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7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics


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8×8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth
 De j an ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / aut hor / howt om 12_wp/ )  Ar dui no Tut or i al s ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / c at e gor y/ t ut or i al s / ar dui no/ )

 34 ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / t ut or i al s / ar dui no/ 8x8-l e d-m at r i x-m ax7219-t ut or i al -s c r ol l i ng-t e xt -andr oi d-c ont r ol -vi a-bl ue t oot h/ # c om m e nt s )

In this Arduino tutorial we will learn how to control 8×8 LED Matrix using the MAX7219 driver and the Arduino board. You can watch the
following video or read the written tutorial below for more details.

8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth

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circuit board

android app code

arduino uno led

c++ code


We will make three examples, with the rst one we will explain the basic working principle of the MAX7219 , in the second example we will
see how the scrolling text on the 8×8 LED Matrix works, and in the third example we will control them via Bluetooth and a custom build
Android application.


Now let’s take a closer look at the MAX7219 driver. The IC is capable of driving 64 individual LEDs while using only 3 wires for
communication with the Arduino, and what’s more we can daisy chain multiple drivers and matrixes and still use the same 3 wires.

The 64 LEDs are driven by 16 output pins of the IC. The question now is how is that possible.  Well the maximum number of LEDs light up at
the same time is actually eight. The LEDs are arranged as 8×8 set of rows and columns. So the MAX7219 activates each column for a very
short period of time and at the same time it also drives each row. So by rapidly switching through the columns and rows the human eye
will only notice a continuous light.

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7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics

Note how the pins of a common 8×8 LED Matrix are internally arranged, so if you are building a matrix on your own you should consider it.
Also note that a common breakout board for the MAX7219 comes with a resistor between the 5V and the IC pin number 18. The resistor is
used for setting the brightness or the current ow to the LEDs.

The following table from the datasheet of the IC shows the value of the resistor that we should use according to the forward voltage drop
of our LEDs.

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7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics

Circuit Schematic

Now let’s connect the 8×8 LED Matrix module to the Arduino Board. Here’s the circuit schematic:

The VCC and GND of the module go to the 5V and GND pins of the Arduino and the three other pins, DIN, CLK and CS go to any digital pin
of the Arduino board. If we want to connect more than one module we just connect the output pins of the previous breakout board to the
input pins of the new module. Actually these pins are all the same except that the DOUT pin of the previous board goes to the DIN pin of
the new board.

You can get the components needed for this Arduino Tutorial from the links below:

8×8 LED MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module….. Amazon ( / Banggood

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HC-05 Bluetooth Module ……………………… Amazon ( / Banggood

Arduino Board …………………………………….. Amazon ( / Banggood


Breadboard and Jump Wires ………………… Amazon ( / Banggood


*Please note: These are a liate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this

Basic MAX7219 Arduino Code

Once we connect the modules we are ready to take a look at the Arduino code of the rst example. We will use the MaxMatrix library which
can be downloaded from GitHub (

1. /*
2. 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Example 01
4. by Dejan Nedelkovski,
6. Based on the following library:
7. GitHub | riyas-org/max7219
8. */
10. #include <MaxMatrix.h>
12. int DIN = 7; // DIN pin of MAX7219 module
13. int CLK = 6; // CLK pin of MAX7219 module
14. int CS = 5; // CS pin of MAX7219 module
15. int maxInUse = 1;
18. MaxMatrix m(DIN, CS, CLK, maxInUse);
20. char A[] = {4, 8,
21. B01111110,
22. B00010001,
23. B00010001,
24. B01111110,
25. };
27. char B[] = {4, 8,
28. B01111111,
29. B01001001,
30. B01001001,
31. B00110110,
32. };
34. char smile01[] = {8, 8,
35. B00111100,
36. B01000010,
37. B10010101,
38. B10100001,
39. B10100001,
40. B10010101,
41. B01000010,
42. B00111100
43. };
44. char smile02[] = {8, 8,
45. B00111100,
46. B01000010,
47. B10010101,
48. B10010001,
49. B10010001,
50. B10010101,
51. B01000010,
52. B00111100
53. };
54. char smile03[] = {8, 8,
55. B00111100,
56. B01000010,
57. B10100101,
58. B10010001,
59. B10010001,
60. B10100101,
61. B01000010,
62. This website uses cookies to improve user experience. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.
63. }; Ok Read more (
64. 5/43
7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics
65. void setup() {
66. m.init(); // MAX7219 initialization
67. m.setIntensity(8); // initial led matrix intensity, 0-15
68. }
70. void loop() {
71. // Seting the LEDs On or Off at x,y or row,column position
72. m.setDot(6,2,true);
73. delay(1000);
74. m.setDot(6,3,true);
75. delay(1000);
76. m.clear(); // Clears the display
77. for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
78. m.setDot(i,i,true);
79. delay(300);
80. }
81. m.clear();
82. // Displaying the character at x,y (upper left corner of the character)
83. m.writeSprite(2, 0, A);
84. delay(1000);
86. m.writeSprite(2, 0, B);
87. delay(1000);
89. m.writeSprite(0, 0, smile01);
90. delay(1000);
92. m.writeSprite(0, 0, smile02);
93. delay(1000);
95. m.writeSprite(0, 0, smile03);
96. delay(1000);
98. for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
99. m.shiftLeft(false,false);
100. delay(300);
101. }
102. m.clear();
104. }

