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cylinder oil is the largest part of a

ship's lubricant budget so setting the

optimum cylinder oil feed rate is

essential over lubrication not only

wastes money but can damage pistons and

liners while under lubrication can

result in cold corrosion and mechanical

wear for operators and engineers

understanding what's happening inside an

engine will be even more crucial during

the run-up to the International Maritime

organization's global more point 5% cap

on sulphur emissions which comes into

force on the 1st of January 2020

engineers testing bunker fuel oil

samples for sulfur content - ISO 875 for

standard will need the support of

cutting-edge dependable technology Exxon

Mobil's Mobil serves cylinder condition

monitoring service provides the perfect

solution for maintaining a healthy

engine and ensuring future emission

compliance speed is the essence when

responding to an engines needs Mobil

serves cylinder condition monitoring

works through three processes sample

analyze and act taking regular scrape

down oil samples can offer valuable

insights into an engines health however

to be effective these samples need to be

evaluated quickly and accurately we have

developed a unique onboard real-time

scraped down oil analysis service that

works for you 24/7 from deep ocean to

portside mobile serve cylinder condition

monitoring is a next-generation tool to

help onboard engineers understand their

engine's performance and lubrication

needs the service also drives cost

savings by taking a proactive approach

to maintenance and extending component


vessels using this service will have an

easy-to-use testing unit on board that

removes the need for time-consuming wet

chemistry the patented technology within

the unit carries out two tests on the

sample to establish iron content and

base number bien in the oil the iron

level in the sample provides an

indication of an engines liner wear rate

while the bien level demonstrates if the

engines liners are being protected from

the acidic products of combustion the

results of these tests are then

transmitted to our cloud-based mobile

serve platform they are analyzed against

a database of over half a million

records producing an accurate picture of

that engines lubrication needs in

minutes the results of the tests are

reported back to the ship and Shore

giving recommendations for optimizing

cylinder oil feed rates and providing

insights into engine condition our

state-of-the-art mobile serve cylinder

condition monitoring service will

benefit your operation with immediate

results tailored feed rate

recommendations safe and simple sampling

extended overhaul periods fuel sulfur

testing compliant to ISO 875 for mobile

serve cylinder condition monitoring

offers ship operators immediate and

long-term cost savings identifying

operational issues and potentially

helping to prevent catastrophic engine

failures for further information visit

the website at Exxon Mobil comm forward

00:03:40,489 --> 00:00:00,000
slash marine dash mobile serve
Cylinder oil is the largest part of a ship's lubricant budget so setting the
optimum cylinder oil feed rate is essential. Over lubrication not only wastes money
but can damage pistons and liners while under lubrication can result in cold
corrosion and mechanical wear. For operators and engineers understanding what's
happening inside an engine will be even more crucial during the run-up to the
International Maritime Organization's global 0.5% cap on sulphur emissions which
comes into force on the 1st of January 2020. Engineers testing bunker fuel oil
samples for sulfur content - ISO 8754 standard will need the support of cutting-
edge dependable technology. Exxon Mobil's Mobil serves cylinder condition
monitoring service provides the perfect solution for maintaining a healthy engine
and ensuring future emission compliance. Speed is the essence when responding to an
engines needs. Mobil Serves Cylinder Condition Monitoring works through three
processes: sample, analyze and act. Taking regular scrape down oil samples can
offer valuable insights into an engines health. However to be effective these
samples need to be evaluated quickly and accurately. We have developed a unique
onboard real-time scraped down oil analysis service that works for you 24/7 from
deep ocean to portside mobile serve cylinder condition monitoring is a next-
generation tool to help onboard engineers understand their engine's performance and
lubrication needs the service also drives cost savings by taking a proactive
approach to maintenance and extending component life vessels using this service
will have an easy-to-use testing unit on board that removes the need for time-
consuming wet chemistry the patented technology within the unit carries out two
tests on the sample to establish iron content and base number bien in the oil the
iron level in the sample provides an indication of an engines liner wear rate while
the bien level demonstrates if the engines liners are being protected from the
acidic products of combustion the results of these tests are then transmitted to
our cloud-based mobile serve platform they are analyzed against a database of over
half a million records producing an accurate picture of that engines lubrication
needs in minutes the results of the tests are reported back to the ship and Shore
giving recommendations for optimizing cylinder oil feed rates and providing
insights into engine condition our state-of-the-art mobile serve cylinder condition
monitoring service will benefit your operation with immediate results tailored feed
rate recommendations safe and simple sampling extended overhaul periods fuel sulfur
testing compliant to ISO 8754 mobile serve cylinder condition monitoring offers
ship operators immediate and long-term cost savings identifying operational issues
and potentially helping to prevent catastrophic engine failures for further
information visit

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