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I'm Manuel Córdova.

I worked the day of April, from the morning I went shopping to the market
with my mother and my sister and from there we prepared a good breakfast with the family, we
cleaned at home and then we prepared a delicious lunch of fried trout with their salad. my cousins
and we were invited to a marriage that will be held in July and then we will say how we are going
to be as a family and my father started talking about what we have to invite the whole family and
especially those from Lima and Trujillo and all my family felt happy for the marriage of my cousin
and in the afternoon we came to visit my uncles who invited us pumpkin porridge and all the
CORDOVA family came and then we went back in the evening to visit the seven churches
throughout the night until nine o'clock night, we went to dinner in the center my parents went
home because they were tired of the walk after saying goodbye to my parents I met with my
colleagues from the university, we went to a meeting Friends and we went for dinner and after
saying goodbye with my colleagues I went home and arrived tired and went to my room I fell
asleep and on Friday in the early hours of the morning, my family came to visit my whole family .
My uncle, my aunt, my cousins and my nephews came and then we had breakfast in the morning
and my godmother and my godfather came to go shopping at lunchtime. We all went out to the
countryside to prepare the delicious food that the men prepared. rich trout broaster began to have
lunch with the whole family and we offered a health and then we started talking about how we
work at home and at all times, in the afternoon we played soccer and volleyball When we arrived
at La Huaicha, there were many people in the different areas of the rides that we were expecting
a good time, but the rows of people who waited did not advance much and, if they did, they were
some, we remember that the Play Land Park had Arrived, so we better went to the stadium of
Castilla, which is where it is We got there too there were many people, but the lines advanced a
little faster than in La Huaicha, we got on the worm, the carousel and the boat. It was a day with
a lot of adrenaline and we were tired, we returned home not without first eating some sweets from
Play Land Park, like cotton candy, caramel apples. They were unforgettable and unforgettable
family days, it was also a moment to reflect among all. It was an exceptional holy week.and at
night we all arrived home to fight with our toast with the whole family and then my mother prepared
a little dinner for all my cousins and nephews who came from far away after a long time that will
soon be huancayo comverce with my uncle because of my work that this year I will take my title
to continue working on behalf of the state continue working as it should be and continue to study
and work to pay my pension of the UPLA and take a decision that this year I will buy my little
things and my needs of my house and have my own office and then work in double shift as you
see that work in the evening and at night because that same day sometimes things change when
a person decides to acer with their own things and then I went to my leg to see that of my thesis
to see if it is fine as it will be that of a research project in accordance with the new university law
to get my bachelor and get my degree
and then talk to my sister to do a research work on the thesis that my older brother had
and that to continue doing our updated thesis project and I read a book l historical life of
Born in the district of Ahuac, Chupaca province of the department of Junín, on December
16, 1970. Son of university professors Jaime Cerrón Palomino and Bertha Rojas López.
He attended primary school at the Sebastián Lorente School in the city of Huancayo and
secondary school at the Santa Isabel National School in the same city. He continued his
studies in Electrical Engineering at the National University of the Center of Peru and Civil
Engineering at the Universidad Peruana Los Andes, aspirations not concluded by the
national political violence in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1991 he received a scholarship to
Cuba to pursue studies in Human Medicine at the Carlos J. Finlay Institute of Medical
Sciences of Camagüey, now the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey,
graduating as a Doctor of Medicine in 1997. Once again in 1997, he received He
specialized in the Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital (Camagüey, Cuba),
obtaining the title of First Degree Specialist in Neurosurgery in 2002. In 2009 he obtained
his Master's Degree in Neurosciences and in 2010 he obtained his Doctor of Medicine
degree by the National University of San Marcos. She works in the National Hospital of
EsSalud de Huancayo, in the Neurosurgery Service. He teaches university at the Faculty
of Human Medicine of the National University of the Center of Peru and the Peruvian
University Los Andes in the chairs of Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and
Neurosurgery. He is a member of the Cuban Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery
and of the Academy of Doctors of the National University of the Center of Peru.
In 2005 he officially ventures into the political life of his region. Founds the Free Peru
Regional Political Movement. Apply to the Regional Government of Junin and succeed
in the regional elections of Peru in 2010, being elected in the first round Regional
President, for the period 2011-2014, with 172,979 votes representing 33.7% of valid
votes. On January 26, 2011, on the occasion of the first annual meeting of regional
leaders in the city of Lima, he was elected President of the National Assembly of
Regional Governments (ANGR). In the general elections of 2016, on January 11, 2016,
he registered as candidate for the Presidency of the Republic for the Partido Peru
Libertario, being one of the 19 presidential candidates, but in March 2016, he withdrew
his candidacy. It returns to postulate to the Regional Government of Junín the year 2018
and is elect in first return Regional Governor, for the period 2019-2022, with 216,644
votes representing 36.8% of the valid votes.

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