Description: So rst we need to include the MaxMatrix.h library, de ne the pins to which the module is connected, set how many modules
we use and de ne the MaxMatrix object.

For displaying characters we need to de ne them in an array of characters or bytes, and here I have several examples. We can notice how
the bits are forming the characters which are actually zeros and ones. In this case they are rotated 90 degrees but the library example
suggests to use them in such a way so that would be easier later to implement the shiftLeft custom function for scrolling a text.

In the setup section we just need to initialize the module and set the brightness of the LEDs. In the loop section using the setDot() function
we can set any individual LED to light up at X, Y or Row/ Column position and using the clear() function we can clear the display.

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For displaying the prede ned characters we use the writeSprite() function, and rst two arguments are the X and Y position of the upper
left corner of character. At the end using the shiftLeft() function we move or scroll the character to the left.

8×8 LED Matrix Scrolling Arduino Code

Next let’s take a look at the scrolling text example and see what’s di erent. Below the code you will nd its description.

1. /*
2. 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Scrolling Text Example
4. Based on the following library:
5. GitHub | riyas-org/max7219
6. */
9. #include <MaxMatrix.h>
10. #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
12. PROGMEM const unsigned char CH[] = {
13. 3, 8, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // space
14. 1, 8, B01011111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // !
15. 3, 8, B00000011, B00000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00000000, // "
16. 5, 8, B00010100, B00111110, B00010100, B00111110, B00010100, // #
17. 4, 8, B00100100, B01101010, B00101011, B00010010, B00000000, // $
18. 5, 8, B01100011, B00010011, B00001000, B01100100, B01100011, // %
19. 5, 8, B00110110, B01001001, B01010110, B00100000, B01010000, // &
20. 1, 8, B00000011, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // '
21. 3, 8, B00011100, B00100010, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // (
22. 3, 8, B01000001, B00100010, B00011100, B00000000, B00000000, // )
23. 5, 8, B00101000, B00011000, B00001110, B00011000, B00101000, // *
24. 5, 8, B00001000, B00001000, B00111110, B00001000, B00001000, // +
25. 2, 8, B10110000, B01110000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ,
26. 4, 8, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00000000, // -
27. 2, 8, B01100000, B01100000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // .
28. 4, 8, B01100000,
B00011000, B00000110, B00000001, B00000000, // /
29. 4, 8, B00111110,
B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // 0
30. 3, 8, B01000010,
B01111111, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // 1
31. 4, 8, B01100010,
B01010001, B01001001, B01000110, B00000000, // 2
32. 4, 8, B00100010,
B01000001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // 3
33. 4, 8, B00011000,
B00010100, B00010010, B01111111, B00000000, // 4
34. 4, 8, B00100111,
B01000101, B01000101, B00111001, B00000000, // 5
35. 4, 8, B00111110,
B01001001, B01001001, B00110000, B00000000, // 6
36. 4, 8, B01100001,
B00010001, B00001001,
This website B00000111,
uses cookies to improveB00000000, // 7By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.
user experience.
37. 4, 8, B00110110,
B01001001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // 8
38. 4, 8, B00000110, B01001001, B01001001, Ok B00111110,
Read more (
B00000000, // 9 7/43
7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics
39. 2, 8, B01010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // :
40. 2, 8, B10000000, B01010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ;
41. 3, 8, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, B00000000, B00000000, // <
42. 3, 8, B00010100, B00010100, B00010100, B00000000, B00000000, // =
43. 3, 8, B01000100, B00101000, B00010000, B00000000, B00000000, // >
44. 4, 8, B00000010, B01011001, B00001001, B00000110, B00000000, // ?
45. 5, 8, B00111110, B01001001, B01010101, B01011101, B00001110, // @
46. 4, 8, B01111110, B00010001, B00010001, B01111110, B00000000, // A
47. 4, 8, B01111111, B01001001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // B
48. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B00100010, B00000000, // C
49. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // D
50. 4, 8, B01111111, B01001001, B01001001, B01000001, B00000000, // E
51. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B00000001, B00000000, // F
52. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01001001, B01111010, B00000000, // G
53. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001000, B00001000, B01111111, B00000000, // H
54. 3, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // I
55. 4, 8, B00110000, B01000000, B01000001, B00111111, B00000000, // J
56. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001000, B00010100, B01100011, B00000000, // K
57. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B00000000, // L
58. 5, 8, B01111111, B00000010, B00001100, B00000010, B01111111, // M
