Physiopathology of Hypotermia

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Q J Med 2002; 95:775–785

Pathophysiology of accidental hypothermia
From the Medical Assessment Unit, Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK

Accidental hypothermia is an uncommon problem respiratory, renal, metabolic, and gastrointestinal
that affects people of all ages, but particularly the systems. Clinically relevant findings are highlighted
elderly. This review briefly outlines the aetiological and some associated management points are related
factors that may predispose to hypothermia, with to the physiological changes. Most of these changes
particular reference to the effects of sepsis, although are reversible on rewarming, and are resistant

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the specific situation of cold-water immersion is to pharmacological manipulation; some of the
not addressed. A more detailed analysis of the pathological effects are related more to the
pathophysiology of hypothermia then examines process of rewarming than to the hypothermia
the cardiovascular, haematological, neurological, itself.

Introduction Aetiology
Accidental hypothermia is defined as an uninten- Normal thermoregulation involves a dynamic bal-
tional fall in core temperature to -35 8C, and is ance between heat production and control of heat
classified into mild, moderate, and severe in loss, with the aim of providing a constant core
different ways, mild usually being 33–35 8C, 32– temperature. This is achieved in part by adjustment
35 8C, or 32.2–35 8C, and severe usually being of central thermogenesis, and in part by maintaining
defined as -28 8C, -27 8C, or -26.7 8C. It is an a differential temperature gradient between the
uncommon cause of death: a study in Ireland found body core and the peripheries directly exposed to
hypothermia to be responsible for 18.1 deaths per the environment; the amount of heat gained from or
million1 out of 53.6 cases per million population, lost to the environment is closely and rapidly
and a smaller Glasgow study found a similar regulated in response to changing circumstances.
mortality equating to 22 per million,2 out of 71 Two types of cutaneous receptors are involved: cold
cases per million population. Official figures from and warm. Exposure to cold increases activity in
death certificates give hypothermia as the cause of the afferent fibres from the cold receptors, which
300 deaths annually in the UK. Epidemiological stimulate the pre-optic nucleus of the anterior hypo-
studies, not surprisingly, have identified an at-risk thalamus; direct reflex vasoconstriction reduces
group which is isolated, socially deprived, and blood flow to the cooling skin, and colder blood
ill;3,4 accidental hypothermia is also primarily a also reaches temperature-sensitive neurons in the
problem of older people, with 85% of one series hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then initiates
being over the age of 60.5 various responses, immediate responses via the

Address correspondence to Dr M.L. Mallet, Medical Assessment Unit, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath
BA1 3NG. e-mail:
ß Association of Physicians 2002
776 M.L. Mallet

autonomic nervous system, more delayed responses either by causing a failure of vasoconstriction, or
through the endocrine system, adaptive behavioural by inducing an abnormal hypothalamic response.
responses, extra-pyramidal skeletal muscle stimula- The mechanism for this remains unclear, but there
tion, and shivering. These responses aim either to is evidence of an increased cytokine response, with
increase heat production or to reduce heat loss.6 raised levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a)
Older people are particularly susceptible to and interleukin-6, and elevated prostacyclin and
accidental hypothermia because thermoregulatory thromboxane B2 metabolites in hypothermic septic
ability is progressively impaired with age. They may patients.21 Animal work indicates that at lower
have a reduced ability to generate heat because of ambient temperatures, injection of high doses of
reduced lean body mass, impaired mobility, inade- bacterial endotoxin in the form of lipopolysacchar-
quate diet, and reduced shivering in response to ide (LPS) induces a hypothermic response while
cold.7 Sympathetically activated thermogenesis in lower doses result in pyrexia;22 it seems that LPS
brown adipose tissue is attenuated from the end of endotoxin can cause a lowering in the threshold
infancy. In addition, older people are susceptible temperature for activation of thermogenesis, and
to increased heat loss through a reduced ability also has some behaviour-modifying effects.23
to vasoconstrict appropriately, are less able to Some pharmacological agents can cause central
discriminate changes in temperature,8 may have thermoregulatory failure (for example barbiturates,
abnormal adaptive behavioural responses, and may opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, and benzodiaze-
be prone to exposure to cold through falls or illness. pines), and phenothiazines can both impair central
Predisposing socio-economic factors may be parti- thermoregulation and also inhibit peripheral vaso-
cularly relevant to the elderly. Indeed, some elderly constriction in response to cold by their alpha-
people suffer recurrent episodes of hypothermia,9,10 blocking activity.24 Other alpha blockers such as
suggesting that they may have a particular pre- prazosin have been reported to cause hypother-

