that divine love is working through you.”
--Emmett Fox, Make Your Live Worthwhile

“When your thought or word-form is in correspondence with the Eternal constructive and
forward movement of the Universal Law, then your mind is the mirror in which the Infinite Power
and Intelligence of the Universe sees itself reproduced, and your individual life becomes one of
--Genevieve Behrand, Your Invisible Power

Prayer does change things. Let us be perfectly clear about this. Prayer does change things.
Many people say that prayer is a good thing because it gives us the courage and fortitude for
meeting our troubles. They say that prayer often gets man out of a difficulty simply by giving him
self-confidence, which we would otherwise have lacked.
Of course this is not spiritual Truth. The fact is that Scientific Prayer—which is seeing the
Presence of God where the trouble seems to be—does not merely give us courage to meet the
trouble; it changes the trouble into harmony.
Prayer heals the body by changing the tissues, and it does this by first changing the mind, which
forms them.
Prayer changes the environment by actually altering it, not merely by altering our attitude toward
Prayer brings man his salvation by changing his nature fundamentally; not by making the best of
him as he is.
Prayer opens the way to new and better things. It does not patch up the old things.
The body, the environment, the universe itself, is plastic to our thought; and it always reflects our
sincere belief.”
--Emmet Fox, Stake Your Claim

“Prayer is the inner vision of harmony. This vision is attained by giving up the desire to change
or improve anyone or anything. If we take such wisdom into our work when we are called upon
for healing, we instantly ask ourselves, “Is that what I am doing, or am I trying to change
someone? Am I trying to change a condition? That will correct us immediately and bring us
back to truth, and we then begin to see, “Yes, that is what I have been doing. I have been trying
to change it. But if I am not supposed to change person or condition, what am I supposed to

That brings us to another of the “Wisdoms”:

Prayer is an awareness of that which IS by seeing it—not by making it so.

In other words, we do not make harmony by any mental or spiritual process. Harmony is
brought about through prayer, which is an inner capacity to see the perfected man or universe of
God. This is not possible through the senses of sight, taste, touch, or smell because the five
senses are aware only of a false sense of man, and they cannot perceive spiritual man. We have
to go beyond the thinking mind into that inner Soul capacity, that silence where spiritual reality is
revealed to us. We do not create it: it is revealed to us as already existent in spite of any

To pray is to become aware of the harmony without any mental effort on our part.

We are no to try to make it so through any mental effort: we are no to try to create or bring about
harmony anymore than we would try to bring about 2 x 2 us 4. Our awareness that 2 x 2 equals
4 makes that principle operative in our experience, but the principle that 2 x 2 is 4 existed before
Abraham. So, too, harmony in our experience already exists: the important point is to become
aware of it; and we become aware of it, first of all, by realizing that persons or conditions with
which we are confronted are not what they appear to be. Therefore, instead of trying to change
them, we go within to become acquainted with them. The best way to do this is not to think
about the person or condition, but to think about God, The moment we become acquainted with
God, a miracle happens: we know our patient’ we know him face to face; we know who he is,
what he is, and what makes him what he is for the simple reason that having become aware of
God, we have become aware of all that constitutes our patient. That which is our patient or
student really and truly is God manifested…Also, you now know that you can never be God but
that God is inseparable from your very being. The eyes will not testify to that and neither will the
hearing, taste, touch, or smell, but that inner chamber or our being when we come face to face
with God, we shall find that we have come face to face with the son of God—God the Father and
God the Son.

Prayer is the absence of desire for person, pace, thing, condition, or circumstance. Asking for
parking places, automobiles, homes, or for companionship is error, but asking for illumination,
for light, asking for the realization of God—asking, praying for it, knowing it, even demanding
it—is right because when we are asking or demanding that, we are really just demanding that the
obstruction in our own thought be removed. We are not demanding anything of God. We are
demanding that our own sense of ignorance be removed. We are begging, and pleading for light.
We are not asking God for it because God has no power to withhold it than the sun has to
withhold light or heat. We do pray for spiritual illumination, but what we are really praying for is
that our false sense of self be removed because that is what is blocking our way to God.”
--Joel S. Goldsmith, Man Was Not Born To Cry

"Let go and see the perfection, where the seeming imperfection seems to be."