59. 5, 8, B01111111, B00000100, B00001000, B00010000, B01111111, // N
60. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // O
61. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B00000110, B00000000, // P
62. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B10111110, B00000000, // Q
63. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B01110110, B00000000, // R
64. 4, 8, B01000110, B01001001, B01001001, B00110010, B00000000, // S
65. 5, 8, B00000001, B00000001, B01111111, B00000001, B00000001, // T
66. 4, 8, B00111111, B01000000, B01000000, B00111111, B00000000, // U
67. 5, 8, B00001111, B00110000, B01000000, B00110000, B00001111, // V
68. 5, 8, B00111111, B01000000, B00111000, B01000000, B00111111, // W
69. 5, 8, B01100011, B00010100, B00001000, B00010100, B01100011, // X
70. 5, 8, B00000111, B00001000, B01110000, B00001000, B00000111, // Y
71. 4, 8, B01100001, B01010001, B01001001, B01000111, B00000000, // Z
72. 2, 8, B01111111, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // [
73. 4, 8, B00000001, B00000110, B00011000, B01100000, B00000000, // \ backslash
74. 2, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ]
75. 3, 8, B00000010, B00000001, B00000010, B00000000, B00000000, // hat
76. 4, 8, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B00000000, // _
77. 2, 8, B00000001, B00000010, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // `
78. 4, 8, B00100000, B01010100, B01010100, B01111000, B00000000, // a
79. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000100, B01000100, B00111000, B00000000, // b
80. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B00101000, B00000000, // c
81. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B01111111, B00000000, // d
82. 4, 8, B00111000, B01010100, B01010100, B00011000, B00000000, // e
83. 3, 8, B00000100, B01111110, B00000101, B00000000, B00000000, // f
84. 4, 8, B10011000, B10100100, B10100100, B01111000, B00000000, // g
85. 4, 8, B01111111, B00000100, B00000100, B01111000, B00000000, // h
86. 3, 8, B01000100, B01111101, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // i
87. 4, 8, B01000000, B10000000, B10000100, B01111101, B00000000, // j
88. 4, 8, B01111111, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, B00000000, // k
89. 3, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // l
90. 5, 8, B01111100, B00000100, B01111100, B00000100, B01111000, // m
91. 4, 8, B01111100, B00000100, B00000100, B01111000, B00000000, // n
92. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B00111000, B00000000, // o
93. 4, 8, B11111100, B00100100, B00100100, B00011000, B00000000, // p
94. 4, 8, B00011000, B00100100, B00100100, B11111100, B00000000, // q
95. 4, 8, B01111100, B00001000, B00000100, B00000100, B00000000, // r
96. 4, 8, B01001000, B01010100, B01010100, B00100100, B00000000, // s
97. 3, 8, B00000100, B00111111, B01000100, B00000000, B00000000, // t
98. 4, 8, B00111100, B01000000, B01000000, B01111100, B00000000, // u
99. 5, 8, B00011100, B00100000, B01000000, B00100000, B00011100, // v
100. 5, 8, B00111100, B01000000, B00111100, B01000000, B00111100, // w
101. 5, 8, B01000100, B00101000, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, // x
102. 4, 8, B10011100, B10100000, B10100000, B01111100, B00000000, // y
103. 3, 8, B01100100, B01010100, B01001100, B00000000, B00000000, // z
104. 3, 8, B00001000, B00110110, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // {
105. 1, 8, B01111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // |
106. 3, 8, B01000001, B00110110, B00001000, B00000000, B00000000, // }
107. 4, 8, B00001000, B00000100, B00001000, B00000100, B00000000, // ~
108. };
110. int DIN = 7; // DIN pin of MAX7219 module
111. int CLK = 6; // CLK pin of MAX7219 module
112. int CS = 5; // CS pin of MAX7219 module
113. int maxInUse = 2;
115. MaxMatrix m(DIN, CS, CLK, maxInUse);
117. byte buffer[10];
119. char text[]= " "; // Scrolling text
121. void setup() {
122. m.init(); // moduleThis
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123. m.setIntensity(15); // dot matix intensity 0-15
124. } Ok Read more ( 8/43
7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics
126. void loop() {
128. printStringWithShift(text, 100); // (text, scrolling speed)
130. }
131. // Display=the extracted characters with scrolling
132. void printCharWithShift(char c, int shift_speed) {
133. if (c < 32) return;
134. c -= 32;
135. memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7 * c, 7);
136. m.writeSprite(32, 0, buffer);
137. m.setColumn(32 + buffer[0], 0);
139. for (int i = 0; i < buffer[0] + 1; i++)
140. {
141. delay(shift_speed);
142. m.shiftLeft(false, false);
143. }
144. }
145. // Extract the characters from the text string
146. void printStringWithShift(char* s, int shift_speed) {
147. while (*s != 0) {
148. printCharWithShift(*s, shift_speed);
149. s++;
150. }
151. }

Description: Here we have to include an additional library for the PROGMEN which is variable modi er and it’s used for storing data in the
ash memory instead of SRAM. When we have a larger database of variables which are static, like in this case de ning letters and
characters, it’s better to store them in the ash memory because it’s much bigger, 32K bytes, compared to the 2K bytes of the SRAM.