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disposition to thermoregulatory failure that can be mia,25 and the elderly seem particularly susceptible
precipitated by a relatively minor insult. to this effect of alpha blockade.26 Lithium toxicity
In addition to this age-related impairment of has been reported to lead to a reduction in core
adaptability to a fall in temperature, various temperature,27 and ethanol can lead to peripheral
pathological conditions may be implicated in the dilatation, impaired shivering, hypoglycaemia and
development of hypothermia. For example, central environmental exposure to cold, as well as having
thermoregulatory ability can be impaired in such a direct effect on the hypothalamus,28 by which it
situations as stroke, CNS trauma or infection, tum- lowers the thermoregulatory set point, resulting in a
ours, or haemorrhage, and in uraemia, Parkinson’s fall in core temperature.29 Valproic acid has also
disease, multiple sclerosis and Wernicke’s syn- been reported to cause hypothermia in a handful of
drome. Impaired control of peripheral vasculature cases, but the mechanism is unknown.30
through autonomic dysfunction can also play a The end point of accidental hypothermia can,
part in diabetes,11 infection and cardiac failure. therefore, be considered as a failure of thermo-
Reduced heat production occurs in endocrino- regulatory control, which may have both under-
pathies such as hypothyroidism, hypoadrenalism, lying predisposing causes, including age, various
and hypopituitarism, and hypoglycaemia alone pathologies both acute and chronic, and pharma-
can predispose to hypothermia,12 particularly in cological agents, and also more immediate pre-
the context of alcohol ingestion.13 Pancreatitis and cipitating factors. These precipitating factors may
diabetic ketoacidosis14 also need to be considered vary between acute exposure to cold in an other-
as precipitating causes of hypothermic episodes, wise previously fit individual, through a more
even if they are not clinically apparent. Diabetes prolonged period in a less cold environment (so-
itself may also be a factor which increases the like- called chronic hypothermia),31 to a relatively brief
lihood of accidental hypothermia,14,15 particularly exposure to mild cold in the context of illness, often
in the context of malnutrition.16 sepsis, or enforced inactivity such as after a fall. For
Perhaps the most frequent precipitating factor in a previously fit, younger victim of cold exposure,
older people is sepsis, which in several series has the outlook is generally good in the absence of
been found in about 80% of elderly patients with apnoea or circulatory arrest; rewarming alone
hypothermia.17–19 In the 9–10% of patients in generally leads to full recovery. The more com-
whom an infection results in hypothermia rather monly encountered situation in clinical practice,
than fever, there is a significantly worse prognosis: however, is when an elderly person becomes
mortality is approximately doubled, perhaps in part hypothermic because of another condition, and
because of the higher rate of shock in these the outcome is then generally determined by the
patients.20 Sepsis may predispose to hypothermia nature of this underlying illness. Attention therefore
Accidental hypothermia 777

needs to be directed to finding and treating this Repolarization abnormalities occur as evidenced
precipitating condition—often sepsis—in parallel by the appearance of a ‘J’ (Osborn) wave on the
with measures to deal with the hypothermia. ECG, usually best seen in the lateral precordial
leads; this tends to increase in amplitude with
falling temperature, but is not otherwise affected by
electrolyte disturbances.37 J waves are not pathog-
Pathophysiology nomonic of hypothermia, but can also be seen in
Observational work since the early part of the subarachnoid haemorrhage and other cerebral
last century, human and animal experiments, and injuries, as well as in myocardial ischaemia. Increa-
monitoring of surgical patients undergoing induced singly broad QRS complexes develop, indicating
hypothermia for cardiopulmonary bypass or neuro- slowing of myocardial conduction, in combination
surgery, have provided much information about the with ST elevation or depression and T-wave inver-
physiological responses to cold. Whether the data sion; these ECG changes may be related to the
from all these different situations can be extrapo- increasing acidosis and ischaemia. At the cellular
lated to that of accidental hypothermia, is not clear. level, there is prolongation of the action potential
The pathophysiological changes observed may be duration, which is explained by delayed activation
influenced by such things as underlying disease, of the repolarizing potassium current, slowed inactiva-
hypovolaemia or drug ingestion, and will depend to tion of the sodium current, and delayed inactivation
some extent on the rate as well as depth of of the inward calcium current. The slowing of
cooling,32 as there is some evidence that more myocardial conduction is similarly attributable to
severe problems with acid-base, electrolyte and reduced and delayed activation of the inward
fluid balance can occur in chronic hypothermia.33 sodium current.38 There is a prolongation of sys-
Apart from ischaemia-induced tissue infarcts, the tole,39 and conduction delay may be evidenced

