Discover Your Future

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Portfolio 2018-19

Discover Your Future

Who do you want to be?

1. What are the things you are most passionate about?

Music, drama, writing 

2. What do you not like to do?

​I don’t like just sitting for too long doing something boring.  

3. If you had all the money and time in the world, where would you go? What would you do?
Who would you spend time with?
​I would go to France and England with my cousin, Melany, and we would 
just explore around and try new things. 

4. What are your health goals? How active do you want to be? What are you willing to do/not do
to meet your health goals?
I would like to be much healthier, considering I could get cancer and 
I have a blood disease. I would like to more active as well, but it is difficult 
with my knee injury, I am willing to do what I can to achieve my goals.  

5. What are your career goals? How hard to you want to work, and in what kind of environment?
How much money do you want to make? Do you want to work alone or with other people? etc.
I honestly do not know how to answer this question but what I do 
know is that I want to work with people doing something I love.  

6. What are your family and relationship goals?

I hope to grow closer with my brother, and find a nice guy.  
7. What kind of a house/city/country would you like to live in? How important are material
My dream place to live in probably Los Angeles, and to me material 
possessions aren’t that important, but I would like to have nice things.  

8. Whom do you admire most in the world? Why?

Portfolio 2018-19

My dad is someone who I admire most, he did everything he could to help 
my family, even when he was in pain and was suffering. Now he can finally 
rest in peace, but he is someone who I will always admire.  

9. Finish this sentence: In ten years, I will be……...

Doing something I love with the people I love and in a place I love.  

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