Next with a character array we de ne the scrolling text and in the loop section the custom function printStringWithShift, prints the
scrolling text on the LED matrix with a scrolling speed de ned in milliseconds with the second argument. The rst thing that this custom
function do is that it extracts the characters from the text string and then display these scrolling characters on the led matrix.


max7219 arduino code

arduino led matrix

Android App for Controlling 8×8 LED Matrix via Bluetooth

Once we learned how the MAX7219 works, now we can make the third example which is a practical Arduino project where we will build a
custom Android app to control the LED matrix via Bluetooth communication. Before we continue I would suggest you to check my detailed
tutorials on how to use the HC-05 Bluetooth module (
module-tutorial/) and how to build a custom Android app using the MIT App Inventor online application

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Here’s the Arduino code and now let’s see the modi cations compared to the previous example.

1. /*
2. 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Scrolling Text
3. Android Control via Bluetooth
5. by Dejan Nedelkovski,
7. Based on the following library:
8. GitHub | riyas-org/max7219
9. */
11. #include <MaxMatrix.h>
12. #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
13. #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
15. PROGMEM const unsigned char CH[] = {
16. 3, 8, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // space
17. 1, 8, B01011111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // !
18. 3, 8, B00000011, B00000000, B00000011, B00000000, B00000000, // "
19. 5, 8, B00010100, B00111110, B00010100, B00111110, B00010100, // #
20. 4, 8, B00100100, B01101010, B00101011, B00010010, B00000000, // $
21. 5, 8, B01100011, B00010011, B00001000, B01100100, B01100011, // %
22. 5, 8, B00110110, B01001001, B01010110, B00100000, B01010000, // &
23. 1, 8, B00000011, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // '
24. 3, 8, B00011100, B00100010, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // (
25. 3, 8, B01000001, B00100010, B00011100, B00000000, B00000000, // )
26. 5, 8, B00101000, B00011000, B00001110, B00011000, B00101000, // *
27. 5, 8, B00001000, B00001000, B00111110, B00001000, B00001000, // +
28. 2, 8, B10110000, B01110000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ,
29. 4, 8, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00000000, // -
30. 2, 8, B01100000, B01100000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // .
31. 4, 8, B01100000, B00011000, B00000110, B00000001, B00000000, // /
32. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // 0
33. 3, 8, B01000010, B01111111, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // 1
34. 4, 8, B01100010, B01010001, B01001001, B01000110, B00000000, // 2
35. 4, 8, B00100010, B01000001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // 3
36. 4, 8, B00011000, B00010100, B00010010, B01111111, B00000000, // 4
37. 4, 8, B00100111, B01000101, B01000101, B00111001, B00000000, // 5
38. 4, 8, B00111110, B01001001, B01001001, B00110000, B00000000, // 6
39. 4, 8, B01100001, B00010001, B00001001, B00000111, B00000000, // 7
40. 4, 8, B00110110, B01001001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // 8
41. 4, 8, B00000110, B01001001, B01001001, B00111110, B00000000, // 9
42. 2, 8, B01010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // :
43. 2, 8, B10000000, B01010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ;
44. 3, 8, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, B00000000, B00000000, // <
45. 3, 8, B00010100, B00010100, B00010100, B00000000, B00000000, // =
46. 3, 8, B01000100, B00101000, B00010000, B00000000, B00000000, // >
47. 4, 8, B00000010, B01011001, B00001001, B00000110, B00000000, // ?
48. 5, 8, B00111110, B01001001, B01010101, B01011101, B00001110, // @
49. 4, 8, B01111110, B00010001, B00010001, B01111110, B00000000, // A
50. 4, 8, B01111111, B01001001, B01001001, B00110110, B00000000, // B
51. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B00100010, B00000000, // C
52. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // D
53. 4, 8, B01111111, B01001001, B01001001, B01000001, B00000000, // E
54. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B00000001, B00000000, // F
55. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01001001, B01111010, B00000000, // G
56. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001000, B00001000, B01111111, B00000000, // H
57. 3, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // I
58. 4, 8, B00110000, This website
B01000000, uses cookies
B01000001, to improveB00000000,
B00111111, user experience.
// JBy using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.
59. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001000, B00010100, B01100011, B00000000, // K
Ok Read more (
60. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B00000000, // L 10/43
7/4/2019 8x8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth - HowToMechatronics
61. 5, 8, B01111111, B00000010, B00001100, B00000010, B01111111, // M
62. 5, 8, B01111111, B00000100, B00001000, B00010000, B01111111, // N
63. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B00111110, B00000000, // O
64. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B00000110, B00000000, // P
65. 4, 8, B00111110, B01000001, B01000001, B10111110, B00000000, // Q
66. 4, 8, B01111111, B00001001, B00001001, B01110110, B00000000, // R
67. 4, 8, B01000110, B01001001, B01001001, B00110010, B00000000, // S
68. 5, 8, B00000001, B00000001, B01111111, B00000001, B00000001, // T
69. 4, 8, B00111111, B01000000, B01000000, B00111111, B00000000, // U