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changes induced by hypothermia are generally by an increased PR interval and second- or third-
reversible on rewarming, and in many instances degree A-V block.40 Delayed repolarization as
attempts to normalize physiological variables in this reflected by QT prolongation may also be seen at
context are not only futile but dangerous. lower temperatures. According to early observa-
tions, the QT prolongation may persist for hours or
even days after rewarming,41 and atrioventricular
block may develop days after normal temperature
Cardiovascular changes has been restored.42 Asystole 72 h after rewarming
In mild hypothermia, there is an initial tachycardia has also been reported.43
and peripheral vasoconstriction, and a consequent The heart rate falls to 30–40 bpm at 28 8C; rates
increase in cardiac output. The blood pressure inconsistent with a patient’s temperature should
increases slightly. These sympathetically driven prompt a search for underlying pathology such as
changes can mostly be suppressed by drugs, hypoglycaemia, hypovolaemia, or drug ingestion.
however, with a proportional decrease in heart At lower temperatures, the bradycardia may become
rate, blood pressure and cardiac output.24 Ven- extreme, with rates of about 10 bpm at 20 8C.
tricular ectopy is often suppressed by mild degrees Systemic vascular resistance falls as catecholamine
of cold and reappears with rewarming. In vitro release is blunted, and cardiac output decreases
cooling of pig myocardium to 32 8C causes a correspondingly. At temperatures less than about
prolongation of contraction, and an increase in 24 8C, there is a high risk of asystole. Animal studies
contractile force by almost 40%.34 As the tempera- suggest that this threshold may be lowered in
ture falls to a moderate degree of hypothermia, a the presence of ethanol intoxication,44 which may
progressive bradycardia develops consequent on explain some observations of improved outcomes in
decreased spontaneous depolarization of the pace- this situation. Transvenous pacing may be difficult,
maker cells, and this is refractory to atropine. The owing to higher thresholds being necessary, and
resultant reduction in cardiac output may also be indeed hazardous in terms of the risk of precipi-
balanced by an increased systemic vascular resist- tating ventricular fibrillation, but animal work
ance consequent on autonomic reflex response and confirms that transcutaneous pacing in hypothermia
catecholamine release. This elevated systemic is effective and safe,45 and is recommended by
resistance may be perpetuated by haemoconcentra- some.
tion, increased viscosity and local vasomotor It has been suggested that asystole is a
responses.35 Increased resistance in renal arteries primary manifestation of hypothermia, whereas
has been found in animals while vasodilatation ventricular fibrillation occurs secondary to rewarming,
tends to occur in the splanchnic vasculature.36 hypocapnia, alkalosis or physical manipulation.46
778 M.L. Mallet

Ischaemia, increased adrenergic activity and elec- or heart rate are similarly problematic, although
trolyte disturbances certainly predispose to myo- inotropes such as low-dose dopamine have been
cardial irritability, and in moderate hypothermia used in patients who are disproportionately hypo-
this frequently results in arrhythmias, commonly tensive and who do not respond to volume
atrial fibrillation or flutter or nodal rhythms, but also replacement. This is not normally necessary, how-
multifocal ventricular extrasystoles and tachyar- ever, and indeed the utility of low-dose dopamine
rhythmias. Ventricular fibrillation is more common in general has provoked much recent debate. In
below about 27 8C, and is particularly likely to moderate hypothermia, peripheral vasculature is
develop if there is a sudden change in parameters already maximally vasoconstricted and administra-
such as physical movement, pO2 or pCO2, myo- tion of vasoconstrictors only predisposes to arrhyth-
cardial temperature, or changes in biochemical or mias; indeed, the administration of epinephrine
acid-base status. It has been postulated that the may precipitate ventricular fibrillation. Animal
development of a temperature gradient between the studies suggest that at around 29 8C the initial
cooler endocardium and subendocardial conducting activation of the sympathetic system switches off,
tissue and the relatively warmer myocardium and there may be a role for catecholamine support
facilitates conduction through the myocardium at below that temperature.57 It should be emphasized
the expense of normal neuromuscular transmission, that any medication should be administered intra-
which might explain why sudden changes in bio- venously: the intense peripheral vasoconstriction
chemistry or acid base status affect these tissues and consequent poor absorption means that intra-
differently and predispose to the development of muscular and subcutaneous injections should both
ventricular fibrillation.47 An alternative explanation be avoided.
is that the small temperature differentials between Serum levels of HBD and creatine kinase are
myocardium and endocardium may cause disper- sometimes moderately elevated, but may not repre-

