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How was your vacation-

Unit 1
Learning objectives
Communicative goals
 Greet someone arriving from a trip.
 Ask about someone’s vacation
 Discuss vacation preferences
 Describe good and bad vacation experiences

 Adjectives to describe trips
 Intensifiers
 Decline and accept help
 Good and bad vacation experiences

Listening skills/ pronunciation

 Listen for main ideas

 Listen for details
 Infer meaning

 The simple past tense ending.
 Regular verbs

1. Activity one

1. Listen to people talking about good and bad vacation.

A: Watch the Video: “How was your vacation? Scene 1: Video 26” While
watching, listen and repeat the conversation. You have to listen to it at least
three times.
Then, you can pause the video to look up unknown words in your dictionary.

Dictionaries on line:
1- Word reference: English-Spanish.

2- Howjsay: On line talking pronunciation dictionary

B: Focus on language: Write down the video clip script

C: Focus on language: Look at the scrip you have written down from the video.
With partners, find and write down expression following these criteria:

1. Three expressions that mean “things were not O.K.”.

- No, pretty bad

- That’s awful!
- That’s terrible!

2. An expression that means “a place is very near to other place”.

- Was right next to the café and the music was very loud.
3. An expression that means “the weather was not good”

- the weather was terrible

4. Eight words which meanings were intensified.

- Vacation
- Wonderful
- Happy
- Weather
- Hotel
- Room
- Café
- Music

5. Three expressions that mean “the fly was not O.K.”

6. An expression that means “the sun never rose(rise) in a day”.

7. A word that means “to live in a place for a while”.

8. An expression that means “the room was nice”.

9. An expression that means a person is sure about something he/she says.

10. An expression that means a vacation was great.

11. Six negative adjectives to describe bad situations on vacation.

D: Role play: With partners from your study group, via skype, practice the
conversation model from the video. Then, using this model, with your partners
create a similar situation talking about a tourist place in Colombia. You have to
shoot a video clip as learning evidence and upload it.

E: Watch the Video: “How was your vacation? Scene 2: Video 27” While
watching, listen and repeat the conversation. You have to listen to it at least
three times. You can pause the video to write down the script and then, you can
look up unknown words in your dictionary

F: Focus on language: Look at the scrip you have written down from the video.
With partners, find and write down expression following these criteria:

1- An expression that mean I glad you’re home again.

Welcome Back

2- Three bad events happened on vacation.

- On my vacation last year someone stole my car.
- I went on a cruise and there was an outbreak of illness.
- I went to Disney World and someone stole my map.

3- A sea food

I went to the beach and ate shrimp.

4- A sudden start of illness.

there was an outbreak of illness.

5- A journey on a ship for pleasure.

I went on a cruise

6- Three way to negatively intensify the meaning of vacation.

- a terrible vacation
- That was a horrible vacation.
- That´s your worst vacation?

7- One way to positively intensify the meaning of vacation.

It was amazing.

8- One way to describe a very interesting and full of action vacation.

I spent two weeks in the Caribbean last year, diving, snorkeling,

and swimming with dolphins. It was amazing.
9- One way to say “Bob is not in the mood for exciting vacation”,

you need to go on more exciting vacations.

10- Bob doesn’t like exciting vacation

I don´t like to travel very much.


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