70. 5, 8, B00001111, B00110000, B01000000, B00110000, B00001111, // V
71. 5, 8, B00111111, B01000000, B00111000, B01000000, B00111111, // W
72. 5, 8, B01100011, B00010100, B00001000, B00010100, B01100011, // X
73. 5, 8, B00000111, B00001000, B01110000, B00001000, B00000111, // Y
74. 4, 8, B01100001, B01010001, B01001001, B01000111, B00000000, // Z
75. 2, 8, B01111111, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // [
76. 4, 8, B00000001, B00000110, B00011000, B01100000, B00000000, // \ backslash
77. 2, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // ]
78. 3, 8, B00000010, B00000001, B00000010, B00000000, B00000000, // hat
79. 4, 8, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B00000000, // _
80. 2, 8, B00000001, B00000010, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // `
81. 4, 8, B00100000, B01010100, B01010100, B01111000, B00000000, // a
82. 4, 8, B01111111, B01000100, B01000100, B00111000, B00000000, // b
83. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B00101000, B00000000, // c
84. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B01111111, B00000000, // d
85. 4, 8, B00111000, B01010100, B01010100, B00011000, B00000000, // e
86. 3, 8, B00000100, B01111110, B00000101, B00000000, B00000000, // f
87. 4, 8, B10011000, B10100100, B10100100, B01111000, B00000000, // g
88. 4, 8, B01111111, B00000100, B00000100, B01111000, B00000000, // h
89. 3, 8, B01000100, B01111101, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // i
90. 4, 8, B01000000, B10000000, B10000100, B01111101, B00000000, // j
91. 4, 8, B01111111, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, B00000000, // k
92. 3, 8, B01000001, B01111111, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, // l
93. 5, 8, B01111100, B00000100, B01111100, B00000100, B01111000, // m
94. 4, 8, B01111100, B00000100, B00000100, B01111000, B00000000, // n
95. 4, 8, B00111000, B01000100, B01000100, B00111000, B00000000, // o
96. 4, 8, B11111100, B00100100, B00100100, B00011000, B00000000, // p
97. 4, 8, B00011000, B00100100, B00100100, B11111100, B00000000, // q
98. 4, 8, B01111100, B00001000, B00000100, B00000100, B00000000, // r
99. 4, 8, B01001000, B01010100, B01010100, B00100100, B00000000, // s
100. 3, 8, B00000100, B00111111, B01000100, B00000000, B00000000, // t
101. 4, 8, B00111100, B01000000, B01000000, B01111100, B00000000, // u
102. 5, 8, B00011100, B00100000, B01000000, B00100000, B00011100, // v
103. 5, 8, B00111100, B01000000, B00111100, B01000000, B00111100, // w
104. 5, 8, B01000100, B00101000, B00010000, B00101000, B01000100, // x
105. 4, 8, B10011100, B10100000, B10100000, B01111100, B00000000, // y
106. 3, 8, B01100100, B01010100, B01001100, B00000000, B00000000, // z
107. 3, 8, B00001000, B00110110, B01000001, B00000000, B00000000, // {
108. 1, 8, B01111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // |
109. 3, 8, B01000001, B00110110, B00001000, B00000000, B00000000, // }
110. 4, 8, B00001000, B00000100, B00001000, B00000100, B00000000, // ~
111. };
113. int dIn = 7; // DIN pin of MAX7219 module
114. int clk = 6; // CLK pin of MAX7219 module
115. int cs = 5; // CS pin of MAX7219 module
117. int maxInUse = 2; // Number of MAX7219's connected
119. MaxMatrix m(dIn, cs, clk, maxInUse);
120. SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(8, 7); // Bluetooth
122. byte buffer[10];
123. char incomebyte;
124. int scrollSpeed = 100;
125. char text[100] = " "; // Initial text message
126. int brightness = 15;
127. int count = 0;
128. char indicator;
130. void setup() {
131. m.init(); // MAX7219 initialization
132. m.setIntensity(brightness); // initial led matrix intensity, 0-15
133. Bluetooth.begin(38400); // Default communication rate of the Bluetooth module
134. }
136. void loop() {
137. // Printing the text
138. printStringWithShift(text, scrollSpeed);
140. if (Bluetooth.available()) { // Checks whether data is comming from the serial port
141. indicator =; // Starts reading the serial port, the first byte from the incoming data
142. // If we have pressed the "Send" button from the Android App, clear the previous text
143. if (indicator == '1') {
144. for (int i = 0;This
i <website
100; i++)
uses {
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145. text[i] = 0;
146. m.clear(); Ok Read more ( 11/43
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147. }
148. // Read the whole data/string comming from the phone and put it into text[] array.
149. while (Bluetooth.available()) {
150. incomebyte =;
151. text[count] = incomebyte;
152. count++;
153. }
154. count = 0;
155. }
156. // Adjusting the Scrolling Speed
157. else if (indicator == '2') {
158. String sS = Bluetooth.readString();
159. scrollSpeed = 150 - sS.toInt(); // Milliseconds, subtraction because lower value means higher scrolling speed
160. }
161. // Adjusting the brightness
162. else if (indicator == '3') {
163. String sB = Bluetooth.readString();
164. brightness = sB.toInt();
165. m.setIntensity(brightness);
166. }
167. }
169. }
171. void printCharWithShift(char c, int shift_speed) {
172. if (c < 32) return;
173. c -= 32;
174. memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7 * c, 7);
175. m.writeSprite(32, 0, buffer);
176. m.setColumn(32 + buffer[0], 0);
178. for (int i = 0; i < buffer[0] + 1; i++)
179. {
180. delay(shift_speed);
181. m.shiftLeft(false, false);
182. }
183. }
185. void printStringWithShift(char* s, int shift_speed) {
186. while (*s != 0) {
187. printCharWithShift(*s, shift_speed);
188. s++;
189. }
190. }
192. void printString(char* s)
193. {
194. int col = 0;
195. while (*s != 0)
196. {
197. if (*s < 32) continue;
198. char c = *s - 32;
199. memcpy_P(buffer, CH + 7 * c, 7);
200. m.writeSprite(col, 0, buffer);
201. m.setColumn(col + buffer[0], 0);
202. col += buffer[0] + 1;
203. s++;
204. }
205. }