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sion of the action potential duration, refractory sent cold-induced ischaemic myocardial damage;
period and conduction speed, which are signifi- the rise in total CK is independent of temperature,
cantly lengthened in hypothermia, resulting in an and is not accompanied by ECG changes or
increased vulnerability to arrhythmias.48 histological evidence of myocardial infarction at
The risk of precipitating ventricular fibrillation post-mortem,58 although small degenerative foci
by tracheal intubation may have been overstated are seen on microscopic examination of the myo-
and relates to a lack of pre-oxygenation.49 In severe cardium in two-thirds of cases.59 Studies with more
hypothermia, ventricular fibrillation is usually extre- specific markers of cardiac damage, such as
mely resistant to attempts at electrical cardioversion troponins, would be helpful.
until rewarming has been achieved, although isolated
case reports prove that there are exceptions to
the rule.50 Unless extra-corporeal circulation can
be rapidly established, giving the best chance of
recovery, prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation The haematological changes that are associated
may be necessary until sufficient warming has with hypothermia are important, particularly the
occurred to allow defibrillation.51 In hypothermia, increase in blood viscosity, fibrinogen and haema-
reduced chest wall elasticity and compliance of the tocrit; these may underlie disorders in the function
heart and lungs makes chest compressions more of many other organs. Changes in vascular permea-
difficult and probably less efficient, but survival of bility result in the loss of plasma to extravascular
patients after up to 6½ h of cardiopulmonary compartments, leading to haemoconcentration, and
resuscitation has been reported.49 Bretylium is the accompanying hypovolaemia is compounded
the only anti-arrhythmic agent of any use in this by a cold-induced diuresis. The haematocrit increases
situation,52,53 and acts through increasing the by about 2% for every 1 8C decline in tempera-
refractory period and thus raising the ventricular ture,60 and a normal haematocrit in a moderately or
arrhythmia threshold, without any apparent effect severely hypothermic patient suggests pre-existing
on conduction velocity or catecholamine levels.54 anaemia or blood loss. Hypothermia has also been
Overall, there is no indication for prophylactic reported to cause marrow suppression and progres-
anti-arrhythmic treatment in the absence of malig- sive marrow failure,61 and to induce erythroid
nant arrhythmias.55 The administration of lidocaine hypoplasia and sideroblastic anaemia.62
is generally ineffective at temperatures less than about Cold directly inhibits the enzymic reactions of
30 8C, as indeed are procainamide, propranolol, both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of the clotting
diltiazem48 and verapamil.56 In general, pharma- cascade,63 and hence a coagulopathy can develop.
cological attempts to increase blood pressure The prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin
Accidental hypothermia 779

time can be deceptively normal if measured at Neuromuscular effects

37 8C, but can be significantly increased if mea-
sured at lower temperatures, even when clotting The central neurological effects of cold are often
factor levels are known to be normal. Rewarming, apparent clinically, with initial confusion and
rather than administration of exogenous clotting sometimes amnesia in the mild stages. As the
factors, is the appropriate management.64 A dis- temperature falls further, apathy, impaired judge-
seminated intravascular coagulopathy has been ment and paradoxical undressing may occur.
reported on a number of occasions with no appa- Dysarthria, progressive depression of consciousness
rent cause other than the hypothermia;65 this might and ultimately coma develop, and consciousness is
be related to release of tissue thromboplastin from commonly lost below about 30 8C. There is a loss of
ischaemic tissue,66 or the circulatory collapse itself cerebrovascular autoregulation at about 25 8C as
may be the major factor.67 Hypothermia may also well as a reduction in cerebral blood flow by 6–7%
impair both the endothelial synthesis of prostacy- per 1 8C drop in temperature. However, in severe
clin (PGI2) and its inhibitory action on platelet hypothermia there is a markedly reduced metabolic
aggregation, promoting platelet activation and throm- rate, and hence a considerably increased cere-
bosis.68 Thrombocytopaenia can also occur;69,70 bral ischaemic tolerance; at temperatures less
this usually results from sequestration in the liver than 20 8C, ischaemic tolerance is ten times the
and spleen,9 but can be related to a disseminated normothermic.78 The EEG becomes flat at below
intravascular coagulation, or marrow depression. In about 20 8C.
addition, platelet production of thromboxane B2 is Shivering is initially increased in mild degrees of
temperature-dependent, promoting a decline in hypothermia, but then decreases as the temperature
platelet activity with falling temperature.71 falls further; however the reported temperatures at
Elevated cryofibrinogen levels may be found in which shivering is lost vary widely (24–35 8C), as in