--Lester Levenson

"To daily meditate on the Perfect Life, and to daily embody the Great Ideal, is the royal road to
freedom, to that "peace which passeth understanding,” and is happiness to the soul of man. Let
us learn to see, as God must, with Perfect Vision. Let us seek the good and the true and believe
in them with our whole heart, even though every man we meet is filled with suffering, and
limitation appears at all sides. We cannot afford to believe in imperfection for a single second, to
do so is to doubt God, to believe in another Creator. Let us daily say to ourselves: "Perfect God
within me, Perfect Life within me, which is God, some forth into expression through me as that
which I am; lead me ever into paths of perfection and cause me to see only that which is Good."
--Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

“ To develop the love center, begin by affirming: “ From this time forth and forevermore I shall
know no person after the flesh. I shall not men and women as body and mortal thought. I shall
always behold them with the eye of love, which sees only perfection.” Ask daily that love be
made alive in you, that it take up it’s abode at your magnetic center, and make it alive with
strong, steady pulsations of spiritual energy… Let your attention rest for a few minutes every day
at the heart center in your body, the cardiac plexus, while you declare silently: “You are the
abode of love. You are filled and thrilled with the mighty magnetic forces that love uses in doing
its work. You are powerful and active to do only good, and you see only goodness and purity
everywhere.”…Many people say that they cannot see love in others who are not manifesting it
clearly—that they themselves do not feel loving and therefore cannot exercise love. But this
development of one’s own love center will make one see it, just as the eye sees light. It is
difficult to feel love with a dormant love organ, but exceedingly easy when that [spiritual] organ
begins to exercise its true inherent potentialities…
Do not be afraid to pour out your love to upon all the so-called evil in the world. Deny the
appearance of evil, and affirm the omnipotence and omnipresence of love and goodness. Take
no account of the evil that appears in your life and in your affairs. Refuse to see it as evil.
Declare that what seems evil has somewhere a good side, which shall through your persistent
affirmation of it’s presence be made visible. By using the creative power of your own thought
you will change that which seemed evil into good, and divine love will pour it’s healing balm
over all.”
----Charles Fillmore /Talks on Truth

The Golden Key to Prayer

By Emmet Fox

“I have compressed this essay into a few pages. Had it been possible I would have reduced it to
as many lines. It is not intended to be an instructional treatise, but a practical recipe for getting
out of trouble. Study and research are well in their own time and place, but no amount of either
will get you out of a concrete difficulty. Nothing but practical work in your own consciousness
will do that. The mistake made by many people, when things go wrong, is to skim through book
after book, without getting anywhere. Read The Golden Key several times. Do exactly what it
says, and if you are persistent enough you will overcome any difficulty.

Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the
face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. To those who have no
acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it
needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no
one's word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself, and see.

God is omnipotent, and man is His image and likeness, and has dominion over all things. This is
the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. Man means every
man, and so the ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the
saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Whoever you are,
wherever you may be, the Golden Key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in
scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or
weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine
action takes place, and your treatment will really be just the getting of yourself out of the way.
Beginners often get startling results at the first time of trying, for all that is absolutely essential is to
have an open mind, and sufficient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any
views on religion, or none.

As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All that you
have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.
This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will presently
disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing;
it may concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable;
but whatever it is, just stop thinking about it, and think of God instead -- that is all you have to

The thing could not be simpler, could it? God Himself could scarcely have made it simpler, and
yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.

Do not try to form a picture of God, which is impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or
everything that you know about God. God is Wisdom, Truth, and Inconceivable Love. God is
present everywhere; has infinite power; knows everything; and so on. It matters not how well you
may think you understand these things; go over them repeatedly.

But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is to think about God, and if
you are thinking about your difficulty you are not thinking about God.

To be continually glancing over your shoulder, as it were, in order to see how matters are
progressing, is fatal, because that is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God, and of
nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty right out of your consciousness,
for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole
thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you really
forget for a while all about the trouble concerning which you began to pray, you will presently
find that you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty -- that your demonstration is made.
In order to "Golden Key" a troublesome person or a difficult situation, think, "Now I am going to
'Golden Key' John, or Mary, or that threatened danger"; then proceed to drive all thought of John,
or Mary, or the danger right out of your mind, replacing it by the thought of God. By working in
this way about a person, you are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that
you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter he
is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual person, just because you have
"Golden Keyed" him. A pending lawsuit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly
without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned.

If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day
with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought
of the matter until the next time. This is important.

We have said that the Golden Key is simple, and so it is, but, of course, it is not always easy to
turn. If you are very frightened or worried it may be difficult, at first, to get your thoughts away
from material things. But by constantly repeating some statement of absolute Truth that appeals to
you, such as There is no power but God, or I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the
perfect peace of God, or God is love, or God is guiding me now, or, perhaps best and simplest of
all, just God is with me -- however mechanical or dead it may seem at first -- you will soon find
that the treatment has begun to "take," and that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently;
be quiet but insistent. Each time that you find your attention wandering, just switch it straight
back to God.

Do not try to think out in advance what the solution of your difficulty will probably turn out to
be. This is technically called "outlining," and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the
question of ways and means strictly to God. You want to get out of your difficulty -- that is
sufficient. You do your half, and God will never fail to do His.” "Whosoever shall call upon the
name of the Lord shall be saved."

Conquer the angry man by love. Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness. Conquer the miser
with generosity. Conquer the liar with truth.
—Buddha, The Dhammapada

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