Description: First we need to include the SoftwareSerial.h library which will enable the Bluetooth communication and de ne some
variables needed for the program. In the setup section we need to initialize the Bluetooth at its default baud rate of 38400 bits per second.
I set the initial text message to be “” with 100 milliseconds delay scrolling speed.

Next, in the loop section, using the Bluetooth.available() function we check whether there is incoming data from the serial port and if that’s
true using the function we start reading the serial port, one byte each iteration. So the rst incoming byte will be always
stored into the “indicator” variable and according to it choose whether we will change the text message, the scrolling speed or the
brightness of the LED matrix.

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If we take a look at the Android app code blocks we can notice that when the “Send” button is clicked, rst we send the indication byte, in
this case “1”, which means we want the change the text message. In order to do that, at the Arduino side, we will clear the whole character
array and also clear the LED matrix display. Then in the “while” loop we will read the rest of the data in the serial port, and that’s the
messaged typed in the text box of the Android app.

In case the indication variable is “2”, that means we have changed the position of the scrolling speed slider, so we will read its new value
using the Bluetooth.readString() function and adjust the scrolling speed. In the same way we adjust the brightness of the LEDs.

Here you can download the Android app:

AndrodApp for Arduino 8x8 LED Matrix Control 1.48 MB


AndrodApp for Arduino 8×8 LED Matrix Control .aia le 34.06 KB


That’s pretty much everything for this tutorial, if you have any question you can use the comments section below.

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A rduino ( https ://howtome c ha tronic s .c om/ta g /a rduino/) B lue tooth ( https ://howtome c ha tronic s .c om/ta g /blue tooth/)

HC -05 ( https ://howtome c ha tronic s .c om/ta g /hc -05/) MA X7219 ( https ://howtome c ha tronic s .c om/ta g /ma x7219/)

Т utoria l ( https ://howtome c ha tronic s .c om/ta g /tutoria l/)


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 De j an ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / aut hor / howt om 12_wp/ )


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 5 ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / t ut or i al s / ar dui no/ ar dui no-and-hc -12-l ong-r ange -wi r e l e s s -c om m uni c at i on-m odul e / # c om m e nt s )



 De j an ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / aut hor / howt om 12_wp/ )

 55 ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / t ut or i al s / ar dui no/ di y-ar dui no-r obot -ar m -wi t h-s m ar t phone -c ont r ol / # c om m e nt s )

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 10 ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / t ut or i al s / ar dui no/ ar dui no-br us hl e s s -m ot or -c ont r ol -t ut or i al -e s c -bl dc / # c om m e nt s )



prasant ( April 8, 2017


Thanks for your project . I was made this project using AVR microcontroller but now thanks for your tutorial so that i can make it again
from arduino


kim April 26, 2017 (


Max 7219 dot matrix is the only possible example ?? Is it possible to use di erent dot matrix ??