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hypothermia, which raise the blood viscosity,72 and fact do the other neurological changes at a given
they can do so in a dramatic way on exposure to depth of hypothermia.79 Synovial fluid becomes
further cold, impairing the microcirculation and, more viscous at lower temperatures, and so in
presumably, resulting in the widespread tissue moderate hypothermia, stiffness of muscles and
micro-infarcts which are sometimes observed.73 joints appears. Ataxia and loss of fine motor control
Excess cryofibrinogen occurs particularly with are seen in the initial stages, followed by hypo-
E. coli sepsis of the urinary tract, diabetes, folate reflexia, an extensor plantar response and pupillary
deficiency and malignancy, all of which are more sluggishness in moderate degrees of hypothermia;
common in the elderly. Excessive purpura or rigidity, pupillary dilatation and areflexia appear as
bruising may suggest the presence of cryofibrino- the temperature falls below about 28 8C. In severe
genaemia, and is associated with an increased hypothermia, muscle and joint stiffness may simu-
mortality. If antithrombotic prophylaxis is being late rigor mortis, although the stiffness may para-
considered for a hypothermic patient, it should be doxically lessen as the temperature falls below
borne in mind that heparin (and dextran) can 27 8C.
polymerize the cryofibrinogen in the presence of a Animal studies have helped to explain these
cryofibrinogenaemia, and thus cause severe hyper- changes by showing that peripheral nerve conduc-
viscosity;73 indeed, despite the increased suscept- tion is impaired in the cold, with a progressive
ibility to thromboembolism, there is no evidence at reduction in conduction velocity as the temperature
present to support the routine use of prophylactic falls; this seems to be related to a reduced flux of
heparin in accidental hypothermia. potassium and chloride ions across the axon mem-
Leukocyte depletion can occur in response to brane.80 The effect of this on autonomic circulatory
hypothermia,74 and animal and in vitro studies control mechanisms may help to explain why
suggest that neutrophil migration75 and bacterial marked postural hypotension is sometimes observed,
phagocytosis76 are impaired, predisposing to infec- and head-up or sitting positions are to be avoided in
tion, although this does not appear to have been transferring victims out of their cold environments.
demonstrated in man. In patients undergoing cardio- The synaptic delay time is also prolonged as the
pulmonary bypass, complement activation may be neuromuscular junction cools,81 and muscle con-
attenuated at lower temperatures.77 The common traction is partially temperature-dependent, with a
finding of sepsis in elderly patients who present reduced rate of development of tension and maximal
with hypothermia may therefore be a consequence shortening velocity at lower temperatures, but little
as well as a predisposing cause of the failure of change in the maximum force obtained.82 With
thermoregulation, and this underlines the need for cutaneous temperatures as low as 12 8C, the pre-
routine antibiotic cover in these patients. capillary sphincters cease to work, with a resultant
780 M.L. Mallet

vasodilatation, and the increased blood flow that Management of acid-base status during hypo-
follows may then cause sufficient warming to restore thermia has been controversial. Blood gases are
their function and reinstate local vasoconstriction. normally warmed to 37 8C for analysis, which
This oscillation between dilatation and constriction results in higher oxygen and carbon dioxide levels
is known as the ‘Lewis Hunting Reaction’ and occurs and lower pH values than the hypothermic patient’s
primarily on the finger tips, toes, ears and face.32 true state, while the presence of large tempera-
ture gradients in the body make accurate calcula-
tion of the corrected values difficult. In practice,
Respiratory problems some suggest that this calculation is unnecessary,
and attempts should be made to maintain the
In mild hypothermia, there is an initial tachypnoea, temperature-uncorrected pH around 7.40, as this
followed by a reduction in minute volume and helps to avoid over-enthusiastic use of bicarbonate
reduced oxygen consumption; bronchospasm and or hyperventilation. These may depress cardiac
bronchorrhoea occur. As the temperature falls to output further, and increase the predisposition to
moderate levels of hypothermia, protective airway ventricular fibrillation; also transport of bicarbo-
reflexes are reduced because of impairment of nate across hypothermic cell membranes is slow,
ciliary function, and this predisposes to aspiration and severe metabolic alkalosis may result during
and pneumonia. Significant reductions in oxygen rewarming.84
consumption and carbon dioxide production occur,
both falling by about 50% at 30 8C. Core tem-
perature control is very dependent on pCO2 level,
which is detected by the carotid bodies and
Renal and metabolic
also more centrally, and these act on sources of In mild hypothermia, there is a cold-induced

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thermogenesis and thermolysis.83 A direct cooling diuresis, which occurs before any fall in body
effect depresses ventilatory drive at the respiratory temperature. This is initially due to an increase in
centres, and at temperatures below 34 8C sensitivity renal blood flow consequent on vasoconstriction,
to pCO2 stimulation is attenuated, although the then with falling temperature, a loss of distal tubular
hypoxic drive is maintained to deeper levels of ability to reabsorb water and a resistance to the
hypothermia. Physiological and anatomical respira- action of vasopressin (ADH). The cold-induced
tory dead space are increased through bronchial diuresis is accompanied by an increase in urinary
dilation, but alveolar dead space is unchanged.24 electrolyte excretion, probably as a result of reduced
Local gas exchange is not affected by hypothermia, tubular sodium reabsorption.85 In moderate hypo-
but there is an increase in pulmonary vascular thermia, the glomerular filtration rate falls as cardiac
resistance and a degree of ventilation-perfusion output and hence renal blood flow fall, the last of
mismatch in the lungs. In severe hypothermia, these being reduced by half at 27–30 8C. There is
progressive hypoventilation and apnoea develop, also a further reduction in tubular function, and
and (more rarely) pulmonary oedema. renal clearance of glucose is reduced. At lower
There is initially a left shift of the oxyhaemoglo- temperatures still, tubular capacity for Hq ion
bin (Hb-O2) dissociation curve in response to falling secretion is reduced, and hence there is a renal
temperature, which results in impaired oxygen contribution to the acidosis. Clinically, acute renal
delivery and tissue hypoxia, but this is balanced to failure is seen in over 40% of patients with
some degree by the resultant lactic acidosis and by accidental hypothermia who require admission to
other factors contributing to an overall acidosis, an intensive care unit.19 Biopsies have demon-
both respiratory (reduced carbon dioxide excretion) strated ischaemic damage to the kidneys, which is
and metabolic. Shivering may greatly increase thought to occur in the rewarming phase, following
lactate production, and its clearance by the liver a period of relative protection at lower tempera-
is impaired; frequently the metabolic acidosis gets tures. This ‘pre-renal’ failure, essentially consequent
worse during rewarming as the products of anaero- on the fall in renal blood flow, may therefore be
bic metabolism are returned to the circulation, and preventable to some extent by careful volume
this can contribute to the increased risk of arrhy- replacement.86
thmias. In severe hypothermia, the acidosis is Total body metabolism reduces with increasing
frequently profound, so that there is an overall hypothermia, as measured by a fall in oxygen
right-shift to the Hb-O2 dissociation curve. The consumption, which is about 6% for every degree
significance of impaired oxygen delivery to the Celsius fall in temperature.24 The basal metabolic
tissues is reduced because of the decline in oxygen rate is therefore reduced by 50% at 28 8C. In animal
demand at lower temperatures. studies, vasopressin and oxytocin secretion is reduced,
Accidental hypothermia 781