Dejan Nedelkovski ( May 11, 2017 (


Sure you can achieve this with di erent dot matrix but you would probably need a di erent code as well.
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Chris Donovant May 20, 2017 (


I have loved your videos, some of the most informative, however this one is not working properly. I have no problems reading on the matrix but cant communicate with it via BT . None of the app features work for me, are you not using tx/rx
pins on the arduino? It seems your using 7,8 and using 7 for the matrix. I hope this is clear. I have been trying to gure this out for weeks
and cant. We are making a sign for the church and trying to use this please help!!!.


Dejan Nedelkovski ( May 24, 2017 (


That’s correct, pins 9 and 8 are for the Bluetooth, and for the matrix, 7 is Din, 6 CLK, 5 CS. I made a correction in the code.
Additionally you can check my other detailed tutorials about using Arduino, Bluetooth, Android and the App Inventor.


emerson vera June 23, 2017 (


Hello but which goes to the rx and what the tx -of the module bluethoot of the two pins 9-8 thank you.


Dejan Nedelkovski ( June 28, 2017 (


Tx – Pin 8, RX – Pin 9


George Lambrou September 8, 2018 (


Dear Dejan, thank you for your well written tutorials and your will to share them with the Arduino community worldwide. Now i
would really like your opinion/help.

I did everything like in the article and the message is scrolling perfectly but i cannot connect my smartphone with the bluetooth
device. I see the BT05 but when i try to conenct i get no reply from it. It seems that maybe the problem is that the HC-05 is in AT
mode and not in Data mode and thats why the red LED is blinking slowly (1 time every 2 sec) . Do you have any idea what is may
causing the fault? Also in the serial monitoring when i press something i am not receiving ‘ok’ as a reply from the module.

The code needs the following

This websitecorrection : SoftwareSerial
uses cookies to BTSerial(8,9);
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The pin 7 is already occupied! Ok Read more ( 17/43
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Dejan ( September 15, 2018 (


Well you should rst try the examples from the basic Arduino Bluetooth tutorial. You might have connected the Bluetooth module
incorrectly (or de ned the pins incorrectly), or maybe you model has di erent default baud rate of 9600 instead of 38400.

Matthew Joseph (https://yahoo) September 27, 2017 (


Wow! it is so educating, Please I am using Arduino 1.6.12 version to upload, but it is complaining of—– fatal error: MaxMatrix.h: No such
le or directory. so I don’t know if it is the version is used that caused it.


Dejan Nedelkovski ( September 28, 2017 (


It sounds like you haven’t installed the library.


Foxy Roxford October 18, 2017 (


how many of these led matrix i can do in series?, will it become to long if i make it into 8*104 (13 led matrix 8*8)?. thanks in advance


Dejan Nedelkovski ( October 22, 2017 (


The recommended number is 8 modules in series.


Adithya Srinivas October 20, 2017 (


It’s a great project but it having some di culty in Bluetooth sketch

after some modi cations it working very ne and like a charm can i please have the Bluetooth app aia le please


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Dejan Nedelkovski ( October 22, 2017 (


The app le can be found at the bottom of the article.


John Warrener October 21, 2017 (


Excellent project, all working ne except I can’t connect from my Android (version 4.1.2) using the app. The Android bluetooth setting
sees the HC-05 and pairs with it OK but when clicking “Connect” on the app, it says “not connected”. Have tested the HC-05 with other
devices and it works ne – any ideas?
Thank you.


Dejan Nedelkovski ( October 22, 2017 (


Not quite sure, but I guess there isn’t much you can do about it. Probably the MIT app inventor is not compatible with the older
Android version.


John Warrener October 23, 2017 (


Thanks for the reply; I’ve loaded the app on my mobile and it works ne so you are right. Have added another 4 LED matrix board
making 8 in total and get the following problem:
Numbering the LED modules from 1 to 8 starting with the one nearest the Arduino, program works ne with up to 4 modules,
changing to 5 (maxInUse = 5), the display starts half way across module 1 and also does not display on the rst half of module 6.
Changing the number of modules through 6 to 8, I have the same problem but moved over one module. Set to 4, I get the same
message displayed twice – on 1 to 4 and 5 to 8 so I know all the modules are working OK and can’t nd any problem with the wiring.
Have you tried this program with 8 modules?

Horst November 18, 2017 (


Hello, i have a problem with the App.

Left down block there is a stetement set Message Status.Text to …
I´ve no idea where this comes from and so i´m not able to send any text to the hc 05.
Is ist possible tha you upload the .aia le for the app inventor?


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Dejan Nedelkovski ( November 23, 2017 (

Please check the downloads now, I’ve update the article and add the .aia le.


John Warrener November 18, 2017 (


As a follow-up to my previous post, I’ve now made a printed circuit board for this project and with 6 modules connected, it runs ne (30
minutes, no problems). When I add one or two more module, after about 1 minute, various faults occur – whole modules stop
displaying and /or random leds ashing on and o . I’m using a 5 volt power supply capable of supplying several amps so don’t think it’s
a power problem. Have also added decoupling capacitors across all the voltage rails to each module. Have also tried adding pull-up
resistors and then pull-down resistor to the CS, CLOCK and DIN lines without any improvement. If I power o and on again, it works ne
for a minute or so. Just wondered if anyone else has got this working with all eight modules connected.


Dejan Nedelkovski ( November 23, 2017 (


Thanks for the follow-up, you have done quite some work to get there. I’m so sorry I’m not able to give any speci c help at this point,
as I don’t have and haven’t tried working with 8 modules. How about trying it with another Arduino board?


John Warrener November 24, 2017 (


Hi Dejan
Thanks for the reply and you were 100% correct. Have tried it with Uno and Nano and both work as expected; no glitches! Re-tried
with 2 other Pro Minis and both these gave same problems so either I’ve got a bad batch or the Pro Mini is not suitable. Will be
using the Nano for this project now. Thanks again for you help.

Wachid Elektronik May 6, 2018 (


Mr. John & Mr. Dejan…

Iam so sorry to join in this comment. May be my answer will help you to solbe the problem.

My question is from where the the 5V which supplying the 8pcs dot matrix module? Is it take from yhe arduino or from external
power suplies? As I know the 5V pin of arduino only can supply the module in a limited Amp. So maybe it will dropped when you ise
the 6 or 8 pcs dot matrix in high brightness.

My suggestion is set the brightness to be (1) or use an extelnal 5V supply directly to the dotmatrix module.

Hope this can helpfully…

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Pinak Oza November 26, 2017 (


Sorry, I forgot to mention that though code is working great, it is displaying and scrolling text in wrong direction… Text needs to be
rotated 90 degrees. Any way to do it?


Dejan Nedelkovski ( November 26, 2017 (


I know that’s a problem that occurs with some models. You could try with di erent library or with di erent bytes for the character


Nilton Oliveira January 14, 2018 (


What is the use of this le?


Can I open the project in the inventor app to make some modi cations


Dejan Nedelkovski ( January 17, 2018 (


Yes, that’s the MIT App Inventor project le, which can be modi ed.


Nilton Oliveira January 19, 2018 (


Okay, I was able to build


Nilton Oliveira January 19, 2018 (


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Good afternoon,
I made the design with two Matrix MAX7219, in the test with the code “8×8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Scrolling Text Android Control via
Bluetooth”, the scrolling is starting in each Matrix at the same time. I am using the Arduino Mega ADK, could this be the cause of this
error. Do I have to modify anything in the code?


Kolo October 26, 2018 (


You need to change:

int maxInUse = 1;
int maxInUse = 2;
because you are using two modules.


Mat March 5, 2018 (


Very inspiring! thanks for sharing your knowledge with this tutorial !!!


Seba June 10, 2018 (


If the bluetooth control does not work you need to change the speed of the serial port to 9600.
133. Bluetooth.begin(9600); // Default communication rate of the Bluetooth module


Bernard August 1, 2018 (


Hi Dejan,

Thanks a lot for sharing. Very good job!

For me, everything is OK (I had just to adapt the pins for Arduino UNO and the speed for Bluetooth Module to 9600 and the number of
modules to 8).
I’m using FC-16 ( 2 x 4 modules of MAXX7216 soldered from factory).
Is there a way to turn each module to 1/4 turn anti-clockwise ? I don’t want to de-solder and resolder the 8 modules !

PS in another project I tried (with another library), I had the same problem and I found that I had to adapt from this in the IDE :
from this :
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to this :

I tried to change a lot of stu s into libraries, code, etc… but without success.
So if you have an idea how I can x that … I will be gracefull !!

Have a good day.




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( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / aut hor / howt om 12_wp/ )
 18
 39 ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / pr oj e c t s / di y- ( ht t ps : // howt om e c hat r oni c s . c om / pr oj e c t s / ar dui no-
ar dui no-r c -t r ans m i t t e r / # c om m e nt s ) ant -he xapod-r obot / # c om m e nt s )


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Arduino Radar
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( ht t ps : // howt om

 349
( ht t ps : // howt om
r adar -pr oj e c t / # c



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