but the associated reduction in ACTH secretion is cardiac toxicity of hyperkalaemia. Plasma sodium,
not reflected by the plasma cortisol levels, which calcium, magnesium and chloride concentrations
are usually raised; this is likely to be due to reduced do not change significantly above about 25 8C,
hepatic clearance.87 Pituitary, adrenal and thyroid but there are reports of severe hypophosphataemia
function is thought to be normal, although a depressed on rewarming from profound hypothermia.94,95
cortisol response to ACTH stimulation has been This may be more common than is appreciated,
found by some.88 Plasma concentrations of TSH because serial phosphate measurements are not
and thyroxine are normal,89 but should be mea- routinely made, and moreover might be contri-
sured to exclude hypothyroidism as an underlying buting significantly to the morbidity and mortality
cause. If a patient is resistant to attempts at re- associated with rewarming. Further work in this
warming, administration of hydrocortisone with or area is needed.
without liothyronine should be considered, in case
occult hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism or previous
chronic steroid use are contributory factors. Routine Gastrointestinal effects
administration of steroids is not beneficial and is not
recommended. Intestinal motility decreases below about 34 8C,
If the hypothermia has developed rapidly, many resulting in an ileus when the temperature falls
different processes may contribute to hyperglycae- below 28 8C, and therefore a nasogastric tube
mia, which can contribute an osmotic component should be placed to reduce the chance of aspira-
to the diuresis. Insulin release is inhibited by increased tion. Furthermore, the absorption of medication
corticosteroid levels, as well as by a direct cooling given orally or by nasogastric tube will be impaired
effect on the islets of Langerhans;90 in addition, in this situation, and this route should therefore be
peripheral uptake of insulin at the tissues is avoided. Punctate haemorrhages may occur through-

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impaired. Sympathetic activity is increased, with out the gastrointestinal tract, and autopsy studies
raised plasma norepinephrine and free fatty acid have found gastric erosions and submucosal hae-
levels,91 and the catecholamine-induced glycogen- morrhages to be common but not clinically
olysis and gluconeogenesis contribute to the hyper- significant.6 The shallow gastric ulcers are known
glycaemia. The glucagon level is increased, and as Wischnevsky’s ulcers and are seen in the
plasma cortisol levels correlate with lactate and majority of cases at post-mortem examination. A
glycerol levels, implying active stimulation of glyco- characteristic linear pattern is seen, said to be
genolysis and lipolysis.92 In cases where hypother- consistent with acute cold stress.96 Cystic dilatation
mia has developed more slowly or is long-lasting, of the capillaries is found on histological examina-
glycogen stores may be depleted, and then it is tion, presumed to be due to reperfusion after
likely that hypoglycaemia will develop. Shivering functional collapse of the microcirculation in the
may also deplete glycogen stores and in the longer gastric mucosa.97 Animal work has shown that
term contribute to hypoglycaemia. With rewarming, hypothermia increases gastric acid production and
the factors leading to a raised plasma glucose cor- reduces duodenal bicarbonate secretion, predis-
rect, and so moderate degrees of hyperglycaemia posing to this mucosal damage in both the stomach
should be tolerated rather than be treated, in order and the duodenum.98
to avoid profound hypoglycaemia on rewarming. Hepatic impairment can develop, probably
Exogenous insulin has little effect in the hypo- consequent on the reduced cardiac output, and
thermic state, and high doses would be needed for the decreased metabolic clearance of lactic acid
any apparently beneficial effect. If hyperglycaemia contributes to the acidosis. It follows that if warmed
persists during the process of rewarming, diabetic intravenous fluids are given, these should not include
ketoacidosis and pancreatitis need to be considered, Hartmann’s solution, since the liver cannot handle
and insulin therapy instituted once the temperature the added lactate efficiently.99 The liver’s functions
has returned to )30 8C. of detoxification and conjugation are also depressed,
Hypokalaemia results from a shift of extracellular affecting the half-life of many drugs, and prolonging
potassium into the cells,93 due to changes in both the effects of ethanol. This may be particularly
membrane permeability and the function of the relevant in the situation of an overdose, where the
sodium-potassium pump. Hyperkalaemia, on the resultant hypothermia perpetuates the effects of the
other hand, is a marker of acidosis and cell death drug ingested.
and is therefore a sign of poor prognosis. The Pancreatitis frequently occurs as a consequence
ECG is not helpful here, as the potassium- of hypothermia, being found at autopsy in 20–30%
induced changes in the ECG can be reduced in of cases,100 and a mildly elevated serum amylase
hypothermia, and lower temperatures enhance the without clinical evidence of pancreatitis is even
782 M.L. Mallet

more common, being present in 50% of patients profound levels of hypothermia and the associated
in one series.101 The reason for this is not well markedly abnormal physiological states, but arrhy-
understood, but is thought to result from thrombosis thmias and sepsis contribute to an appreciable
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